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Johnny B

A brilliant Somali mind......Kudos Ayan

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Johnny B   

This is the Somali mind we should take care of !


Mr Ramadan was left with no choice but face Ayan's uncompromising reality-ridden facts.



Ayan, we may not say it loudly but we're proud of you.



Ayan Vs Tariq Ramadan

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Dameeraleey dadka la xer ma ahan :D



Hadana ma naagtan baad noo amaaneysaa, illeen wixii isku fikkir ah wey isu sacaba tumaan.



Waryaa Johny, where is ur team this sweden tournament on summer, I expect u to show up with ur priest tusbax smile.gif

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Johnny B   

^My team is ready nuunow, given that the administration accepts our Gothenberg dialect and our Jersey with 'Noah's dilemma' . :D


Waayee Nunnow, Islaan baa wiil dhashay iyadoo bikraa laba kun iyo sakal sano ka hor diidnay miyaa dameeraley inaka dhigeysa?...

Waa inoo garonka kubada adiyo bowdiyo gaabtada gadhka xun xun.

All we need to do is bring our female goalkeeper to make you guys panic. icon_razz.gif


ps.. Admit it ... deep down .. Ayan did represent you there. :D

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^^ waryaa dagaal baa inaga dhaxeeni hadaad Marmaya oogu yeerto islaan, is jir, I have many contacts in Gothenburg, dhuuntaa lagugu dhagi :D



Waanu isku arki doonaa Ringkey, banaanka Kista intaan kula tago qoorsagaaro adiga iyo female goalkeperkaaduba idin la seexani.



PS: Ayan Hirsi goormaad saaxiibteen, ma aadan aqoonin dhowr sano ka hor, mise tukaha kurka kolkuu la soo baxo unbaad adna luqunta warfin miyaa!

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Johnny B   

^^ As my atheero would say adna dhuuntaad i qaban aduunyana joogis bey rabtaa. icon_razz.gif


Kista banaankeedu waba halkanu xaflada ku dhigan rabno kolkaan 5- 0 idinku qaracno.



waan iska kaa garanayey inaad xalflada yada usoo dhumaneysid dee. icon_razz.gif


Nunow waa runtaa Ayan ma aqoon, laakin waxaa la i siiyey telefonkeeda , deedna waan wacoo ku idhi .. naa waxba ha is qaad qaadine aanu weesada isku dhowrano , waaba la ogaa tey ka dhigtay... maanaaba weeseysta kute .....


hadal iyo dhamaantiis waanigi Atheer Xersi wacay oo idhi sabanadan gabdhaa kacay iyadaan ku yeeshee igu habaar ducey kuma lihiye .. hade waa la ogaa tixdii uu ka tiriyay.


Markii hore way i aamini la'eydoo waxey i tidhi , adoo inta sar dheer iska soo tuura si un kaga badbaada moojee ku aamini maayo you wahaabi Swedish... laakin kolkey aragtay inaan habaar awgeed usoo qaatay bay tidhi... maybe we can dine sometime , kolkaasaa ana mirif wax igu yiraahdeen , oo ku idhi.. hadaad bodyguard qolka jiifka inoo soo gelido .. waa bilaa dine ee sidaa ula soco. sheekadu way dheertee , waa tii suuro jiq tidhi....


Adigu diyaradii waadigi hargeisa tego in Ethiopianka loo dhibo ku sigtay .. bal waran. ;)

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You might not agree with her but at least you know where she stands on the issue. It is just beyond me how Tariq Ramadan who is supposed to be teaching at oxbridge fails miserably to reply to her over-exaggerated accusations. It was as if he was telling the audience that he agrees with Ayan but has a different way of doing things and he doesn't want to be rejected like her by the muslims. Well, by definition that what you call a munaafiq, Ayan may not be one but she is definitely gaalad weynaatey icon_razz.gif

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Johnny B   

^Atheer, 'gaalad' waan kaa qaathan karnaa, laakin ayan ma weyna,waase maskax weyntahay, anigaas ayaa intaan gacana ku xambaray gacana cell-phoneka kaga jawaabay. waaku sidee atheer? mise mid dhimatoo miskuhu dibada yaalaan ayaad xodxodasho ugu dartaa? icon_razz.gif


It's not that Tariq doesen't want to reply, it may so be that there is no 'plausible' reply eaxcept the 'wey na naceysaa oo waa inaga baxday' mantara.


That the 'kuran' (due to incoherency, due to the vast ereas it covers, due to .... pick your reason) is a subject of different interpretations is a fact we've to live with.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

[Q] ^Atheer, 'gaalad' waan kaa qaathan karnaa, laakin ayan ma weyna,waase maskax weyntahay, anigaas ayaa intaan gacana ku xambaray gacana cell-phoneka kaga jawaabay. waaku sidee atheer? mise mid dhimatoo miskuhu dibada yaalaan ayaad xodxodasho ugu dartaa?



Johnniyow sheekudu hadey cell phone gaadhey hadaa waad iiga war roontahey.


waar sadaqo ayaa show kugu baxdey, lakiin karatega ayey taqaana markaa iska ilaali yaaney macawusta madax kuugu duubine :D



As for Tariq, I think he is not really qualified to speak on these matters. The media often paints people like tariq as the acceptable face of “moderate” muslims.

Xaji the quraaan might cover many topics but it does so in a way that is appealing to the billion or so muslims around the world, they draw strength from its interpretation and it helps them to believe in the unseen.

Imagine a one dimensional creature that vehemently denies the existence of any birds. This creature can only translate along the x-axis of the Cartesian coordinate system; it can not see nor can it sense what is above or below it. Hence it assumes that there is no any other creature that can translate along the y-axis, in fact, it doesn’t even believe in the existence of that other axis. Now, this is the case of those who doubt the existence of God. They just assume things..…so be careful yaa xaji

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Originally posted by nuune:

Hadana ma naagtan baad noo amaaneysaa, illeen wixii isku fikkir ah wey isu sacaba tumaan.



I wonder where her reason of logic was when she wore funaanadaas, meeshana lasoo istaagtay afkaas qalalan iyo timahaas dufta kakacsantahay?



Brilliant mind xaal iyo nus qaado...

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Johnny B   

One'd do much favour to oneself and the gallery if one addressed the subject matter and let Ayan do the choosing of her own hairdo,dress colour and what have you.

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The theme of virginity, forced marriage and sexual repression which populated in Ayaan Hirsi stories feeds western male sexual fantasies for anybody with a computer and an access to the internet can attest that ads for ‘penis enlargement’ techniques, ‘Viagra’ and pornographic promise of ‘virgin sluts’ often aim at meeting the sexual fantasies of white western male consumers.




Hence, from the standpoint of western collective unconscious, false praises which are bestowed on Ayaan Hirsi Ali often mask the fact that she voices deeply held white male fantasies which cannot be uttered openly by the commentators of both left and right Eurocentric ideological camps.

Maybe someone else in here who prescribes to and wholly believes in the idea that the West have reached Nirvana which all humanity should bow to also gets off Ayan's message.

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Originally posted by Johnny B:

One'd do much favour to oneself and the gallery if one addressed the subject matter and let Ayan do the choosing of her own hairdo,dress colour and what have you.

Address what subject exactly? Soon as I clicked on the link and saw that damn poor excuse of a zebra print funaanad iyo afkaas qalalan (ChapStick would do wonders for her xataa) iyo timahaas aad moodo inee maanta dhan guri warankiilo ku tirtireysay aanba waxaan meesha kadoonay iloobay... ;) Hay gabadha malacag la'aan baa sidaa uheysa, lacagihii dhan eytuugsaneysay ma bodygaurd baa laqay? Akhas!

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