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Chocolate and Honey

How to eat nutritious food and stay fit this Ramadan

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^^ Maskiin Macruuf Malawax in laguu baxsho bee aheed lool..


C&H aduunka Prume ayaan ugu necbahay..bahalkaas hadaan isku taabto, hore iyo gadaal aan ka siideynaa Bankii aduunka iyo Matag! igatag xaasid yahee... waxaas waxaa loogu tala galay waayeelada oo kunka kaniini qaataan maalintii oo uu xaqa ku dhago lool... I know because hada kahore bee lug iga jabtay oo aan kaniini isku daldali jiray loool hooyo ilaahey kheyr haka siiyee baad alaabtaas isiisay maalin lool waxa iga raacay lee!...



Today I ran for 45 min after my Iftar and it felt great... maybe this will work..I hate running for no reason lool...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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MMA, hada ka bacdi in aad ka taxadirtid waaye. Hadii meel lagaa marti qaado, Malawaxaaga hore u sii qaado :D


Aniga Afurkeeyga waa iska simple:


3 ilaa 5 xabo oo timir ah

1 koob oo shurbad ah

4 ilaa 6 xabo oo sambuuse ah (it's my favorite OK)

In yar oo labaniyad ah

Mix of fruit (Watermelon, Strawberry, Pineapple, Papaya, banana)

1 Koob oo biyo ah

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The Zack   



Sanbusa waa iska qasab in la cuno during Ramadan regardless of how unhealthy it is. Just don't eat too much of it. Waryaa Showqi, six is just beyond the limit unless you weigh 400LBS LOL.

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I follow more or less the guideline I presented.


At afur time, I eat few dates with two cups of qaxwo(no sugar), a glass of water, a fruit. If I made sanbuus that day, I will skip :D:D If I bought it from my fav restaurant I will have one. After prayer, if it is one of the four nights I work out, I will leave immedietly, hit the machines for 40-45 min, shower and go straight to the mosque. I come home, and then eat casho.


Dinner is brown rice or whole wheat pasta with loads of steamed veggies or a salad.


I drink lots of water, green tea, qaxwo throughout the night. Then I have a glass of milk with dates before bed. And I am done! Sometimes I will have oatmeal with skim milk instead.


Tuujiye hadana ma eye sightki baa tagay? It wasnt me who suggested the prunes. It was Abaay Heeyleey. I cant stand them either. LOL!



MMA, they did you a favor by saving you the saliid sokor combo known to cause host of ailments. Marka reerka u duceey for their effort. Hadii aadan warkeyga kugu socona, listen to Showqi and bring your own malawax just to be safe.


Showqi, put the sanbuusa down!!! :mad: :mad: Six will stop your heart.

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Shukulaato & Malab



You eat More than Nina...hadee see wax u jiraan were supposed to teach us about this strange word of Less :D


Cuntada hala iska yareeyo sidaan wax soconaayo ma aha... :D



PS. Qaxwada badan blood pressure ee leedahay ee be careful.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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LOL! You are kidding right? If you take away the qaxwo, green tea, and water. Lets see, I eat a piece of fruit and timir for afur. Ok. And sometimes I add one sanbuus.


I eat brown rice and veggies OR whole wheat past and veggies OR a salad for dinner. Not all at the same time mind you.I just pick one.


I have a few dates and a glass of milk for saxuur OR oatmeal with a glass of milk. Not both. And you're telling me I eat more? You want to kill me? Thats even less than a 1000 calories.

Bal do tell what you eat and lets see how much it amounts to.

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

Dinner is brown rice or whole wheat pasta with loads of steamed veggies or a salad.

Baasto iyo bariis aa meeshaan la bah dilay! Iga leexaan ku dhahay!!! Brown rice walaa whole wheat baasto abkey iyo isirkeyba ma cuni jirinee, baasto suugo hilib shiishiid leh oo toonta iyo kabsar caleenta sidaa uga soo carfeen maba iga dagto; bariisna hadaanan basal, toon, kabsar caleen, heel, qorfe lagu shiilin, sacfaraana lagu huurin ha'isoo agdhigin...Of course labadaba waa iney cadyihiin, no whole wheat... :D


Malabeey iyo NNC, health food ka aad cuntaan been ma'ehee badanaa bisinkee? Alow yaanan idin casumin! icon_razz.gif


At afur time, cunto maba iga dagto, it's usually bur iyo timir la'is dhex galiyay, small amount of suqaar and one malawax, followed by lots fluid (biyo, coffee, etc.)...Later on, may be a bowl of mixed fruits and yogurt...I don't bother with suxuur, markaan suxuur cuno subaxii gaajo aanba lasoo kacaa...

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^^^ Usheeg asbax yaashaan yaaqee!! Baasto kafee ah markaan cunaayo, Hindi maan ahay mise Vitnaamiis?



At afur time, I eat few dates with two cups of qaxwo(no sugar),

C&H, aniga waan kaa shakiye mugoo.. qabiid sanidaa walaalee ma kawaanlee baad tahay mise kuwa dadka talaala? war see u cabtaa qaxwo oo sonkor la'aan eh? 60 sano maa jirtaa? finka cuudu bilaah!...labo koob kulahaa... no wonder in aad carartid 45 min before taraawiix ileen waxaa tahay gabar qaxwo high ku eh!... gabdhaha SOl oo maskiimiinta ah ha waalin walaalee..burkooda iyo macsharooda ha iska daaqaan oo bajaq bajaq nimadooda u dhaaf! kakanoos yahee! loool...tii adiga kugu dayato, wadnahaa istaagaayo runtii lool..



Showqil, Lix sanbuus hadaa cuntid, see u casheenee cabdoo?



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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C&H, nice list but qaxwa badnidaa? ease up on the caffeine walaaley.


lol@KK, baasto iyo bariis saas lee loo kariyaa dheh! alaabtaas waa nagu casumi kartaa hal ilaa iyo 3 mar, I'm sure C&H won't mind it icon_razz.gif

Berri afurkayga waa aqaanaa waxaan karinaayo koley, thanks KK. :D


@MMA, malawaxa maxaa ku cuntaa?


Walaalayaal listen to your bodies, eat healthy and "in moderation" like Juxa said.. Madax adeega iska dhaafa.

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^^^ healthy is eating when you hungry and stop counting the colories.


one thing i agree with shokolaato is exercising. 2 cups of qaxwe is not good for a young lady, wadnaha yuusan ku boodboodin, but eating veggies is yummy and lovely


baasto, bariis iyo malawax contain too much beer-huris ingredients marka iska dhaafa specially ramadanka.


ps: i am developing buufis, reading what you guys write, i dont want even to stand next to you lot, i keep imagining shiny foreheads and size zero sol ladies!!!

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Problems of the privileged.


Don’t worry Juxa- if we believe what people are writing, then the chances are they will put on rather than lose anyway. Nothing to worry about.


Morning by the way.

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Originally posted by chocolate & honey:

LOL! You are kidding right? If you take away the qaxwo, green tea, and water. Lets see, I eat a piece of fruit and timir for afur. Ok. And sometimes I add one sanbuus.


I eat brown rice and veggies OR whole wheat past and veggies OR a salad for dinner. Not all at the same time mind you.I just pick one.


I have a few dates and a glass of milk for saxuur OR oatmeal with a glass of milk. Not both. And you're telling me I eat more? You want to kill me? Thats even less than a 1000 calories.

Bal do tell what you eat and lets see how much it amounts to.

I'm not kidding ee gaxwada iska kala yaree before you turn into a Warewolf or something. :D teeda kale waxaa isoo gaartay saambuuska intaa ka cunto maba xisaabisid aa la dhahay malawax kii la dhahaayena isaga haba sheegin oo ma noola maskiinka...



Juxa iyada baaf Xalwo ee ku afurtaa oo wax kale ma cunto...she's on diet :D



Aniga every single day I eat new stuff that's the disadvantage you'd get markaa maqaaxi ka afurto but I usually eat bowl of mixed fruits 2 fish sambus, 1 or 2 malawax, porridge and at least 4 glasses of either Orange, Pineapple, Avocado or Watermelon juice and that's it...casho iyo aniga iskuma saqajaano...suxuurtana waxaan cunaa bariis cad iyo sour milk or soor iyo caano. smile.gif



Peace, Love Unity.

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Cabdw, dadkaan naftooda eey been usheeegooyaan ramadan & diet iskumeel maba galaan



sanbuus 15 xabo aniga hadaan cunin inaan wax cunay iskumaba heesto

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