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Muslim cashiers won't ring up pork products

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Ms DD   

Muslim cashiers won't ring up pork products


Minneapolis Star Tribune


March 18, 2007


MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. - Beryl Dsouza was late and in no mood for delays when she stopped at a Target store after work two weeks ago for milk, bread and bacon.


So Dsouza was taken aback when the cashier - who had on the traditional headscarf worn by many Muslim women - refused to swipe the bacon through the checkout scanner.


"She made me scan the bacon. Then she opened the bag and made me put it in the bag," said Dsouza, 53. "It made me wonder why this person took a job as a cashier."


In the latest example of religious beliefs creating tension in the workplace, some Muslims in the Twin Cities are adhering to a strict interpretation of the Koran that prohibits the handling of pork products.


Instead of swiping the items themselves, they are asking non-Muslim employees or shoppers to do it for them.


Minneapolis has become a hotbed for such conflicts because of its burgeoning population of Somali immigrants, many of whom are orthodox Muslims.


Shah Khan, a spokesman for the Islamic Center of Minnesota, said the Somali Muslim community is divided between those who believe it is wrong to eat pork and those who believe the prohibition extends to selling, touching or handling the meat.


Under the Civil Rights Act of 1964, employers must accommodate a person's religious practice if it doesn't impose a hardship.


A customer's personal preference is usually not a factor in deciding whether a practice is protected, noted Khadija Athma of the Council on American-Islamic Relations in Washington.


A cashier should call over another cashier to scan a product and the shopper shouldn't be inconvenienced, she said. "If the employee is rude and gasps at the sight of pork, then it's a different situation," she said.


But after the situation was publicized on the front page of the Minneapolis Star Tribune last week, Target received angry mail and boycott threats. Target managers asked Muslim cashiers who refuse to handle pork to wear gloves or transfer to other areas of the stores.


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Ms DD   

I am in 2 minds over this. The muslim staff must realise that their wages comes from the sale of these products. So to actually refuse to serve it to customers is a moot point. On the other hand, is the alternative better where the muslim staff dont get employed at all?

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Its another sticky one which needs to be researched both Islamically and their religious rights in the workplace.

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^^^ this is going to far. You are not supposed to eat pork cause its haram, we all know that, but not touch the pork, then this is going toooo far. You can't avoid it and debating it wont solve it.

Touching the pork would be part of your job if you are a cachier and the pork is already covered.

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Originally posted by Cambarro:

So to actually refuse to serve it to customers is a moot point.

The cashier sold it to the customer without handling it; that's what matters. I applaud the cashier, and would suggest to her to find a proper job, one that involves no pork or alcohol. I am sure she will find one.

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Ms DD   

I would suggest also that she finds another job. Lets not ignore that the pork pays for her wages that she takes home and feed her family.

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She hasnt touched the pork, isnt consuming it and she isnt exactly 'selling' it either since its not her product...i dont see her having any reason to refuse to ring up the order. She should have known she'd be ringin up pork products when she applied...


now my question is whether the money she earns is 100% halaal (since her employer sells pork, earns the money he pays her through those haraam goods)?

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Originally posted by Pucca:

now my question is whether the money she earns is 100% halaal (since her employer sells pork, earns the money he pays her through those haraam goods)?

Good question. Let someone other than me answer it.

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The muslims living in the state of MN are just jokes. First it was the cab drivers, now cashiers.


Why are these people in this type of business, i.e customer service?


Do they think they can do just about anything they please because they contribute to the growth of that state?


What are they thinking? Its not bad enough they have low paying jobs, now they are sitting on their behind. What's nexT? You will start servicing the customers based on their religion beliefs?


Muslims, yes, non muslims no? Thats coming, stay tuned.

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I think people just need to feel in control of their lives somehow. A cashier's job is not precisely the most fulfilling position. Thumping your nose at the establishment in a small way helps people cope. Like those who smoke (or more) in the stockroom, or take an extra minute while on break. Anything to feel like you have some volition.

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She refused to ring the order but she did take the money! Does that count? I think people are comparing it to the hadith that says that not only can you not drink alcohol, but you can't sell, handle etc.


I'm not so sure about pork though.

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Working At Supermarket Check Out


Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani



I am working in Morrison's and I'm on the check outs, I wanted to know that because I am dealing with haram things such as beef, pork, ham is it haram for me to touch them things? Also is there anything I can do for e.g. I already do wudu every time I come and go from work and I always make fresh wudu when reading namaz in break times during my shifts at work. so cold you tell me what Islam says about this?



Walaikum assalam,


1. It would be permitted to work on the check out of a supermarket that sells things Muslims consider impermissible (such as pork, alcohol, wine, or food items with haram ingredients). One’s earnings will be lawful (halal). This is the position of Imam Abu Hanifa (Allah have mercy on him).


One should, however, dislike such items in one’s heart: loving that which Allah loves and hating that which Allah hates is from true faith. (For the reasoning, see first appended answer, below.)


This ruling refers to doing so in a non-Muslim country or in non-Muslim areas in a Muslim country.


2. It is not permitted to sell such items in one’s own supermarket. If one does, it is sinful. The revenue generated from such sales is unlawful. It would be obligatory to:


(a) repent from one’s error itself (through remorse, seeking forgiveness, and determining not to repeat the sin), and


(b) giving away the unlawfully earned money to the poor. (See second answer below.)


3. It is not haram to touch unlawful items, especially when there is a need. Normally, meats are wrapped, and the alcohol in bottles.


As such, there will be no transfer of filth (najasa) onto one’s hands or body. Given this, there is no need to renew your ablutions (wudu) before praying. It may be best, though, to wash your hands, when it is reasonably easy to do so.


And Allah alone gives success.


Walaikum assalam,

Faraz Rabbani.



Again this is the Hanifi response and I don't know of what the others like Imam Malik, Shafi and Ahmed ibn Hanabil's rulings are on this point.

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