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Islam: Essential or Interesting Websites!

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I thought that this website USC-MSA Compendium of Muslim Texts, which I didn't really checked thorougly, provides a Very Succinct, Partial and Only Complementary Introduction to Islamic Studies in English (A very superficial treatment of Ahaadeths or "mustalah al-hadith"), but of course, Original Texts in Arabic explained by Muslim Scholars are Indispensable.


An interesting eye-opener for those of us who take their Deen for granted, doubt or are are on other paths, the section Misconceptions About Islam section of this University of Southern California Website page also correct some common and quite widespread prejudicied views that are sadly witnessed even within Islamic communities.


One could hope that pseudo-Muslims, complexed "seculars" who ignore their Deen while revering those laws based on ancient pagan or Christian usages and traditions such as the Common Law, Code Civil etc will get basic acquaintance with Fundamental Islamic Studies through autenthic sources, ie the trusted, unsurpassed Scholars (Quran, Ahaadith and the resulting Fiqh as well as Aqeedah or belief).


However, these excellent Muslim Websites are most useful for committed Muslims and relatively concise with well-known Somali Sheikhs: Masjidusunnah and its twin with an "English Lectures" section and will allow everyone to fulfill adequately his primary duty as Muslim, notably the most important Salat, through the indispensable "Sifatu Salaat" of the great Hadith specialist Sheikh Al-Albaane.


Let's always remember that the Prophet ordered us to pray as we saw him (which imply relying on autenthic Ahaadeths) and Allah has promised explicitely to not punish those who perform it both correctly as well as regularly, a guarantee unavailable for the rest, as stated in the book version introduction!

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