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Cyclone Gonu kills 15 - Oman/Iran

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Allaha Unaxariisto Muslimiinta


I heard this in the news before it hit, they reported that it was underway and will get them some 24 hours to come, not enough preperations I guess, Well Ilaahay ayaa og xaalka and whatever happens will happen.

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The city i lived in for a year is unrecognisable. No electricty or water for some people. My old xaafad was badly effected.



Beach road washed away



Damage to roads



Main highway washed away






Old xaafad

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Allah yarxamhum.


This looks terrible, Ilaahey ha u gargaaro those impacted by the storm.


We've had an intense storm here in southern Ontario as well, no reported deaths luckily, but lots of property damage and power loss. However, some of the US states have been hit really hard.


We should probably expect to see more of such severe climate changes as a result of global warming. If greenhouse gas emissions continue at the rate it currently is, the projected outcome is going to be staggering. Wallahu yaclam.

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