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Seeking Paradise

Scariest day!

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IT was getting pretty dark when I left school to head home yesterday. I was walking quickly towards the bus stop when a guy wearing loose pants hanging off his butt approached me.

He had that "cool" :rolleyes: limping walk going on....waxaa umaleeyneysaa inuu jiis ahaa su u soconayey. HE was wearing a long, loose hooded black sweatshirt, and had on dark sunglasses (it was magrib mind you!)


I was a little nervous and as I sat on the bench, and discreetly moved towards the end. I turned away hoping he wouldnt talk to me. I started praying silently under my breath and mentally cursing my cousin for not picking me up.


Who am I kidding! I was scared out of my mind. There are hardly any blacks where I live..and I couldnt help it. People dressed like that scare the hell out of me. I dont care if its black, white, chinese, etc.


I heard him cough a couple of times...I sensed that he was trying to get my attention.


I was praying that the bus would show up. I didnt want to talk to this person at all.


There was this uncomfortable silence. The hair at the back of my neck were literally standing up! :eek:


I looked at him...he had removed the hood of his shirt...and his hair was in a messy dreadlock/afro fashion..have never seen something so silly in my life. He was also wearing a gold chain and had a couple of rings on his fingers.


HE leaned close to me and as my heart was close to thumping out of my chest, he asked in a soft voice..


"Abaayo somali maa tahey"


I fainted...not literally but almost..goodness..who would have thought?


Walahi dhalinyaradee intii dhaqankoodii ka tageen bee kiina amerikaanka gaarin.



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Walaahi a rag tag looking somali dude freaked me out just like that in downtown San Francisco 4 years ago...

the guy was a complete mess, teeth were yerllow, cloths were dirty, hair was disgusting rasta, and his smell was a combination of beer and weed... we struck a short convo inwhich he told me how he lived in Hawai then moved to the bay area were he lived for the past 24 years...he introduced me to a 2 ton white chick who was stright up trailer trash as his wife!!! amazingly though... the guy was respectful and didnt swear while talking to me... what amazed me more was how fluent his english and somali were!!


but daym ya all... it saddend me to see nin muslim ah in such bad shape...

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Dark Angel:

Next time carry a bottle of mase and a pocketknife. Or istakiin. :D


But seriously...those people are nuts!Yuck. Walahi I find it so incredibly ugly when they dress like that..uffeey icon_razz.gif


That is really sad @ Jackson. :(

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War kaas iyo wax kasiidaran everyday aan partyada ku arkaa...


Nowadayz, I am more scared of my ppl than others (ie other blacks or whites etc)...It is really amazing how we are so quick to p/u on communities bad habits ... :(

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kaalay Ngonge iyo Ilcapo ayaa dadkaan dhan ka waalee....Journals eeba nagu wada qorteen ka waran...


wareer badanaa!!!

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