
Caption this... Djibouti

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Ethiopia's Government news Agency


“The reconciliation between the two East African Countries which was hosted by Ismail Omar Guelleh held yesterday is a continuation the talks facilitated by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed here in Addis Ababa in February, 2020.”



Addis Ababa, June 15, 2020 (FBC) – Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed has returned home today concluding his visit to Republic of Djibouti where he took part in the reconciliation between Somalia and...


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Dr. Edna Adan iyo maalintii labaad, schooling the foreign diplomats. Shalaad baratee, waa la shubi jiray. 

Well done mamma Edna. 


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Faisal Roobleh's take:



Talk of the Town

Part I: An Unfiltered Perspective: The Djibouti Conference

As some of you asked me to reflect on the Djibouti talks between Somaliland and Somalia, here is my unfiltered reaction.

Although the youngest in age, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed of Ethiopia was the elder in the room – that is in perspective and vision. Representing the only empire in the Horn of Africa, and the first populist Cushitic leader, he was comfortable both in his skin and to be among his “brother" Somalis.

He laid out the context of the conference which is to achieve a meaningful regional integration. He did not miss to shower praises on the Somalis and invoked the phrase that lately became popular but vague and at times over-used – that Somalis are resilient.

The elder host, President Ismail Omar Ghele, always artful in magnanimity and hospitality, a fact not lost on PM Abiy, was tactful to avoid politics in his presentation; he quickly zoomed into the benefits of what Djibouti always promotes - the movement of goods and people with open borders.

Most Somalis missed this core value of Djibouti’s but let themselves mesmerized by a pan-Somali song reverberated in the hallways of the conference. Well, there was nothing pan-Somali or Somaliweyn in substance about the conference.

Coming back to Somaliland/Somalia, let us look at the form and substance of the conference separately.

Form: In the case of Somaliland, President Muse Bihi met the leaders of the two main political party leaders prior to his departure. In a televised meeting at his palace, it is inescapable to see the nodding and body language that lends approval to Mr. Bihi’s departure by both Faysal C. Warabe and Mr. Ciro.

One could easily glean from that meeting room that both opposition leaders were well briefed and in turn offered their consent to the President.

This was followed by Adna Adan’s well-timed press conference prior to the Somaliland delegation's departure. In that impressive conference, Adan established the record that Somaliland and Somalia have been regularly negotiating since 2014. She went agenda by agenda and through all the dates, leaders, and venues of all the conferences the two sides engaged in. She also never missed an opportunity to remind the world the pains and sufferings Somaliland people experienced in the hands of the former Somali Republic. At times she was so graphic she arose the emotions of Somaliander so as to build mass base for their departure to the talks.

Once I finished listening to her speech, she won some kudos in her persuasion. From there I gleaned that the Somaliland delegation will go to Djibouti with a strong theory to make its case. And so it did. Later on this issue.

Add to that how Somaliland succeeded to dictate the architecture of the participants – that unionists from Somaliland or even executive leaders from certain clans were off-limits to come to the meeting. That resulted in the absence of key personalities from northern Somalia who believe in the union concept. Even the Foreign Minister who is from Puntland was weeded out of the conference – Mr. Awad had to stay back in Mogadishu.

One cannot forget the richness and thickness of the resumes of the delegation of Somaliland. Adding the work and life experience of Salyman Adan (a veteran of Somalia’s higher education), Adana Adan, (former first Lady of Somalia's preeminent politician and founder of the current Somaliland state and an accomplished medical professional in her own rights), Fratoon, educated at Sheikh School, Lafole, UK and MA degree from the US) constituted the core delegation team. President Bihi himself was an army colonel in Somalia's volunteer army and joined Somali National Movement later.

In the background, this team was aided by Dr. Mohamed Bihi, a retired and refined senior officer at Africa Development Bank and Osman Sheik, a retired senior officer at World Bank. Taken together, this team possesses close to 300 years of combined work and life experience. Icing on the cake is that they by and large started their struggle for Somaliland in the late 1970s. They have what I call lexejeclo fornor ownership of the Somaliland cause.

Following will be Part II and Part III soon including (1) Form for Somalia and substance of and speeches of both sides.

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Yuusuf Garaad's take


Yuusuf Garaad: Somaliland Maxay Ku Falaysaa Midnimo?

Waa isbarbardhig ku saabsan matalaadda Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Dowladda Somaliland.

Labada dhinac markii u horreysay ee ay is hor fariistaan waxay ahayd January, 2012. Waxay ahayd Chevening House oo ah meel aan ka fogeyn magaalada London.

Shalay ka hor, kulankii u dambeeyay wuxuu ahaa 2014 oo ay labada Madaxweyne ku kulmeen Djibouti.

Labada shir mid aniga oo suxufi ah ayaan joogay ergooyinkana gooni gooni ula kulmay. Midka kale, wafdiga Madaxweynaha ayaan ka mid ahaa oo miiska ayaan fadhiyay.

Intii u dhexeysay si dhow ayaan ula socday. Marka aan suxufinnimo ku shaqeynayay labada dhinac ayaan xog wareysanayay.

Marar kale aniga oo matalaya Soomaaliya ayaan wadahadalka uga qeyb galay Istanbul, Ankara oo ahayd kulan aqoonyahanno iyo Djibouti. Qaar kale qabanqaabada ayaan wax ku lahaa. Is arag aan la shaacinna si hoose ayaan xogtooda u helay.

Ku dhowaad dhammaantood waxaa ii muuqata in aan labada dhinac ahayn isku diyaar garow xag macluumaad iyo waliba marka ay noqoto in aan waxba lala harin ee loo bareero dhinaca kale.

Waxaan qabaa dareenka ah in ay isa soo hor fariistaan koox taqaanna waxa ay ka hadleyso iyo sida ay u dhigeyso, Iyo koox dooneysa Midnimo ay doonayaan in ay ku helaan “in ay u caqli celiyaan walaalhood.”

Istaraatiijiyada Somaliland waa in Soomaaliya ay noqoto laba dal oo koofuriyo Woqooyi ah.

Waxay ku bixisay dhiig, kharash fara badan iyo borobagaanda. Waa dacaayad aan kala go’ lahayn oo dadweynaha la gaarsiiyay, laguna celceliyay.

Waxaa la hubiyay in shakhsi kastaa ay farriintu gaarto – mid awalba sidaa qabay amaba ka horreeya, mid hadda lagu qanciyo iyo mid lagu celceliyo ugu yaraan ilaa uu ka garaabo.

Waxay saaxiibbo ku yeelatay Saxaafadda Caalamiga ah iyo diblomaasiyiinta shisheeye. Xafiisyo u sameysan suuq geynta siyaasadda ayaa la kireystay.

Si doodda aan loo kala illoobin, marnabana aanay dadka madaxiisa uga bixin waxaa loo sameeyay astaamo lagu xusuusto.

Mid keliya haddii aan xuso waa Taallada ay dayaaradda Miigga ahi saaran tahay ee qof og in aad og tahay sheekadeeda murugada leh aanuu ka caajiseyn in uu mar laba iyo ka badan kuugu soo celiyo.

Somaliland shakhsiyaad beey leedahay loo bixiyay mujaahiddiin. Waxay la dagaallameen oo ay ka adkaadeen shakhsiyaad astaan looga dhigay shar oo loo bixiyay faqash.

Qof kastaa wuxuu ka qalin jebiyay Iskuulkaas furan ee ku saabsan wixii la soo maray iyo waxa hadda la hasto ee aan la heleen haddii Soomaaliya laga sii tirsanaado. Aqoontaas barashadeeda ma jirto meel ka caagga. Waxaa lagu bartaa xafladaha, xafiisyada, goobaha ganacsiga, guryaha iyo saxaafadda bulshada, waxaana laga dhegeystaa Raadiyaha iyo TV-ga.

Iyada oo ay taasi jirto ayaa marka wadahadal la tagayo waxaa la soo xulaa dadka ugu xog ogaalsan, ugu mintidsan, qaarkood ay waxyeello toos ahi soo gaartay oo marnabana aanay suurta gal ka ahayn in uu shaki ku dhasho.

Waxaa intaa u wehliya aqoonyahanno u soo diyaariya doodda, mararka qaarna sooba raaca oo ka tirsan ergada.

Madasha ayay tagaan iyaga oo ku hubeysan Taariikh si taxaddar leh loo soo xulay, xad gudubyo iyo dhacdooyin fool xun oo dhab ah iyo qaar fasiraad aan sax ahayn laga bixiyay. Iyo wax kasta oo sax ama khalad leh ee ay Somaliland ku gar heli karto kuna caddeyn karto in xalka keliyihi uu yahay in laba dal la noqdo.

Intaa waxaa u dheer in shacab iyo Dowladba ay la xisaabtayaan wafdigu marka ay dalka ku laabtaan.

Soomaaliya waxaa u safta Madax ay ku jiraan qaar ku soo booday ama lagu soo dhex tuuray wafdi baxaya, xilka ay ku magacaaban yihiin awgiis ama si loo buuxiyo 4.5 beesha ay ka soo jeedaan darteed. Mararka qaar waxaa taga ergo mid kasta oo ka mid ah ay tahay markii ugu horreysay ee wadahadalkan uu ka qeyb galo.

Xubnahaas waxaa laga yaabaa in qaarkood aanay weligood tegin, akhrin, iskuna howlin in ay si qoto dheer u fahmaan doodda Somaliland waxa ay ku saleysan tahay.

In aanay aqoon taariikhda oo dhammaystiran. In aanay la socon dhacdooyinka foosha xun ee hore u dhacay, marka laga reebo in ay maqleen woqooyi waa la duqeeyay.

Iskaba daa midda ka sii culus oo ah waxa la soo hor dhigi karo ee ku qancin kara reer Somaliland in ay dantoodu ku jirto Midnimada.

Istaraatiijiyada marar badan la isku dayo in lagu iibiyo Midnimadu waa niyad wanaag iyo in la yiraahdo ‘walaalayaal midnimada ayaa ka wanaagsan tafaraaruqa ee midnimada aqbala’.

Taariikh, sharciyad iyo dood Soomaaliyeed intaba dad la geli kara Somaliland kuma yara Koofurta. Waxaa ugu badan Soomaalida ka soo jeedda Somaliland ee madax iyo shacab leh ee Muqdisho iyo ku nool kana shaqeysta gobollada oo dhan.

Qaarkood sabab kasta ha keentee Midnimada ma iibiyaan.

Qaar kalena, fursad looma siiyo in ay qeyb ka ahaadaan wadahadalka ama xataa ay daaha gadaashiisa ka talo bixiyaan.

Soo jeedin

Soomaaliya waa dal aad u weyn oo ka weyn Ingiriiska iyo Talyaaniga oo la isku daray.

Sidaa darteed, qof kastaa arrimaha gobolkiisa ama degaankiisa wuu kaga xog ogaalsan yahay inta kale oo dhan.

Labadii Gobol ee midoobay marka uu midkood gooni isu taago, inta u dhalatay ee sidaa taageersan iyo inta diiddaniba, ariinta waa ay uga xog ogaalsan yihiin Soomaalida inteeda kale.

Waxaan qabaa in Koofurta laga furo dood Dadweyne oo qoto dheer oo ujeeddadeedu ay tahay in ay sahasho is faham.

Dooddaasi waa in ay jawaab u heshaa weydiinta ah cinwaanka qormadan – Somaliland maxay ku faleysaa Midnimo?

Madaxda Somaliland iyo shacabka taageersan waa maxay danta ugu jirta Midnimada, ee la tusi karo, la taabsiin karo ayna ku qanci karaan?

Su’aashaas jawaabteeda waa in ay dusha ka bartaan ugu yaraan inta siyaasadda ku jirta iyo inta daneyneysa in ay gasho.

Iyaga oo intaas yaqaan, ka dib, ayay marka la soo xulo u diyaar garoobi karaan oo ay dejin karaan Istaraateejiyada wadahadalka iyo taatikada ay tahay in la adeegsado.

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Every few years Faysal Rooble puts on a different jacket in order to hide his agenda. We all know he has an axe to grind with Farmaajo. Just like those from Jubbaland who were supporting secession of Somaliland as means to oppose Farmaajo, Faisal Rooble is traveling the same road. 

Last week he was advocating the boycotting of local roads passing certain towns within Somali region of Ethiopia. In fact, the road was designed to pass through his own village, yet he was vehemently opposed for that same road to reach or pass another major town either for tribal motivations or jealousy.


1 hour ago, Suldaanka said:

She also never missed an opportunity to remind the world the pains and sufferings Somaliland people experienced in the hands of the former Somali Republic.

Here the so called Somali intellectual  is accusing the Somali republic of committing atrocities. Rather than say the former Somali regime , he generalizes the whole republic. Since when is the name of Somali republic committed any crimes. In fact, the most horrendous crimes that took place  in Somali history was committed by the so called Alphabet Somali rebels unleashed by Mengistu Hailemariam from 1978-1991. No Somali regime will be even close if you combine the crimes of SNM, USC, SSDF and SPM.

Their victims stretch from Raascaambooni to Lowyacado. Just like the communist regimes of yesterday, we only hear the propaganda of the Somali rebels. Except the current Farmaajo regime, Somalia was ruled for the last 26 years by the same rebels who destroyed our country. THese people supposed to be brought to justice for their betrayal of the republic and the crimes they committed against innocent civilians for their tribal cause. These ugly and angry tribes were unleashed by one of the most ruthless and bloody leaders of Africa Mengistu who personally murdered two president and the king of Ethiopia.

Yet for their all false sacrifices, they could not provide basic needs of the people like water, electricity or health care. For 30 years, they could not move the state to a better place. 

By ridding the Jubbaland horse, Faysal , like our Kenyan friend Apophis , had forgot his loyalty to the republic. 

Yuusuf Garad made some valuable points about the inability of the southern politicians to add northern unionists to the debate, because we know where the body is buried and we would dismantle the secessionist argument in New York Minute. That is why , we the unionists have to get to power and dismantle the false Babylon created by evil Somali rebels.

Yet, Yusuf Garaad himself is a weak link just like many HAG politicians who doesn't understand the sacredness of the unity and the price our for fathers paid to achieve it. In one of his earlier blogs, he mentioned his desire for unity, but added, " Haddi ay go'aan ku gaadhaan in ay go'aan waan u hambalyn oo fasaxayga booqan".

What many people don't understand is most Somalis including the secessionists know that it is impossible to separate, but if the issue became serious, expect the real war we were avoiding all this years.

In my book, a small conference held in a dusty part of Burco in 1991,by group of rebels and few elders ,  guarded by Ethiopian tanks,  could not dismantle the republic. 

I listened the speeches and as an observer you can not miss that Muuse and company are broke and they are seeking some badly needed cash. They just kept talking about the money that they supposed to get from last meeting, because by 2014, even Hassan Sheikh who was sympathetic to the secessionist victimhood story had realized their agenda was nothing but a scheme to get cash.

The next few months will tell us if Farmaajo is willing to pit his foot down or he will circle the wagaon just like those before him.




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Galbeedi,  indeed 

There are  two things happening 

1-SL is broke and isbaaro Waxaa dhigtey MOGADISHU, have you been to Hargaisa lately,  gaajo saaid ah baa ka dilaacdey,  and they desperate for more aid. Also Sl recently idioticly refused millions of aid though Mogadishu,  they need these.

2- Farmaajo wants extension and want to us this as leverage , plus appease D1rta WAQOOYIGA. Remember he can not count on PL. Aslo Same way made Olive branch to MADOOBE 

Waa la kala faaideeysan.

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This was a massive win for Somaliland.  It was very clear from the beginning a divided south along clans and foreign owned clan fielfdoms can’t compete a well organized secessionist and their foreign friends.

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Awoowe, we all know the current state of affairs of the so called 'Unionists'. They are all but done. 

I remember back in the days when you guys used to publish articles/opinion pieces on Somali Websites. That was your golden days. You are now at your lowest level, I mean you do not exist in the public opinion nor in the corridors of power or politics. You are irrelevant. 

So I just do not understand what power or even semblance of power you are talking about that the Unionists are hiding for so long? :D

Your best chance for revival of Unionists was Cheeseman, and Cheeseman is being humiliated like no other has previously been humiliated. He is running all over the place, sending letters to Arab League, United Nations, African Union... all coming back 'rejected', 'rejected' etc. :D 

The next government in Mogadishu will put the final nail on the Unionists Coffin. Trust me on that. :D


1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

What many people don't understand is most Somalis including the secessionists know that it is impossible to separate, but if the issue became serious, expect the real war we were avoiding all this years.


Bahaladda durduurta iyo

waxa hayso daacuun,

anagaa dawaynee,

derbi qudha isugu gee!!!



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