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U.K turns CCTV on pooping dogs !

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:D This is getting ridiculous ......... personally i would find it scary to be under surveillance 24/7 .. what is going on on the other side of the pond ? i thought Americans were bad ?


Billions of pounds has been spent on it, but no thought has gone into how the police are going to use the images and how they will be used in court. It's been an utter fiasco: only 3 percent of crimes were solved by CCTV. There's no fear of CCTV. Why don't people fear it? (They think) the cameras are not working."

-- some of the very important uses for CCTV are:


- Derby City Council, Bolton, Gateshead, and Hartlepool used surveillance to investigate dog fouling.


- Bolton Council also used the act to investigate littering.


-The London borough of Kensington and Chelsea conducted surveillance on the misuse of a disabled parking pass.


-Liverpool City Council used Ripa to identify a false claim for damages.


-Conwy Council used the law to spy on a person who was working while off sick.

would any of the UK based SOLers wish to share any interesting story about CCTV/Surveillance in general ?



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The UK loves to waste tax payers money. CCTV is everywhere (and I mean everywhere). Every street, bus stop, inside the buses everywhere!

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^ my list is most likely a cross-section over different periods but does the average faarax/xalimo encounter these things ?

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^^We grew up with being watched on every street, at every ATM, supermarket and bus journey saxib. Some stats say you are caught on camera an average [insert high number] time on every journey to work/school.

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Ms DD   

70times I heard. It is quite scary. Most important: never to be caughts with your pants down smile.gif

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I once did something naughty and was caught by a bloody CCTV across the street..bisinka it zoomed me on! redface.gif [before the dirty minds start,working was a traffic offence]They hid a camera inside a street lamp,and I bumped into another car and drove off,only to be visited by police with evidence..Hehehe

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:D @ being caught with your pants down .. they dont have to be down anymore ... you guys have cameras that can see right through them !



A CAMERA that can see through people’s clothing at distances of up to 80ft has been developed to help detect weapons, drugs and explosives.


The camera could be deployed in railway stations, shopping centres and other public spaces.


Although it can see objects under clothes, its designers say the images do not show anatomical details. However, it is likely to increase fears that Britain has become a surveillance society.


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Ms DD   

Glad you clarified that Malika. My brain worked overtime in few seconds after reading that sentence. You cant say naughty in this day and age without explaining to do.



Surely it cant spot flesh, cant it? That is when I buy my one way ticket to wadankii hooyo.

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^ the article says that it does not show anatomical details ... but it does have the capability and the potential to be misused ... proximity sensors fine tuned to detect guns, explosives etc. have been out for decades the camera is a bit over kill

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Originally posted by Malika:

I once did something naughty and was caught by a bloody CCTV across the street..bisinka it zoomed me on!
[before the dirty minds start,working was a traffic offence]They hid a camera inside a street lamp,and I bumped into another car and drove off,only to be visited by police with evidence..Hehehe

Typical hit and run driver! :mad:

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