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Bajaq iyo Badeeco!!

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^ :D . Iska deey wiilka tacbaan waayee. Macalimad shiisho dhuuqdaa tuujiska ka badisay oo ku fadhiso lamadaan cawo.


Waryaa, orod isboorko yahaw ku noqo meeshaa jirtay.

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LOL@KK, wallaahi saan u qoslaaye, waaba fuuray.(tears aa iga imaaday)


Wiilkaan is avoiding the question.


After all, balaayo ayuu isku furay when he mentioned the growing shiisha users among females.


Tuujiska, ha ii dhuudhuuman, answer my question.


Do you prefer naag shidato mase mida cabto, which is worse son?


You say that its alright iney shitaan shiishaha but on the other hand, you don't seem pleased about the growing generation of females overcrowding the shiisha joints?


Double standard waxaas aa la dhahaa.


You either for saqajaanimo, or you are against it.


"I dont mind saqajaamiin, but I would rather they hide it from me, sheeko sheeko waaye."


KK, someone said you sounded too liberal, thats spot on sista.


Yes, dadka oo "balwad" kujira, waa howl ayaga kusaabsan, but balse it isn't something we shouldn't take lightly..


This carefree thinking of "to each his own" isn't something we can afford at this age of the game.


Balwadnimo takes our people back in time, we ought to be moving with time.(khat,shiisha,cigarette,qamro,weed, and etc is intolerable behaviour and a social destruction)


The issue of "balwad" is a clear cut issue, you either for it, or against it, so who is with me?

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

Do you prefer naag shidato mase mida cabto, which is worse son?

Wah, what's the point oo la shidaayo hadaan la cabeen? Adaaba ka daree sheekadaa...Or am I missing something here?


This carefree thinking of "to each his own" isn't something
can afford at this age of the

Who is 'we'? And what 'game'?


I believe in 'qofkii soojoog laga waayo, soo jiifaa laga helaa'...So who ever wants to have balwad, like I said it is up to them...If it gets to the point of no return, so be it...How many alcoholics, drug addicts are out there? Certainly, just cuz he/she is a Somali any diff ilama laha...They chose to live that life style, I didn't choose it for them...At the end of the day, iyagey u taalaa... ;)

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We, meaning somalida. The game meaning the state of our nation.


If few million jews can pick themselves up and become a powerhouse in this world, why can't we, another few million, lesser than the jews, come together and get our act together as one?


Its only a matter of time before sheikha sharafta leh uu wadanka xoreeyo and when he does, he would want all the help he can get.


If most are into balwad, who will be lending a hand to the masaakiinta xamar? A generation lost in this civil war, and a generation born into it.(they all need our help)


Somalida sheekadooda waa wax kadaree.


Some dont know how to control their alcohol, so they become alcoholic, some dont know how much weed is enough, so they over do it, then we got the jaad eaters, who refuse to get up off their fadhi carbeed.


People from back home think they have hero's out in disapora, but instead there are those into shiisha , jaad jewers, it has become a hobby to say the least.


Talk about disappointment eh?


Let me give you an example KK.


Remember I mentioned we had few hundred somalis who migrated to canada and the government settled them in my small town, some time back?


It has been 3yrs now since being in canada, and can you believe, just the other day on my way to work, I drove by this arab area(mostly restaurants,variety stores and such and now they got a big building, and inside they have shiisha joints)


Now, somalida cusub, aaba meeshaas fadhiistaan, I mean, they haven't even bee here for 5 yrs and all of a sudden shiisha hang outs maba laga kaco.


It is disappointing to find out that these people came all the way here and and instead of making something of themselves, they made sure they are comfortable in their shiisha joints, smoking their life away.


Lets not forget, dhibaatada ay sponsorship umareen, inta lies la sheegay to get to where they are.

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^Didn't we all lie to get here? Wah...


What about those who have been here for nearly 20yrs, and are doing the same or worse? Abaayo just like any other group of people, we have losers...However, those who work their behinds off (whether going to school, working hard to provide a better life for themselves and thier families) far outweight the ones you speak of...Hadaan Somali nahay, saan waxeena xun u fiirineyno baa wixii fiicnaa na dhaafaa...


Besides, if one smokes shiisha or chews jaad believe me there are a lot of worse things he/she could be doing (ie. drug dealing, prostitution, etc.)...So let's not dwell on this shiisha thing...Beats me, why aanba shiisha and jaad isu barbardhigoynaa...


FYI, I am NOT a shiisha smoker, though I have tired

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Layzie, kaalay gamekaan iyo we daan aa keentay maxaa waaye..beynaka cuudu bilaah...adi kaniisad laguu furo waaye oo lagaa dhigo kuwa burura oo dadka sheedaamada ku rido! baadariyahee lol...


Neph bajaq yahee dianada ku halowday, daan daansigaa aa wadid jooji nooh! waa og tahay ani bajaq wiligeed geed ma igu xiraneysee....


lol@kk waziirada bajaq yaasha gabasaaraha gaab gaaban, kaalay libaral adiga lee isku ahoo marka and dadka iska dhaaf..aqtiyaar ee leeyihiin..sandule miyaa waxaada?



Personaly I don't care if a girl smokes shiisha because I seen girls that don't smoke shit or drink and are more qurun than anything that could be imagined..... I don"t mind bajaq qiic afuufeyso aan sigaar aheen... laakiin shiisha in style ee noqotay oo bajaq kaste waxee ka dhigataa night out......... Casho iyo badeecad lol....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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UK, wa la ga mamnucay in gudaha wax qiicayo oo dhan lugu cabo, laakin wili dhaxanta iyo roobka bannaka intii kuras loo dhigay aye ku cabooyan. Addiction ma taqana? Kulligoodna waxay ku dhahayan wa 'social smoking' markan rabo waa iska joojinkara. And the Nile is a river in Africa! Ilahey ha u fududeeyo.

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And the Nile is a river in Africa! Ilahey ha u fududeeyo

lol Ic what u saying.....UK waxee gashay meesha ugu caansan oo bahashaas had ee ka socoto....



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Everyone is entitled to smoke whatever they please. But, there is a price tag for everything. In other words, you are puting your health in the line.

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