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^^ :D

Wednesdays is Union Jack boxers day ;)


*Hopes the people in charge of compiling the honours list take note of that :rolleyes: *


It might be quicker if you do it, the weather seem to suit your clothes smile.gif

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Well as everyone i am having troubles myself...It seems i can't post a reply in my own topic but can in others, oh well...As to loss of pm's it sucked at first but then it really didn't matter

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your best player was Yasiin liverpool..But if you were the Uk guy that shared the same hotel as us, then you know who this


Simba lost to us 3-2 and with you guy beat them in penalty know what that

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I got the same fetal error as viking did when i tried to post a reply to one of the posts. seems still something is wrong with the system.

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Northerner, I don't know what part of the tournament was easy for the UK TEAM, because I didn't have the opportunity to take part on watching it, but I did show up the last weekend(friday, saturday), and missed the finals...



The saturday game was just flat out disgusting.... I don't know why folks from UK team managed to have out of shape players representing them, but 6-1 over Ohio was pretty embrassing...Only because y'all couldn't run fast enough, y'all had folks with beer belly's in ya team, c'mon....


Atleast the friday game, T.o Vs MN was hot game, Most ofT.o team weren't fit players, but they sure played like they knew how to play...where as the saturday game,the UK team just could not manage to do anything right, y'all got whooped every sense of the word.


I didn't even see a coach, y'all are very disorganized, y'all need to take em oldies out of ya team, and bring on the real players from your end of the world, or else folks gonna start thinking that all you got is em out of shape dudes...


In all honesty, the next time a team representing Uk decides to show up and take part on these types of tournaments, y'all should consider putting some talent, not only that but y'all got about a year to get into shape, come up with a decent team, and upgrade your bench....BASICALLY, BECOME A TEAM....for instance, OHIO, MN, ATL are prime example of team unity...(They were professional and those kids were disciplined...)


I don't mean to put your team down, but this was my first take on this whole tournament, and from the looks of it, I was pretty much disappointed with the game some of the teams bring into the field...

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Leave the UK players alone. I'm sure they are better than anything the cnucks and yanks could ever muster!


Better recognise!




It might be quicker if you do it, the weather seem to suit your clothes

Sorry luv, but tis too drafty for me to get ma kit off. Another time eh? ;)

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Garab Toujiye,loooooool, i wasnt at your hotel but i visited the guys a few times,lol, i only know Hassan from the Ottaowa team whom i had a bit of an altercation with in the game and i also rember beating you guys 3-1 in the 1st game!!!! :D


Simba lost to us 3-2 and with you guy beat them in penalty know what that

lol, remeber we beat Simba 3-0 in the group game? when the final came along, well, 2 weeks of late nights and travelling takes alot out of you, there was also of discontent in the camp that night :rolleyes:


If you saw the game with Somali stars, then u would have witnessed my knockout i gave to the spectator :D .


Laziegirl, you talking of a different tournament where the UK team lost 6-1. Thats not a true representattion!


Ayoub dont post the pics man!!!!!

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Everything looks fine from where I’m standing. But, what’s with the pop up adverts, man? :(


Ayoub, post those pictures :D

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^^ But we so wanna know if the 'beer belly' stories r true? You need to post a pic of the NORTH STAR's and confirm ur all fit and 'good 2 go'... :D

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