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Johnny B   

If e-nuri is a demagogical cake for the 'Jazkhallah kheir' sayers, then NGONGE´s lofty demand 'switch off the Autopilot' is substantiated, unless the cake is too important for the baker and any type of revision is considered too discerning too revealing and deadly for the consumers.


As far as my hike can reach, Castro is one of the very few brilliant heads on SOL and he´s beeing dragged into e-Nur´s clutches, becouse of the VERY subtle undercurrent in the Topic that he pointed at.


Having said that , i second my Graad (Bashi) and favor the tea peace confrence , becouse the alternative is e-Nuri´s ruin and that is not what NGONGE or Castro want as they CARE about the consumers just as much , if not more.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Here Castro has done nothing except his usual wishy-washy posts to entertain himself and others like him at the expense of our convictions.

Good Baashe, engagement is in order (before Rita hits) so expand on the above, will you? What wishy-washy posts in this topic? What is Castro like? And who are these "others" like him? No one calls a spade what it is and I hope you keep me as a fan. :D



And worry not about Xiin. Sticks and stones man, sticks and stones.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Yes I do. C'mon brother Xiin. You are at fault here saaxiib. Don't stick to your guns. Appology is in order here. Sayed was called son of a dog and any poems composed to refute that cheap shot was somewhat justified.
Here Castro has done nothing except his usual wishy-washy posts to entertain himself and others like him at the expense of our convictions.

Baashi...I thought u were being sincere in your intervention until the last bit of your post caught my attention. Giveth with one hand and taketh away with the other.

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Baashow, Though I am tempted to heed your advice (actually I will issue one), my frustration is not without cause. The provocative swing, as you put it, is a deserving crackdown on the doc-ka-yeers of this site. Seldom do they engage in a meaningful debate. And yet distraction, they do excel. The man had spoiled to many sports, saaxiib.


As for the Syed and his piercing verses, I love it. When Ali Dhuh came back with those cheap shots. The Syed had some for him in store:


Nin amxaara mooye intii edeg adduun joogta

Islaameedku wuxuu i yaqaan ehelu kheyrkiiye

Aakhiro albaabada jannaan agabsanaayaaye

Asxaabihii oo dhan baan ehel wadaagnaaye

Rasuulkii udgoonaana waa ina adeerkay'e

Adiguse Abbaanow waxaas urayya sow maahid

Sow kii Ilaahey nacay eeeyga qalay maahid. :D

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I agree with all seven points. However, I choose not to pay attention to numbers 4, 5 and 7.


I can see where you’re heading with these arguments. I understand the arguments. I even (hush hush) sometimes, wonder, ponder and speculate on the truthfulness of such arguments. However, in my observations of people using this forum, I believe that not many are equipped enough to understand that dangerous argument. I’d rather you preached, spoke about and insisted on the basics instead of the ‘philosophical’ here. You see, Nur, it might be ok for you, but for many others an obsession with conspiracy theories ends up becoming just that. The faith, the reason for entertaining these conspiracy theories and the consequences become secondary. The conspiracy theory becomes the goal. That then is followed by hatred (thoughtless hatred) and unfounded allegations (as are conspiracy theories if you had not noticed).


You might have been well read and sensible enough to distinguish between a conspiracy theory and an unreasonable hate. You probably can reconcile such thoughts and ideas with your other Dacwa work (but, not everyone is you). Surely, you can see how harmful these issues of conspiracy theories are!


I refuse to believe that you don’t read exchanges, opinions and threads on this site. I really doubt that you just post your own topics and move on. You must have read all the nonsensical threads, seen the unbelievable opinions and noted the harmful trends. In such an environment and with such an audience, a topic like this one is most inappropriate.


When bravado and ignorance meet hope is lost, saaxib. Here, with my respect to all readers, ignorance (when it comes to Islamic attitudes) reigns supreme. A thread full of bravado is not going to be much help. One that jumps into the intricate and confusing world of conspiracy theories is even worse.


I attempt to avoid mixing politics with faith. Not because I believe in the separation of the religion and the state. But, because I would not want to confuse others and myself by applying it. My knowledge of politics (which is easy) is more advanced than that of my faith. Regardless of how hard I would try, the stronger subject is more likely to dominate my arguments and I might, just might bend the weaker subject to fit in with some political hypothesis I have. I’m rambling here but hope that you get my point.

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Good Baashe, engagement is in order (before Rita hits) so expand on the above, will you? What wishy-washy posts in this topic? What is Castro like? And who are these "others" like him? No one calls a spade what it is and I hope you keep me as a fan.

None in this topic, I concede. In general though, you're neither here nor there and all over the place. Just like the tracks of 4WD cheep in the sand dunes of shalanbood. As the great poet put it Sida gaari raadkii, ninyahow gees walbaba u jeeda, labada ganniyaan is galin, ninyahaow jeeb isugu geeyay, Walee laba garaadlow kaama guro sheeko! No one knows where the tracks are from or heading.


I don't know what to make of Castro the screen character. He is calm but often wrong when it comes to matters of larger concern. He is hip, can distinguish verbs from nouns, and can effectively confuse the debate with his flip-flop style (don't ask me again dee :D ). He likes to see drama after drama in SOL boards...that's entertainment for him :D He got thick skin and have a lot of shock absorbers on his head. A difficult nomads if you ask me. Diamond is a diamond when you know it in the first hand but in the virtual world, it is hard to tell.


Rita is going to land on, according to the weather men, somewhere between the Northern Mexico and LA. May Allah save you and your family from its destructive power.



You are wrong dhuubo. My take is when it comes to religious issues, caution must be exercised. It's not your usual cup of tea methinks. Amigo Castro has yet to acknowledge, in practice (virtual), the care and foresight these kinda topics need. From what I gather, it is all an entertainment for him.

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Having read the various dialogues and exchanges


in this thread, I couldn't help but remember these




Seest thou such a one as taketh for his


god his (Xawa) own passion (or impulse)(Xawa can


mean such desires are honour, fame, lust etc.) ?


Couldst thou be a disposer of affairs for him?


Or thinkest thou that most of them listen or


understand? They are only like cattle;- nay, they


are worse astray in Path.


Sura number 25:v. 43-v.44

Fi Amanillahhh

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I can't see what Castro did wrong there to deserve all this nonsense from you guys.


Xiin, says he disrupts topics! 99% of the kids on this site disrupt topics, Xiin. Have you read some of Kashafa’s nonsense? At least Castro tries to make it interesting.


Baashe says he does not show respect for the faith. Have a look at Khayer’s last reply, sensitive Baashe. THAT is what I call not showing respect to the faith. What did what he just wrote mean? Is it correct? In the right context? Does he know what he’s talking about?


In this topic at least, I think you’re being unfair to Castro.


So much for calling a spade a spade.

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I have no doubt that Ngonge means good in his critisim .

I am afraid his posts state the contrary.

With all due respect Baashi how did you come to that conclusion? Certainly not by reading his posts?!

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Originally posted by Baashi:

In general though, you're neither here nor there and all over the place. Just like the tracks of 4WD cheep in the sand dunes of

Good Baashe, I can't think of a single issue I've John Kerry-ed on in this forum. Not one. In fact, it's sticking to a side that often gets me in trouble. What's "here" and what's "there"? I want to know, please. I may have low imagination but I'm blessed with excellent memory saaxib. Bring a flip-flopping matter to my attention.


I don't know what to make of Castro the screen character. He is calm but often wrong when it comes to matters of larger concern. He is hip, can distinguish verbs from nouns, and can effectively confuse the debate with his flip-flop style (don't ask me again dee

You need not make anything of any screen character. This is entertainment for me, for the most part. However, “matters of larger concern†are not lost on me and displaying an unpopular stance, right or wrong, should not be used to indict my sincerity. I assure you I am not on any anti-Islam organization's payroll.


He likes to see drama after drama in SOL boards...that's entertainment for him
He got thick skin and have a lot of shock absorbers on his head. A difficult nomads if you ask me. Diamond is a diamond when you know it in the first hand but in the virtual world, it is hard to tell.

Don't you like to watch drama? Do you not have, or want to have, thick skin? How are those descriptions of anyone bad saaxib? What you can argue is humor and drama may not be appropriate for certain topics. I agree. It is mighty difficult to refrain from ridicule, mind you, when some character is begging for it. Nonetheless, some matters should be dealt with seriously and appropriately. Speaking of that, Nur and Ngonge's exchanges were on their way to addressing the subtle undercurrents I mentioned earlier.


These currents I speak of are related to the exchanges occurring between overtly religious folk (ones who have verses of the Qur'an or a hadeeth in their signatures) and the covertly (even non) religious folk. The former group, at least on SOL (and excluding Nur), have repeatedly shown contempt and careless disregard for opinions of others. Questions and inquiries posed by the latter group is met with disdain. “How can you not know this and call your self a Muslim?â€. “How dare you speak of so and so in such and such tone?â€. No matter. Strong beliefs are what they are. Ostensibly, this is a forum which, by definition, is a place for open discussion. Careful inquiries of any kind should be encouraged. Attitudes and insults should be checked at the door. The assumption that everyone knows everything about Islam (or any topic) should be thrown out.


The seef-la-bood fever on this site is nearly suffocating. I engage in it myself. When it comes to intolerance, bigotry and cruelty, I immediately pelt such nomad with strong condemnation. But those are earthly concerns that most of humanity can agree on. Heavenly concerns are different, more delicate, more personal, and as such, not only the questioner needs to walk a fine line, the questioned must be on their best behavior and be of possession of a minimum level of knoweledge. But walking the fine line is not to avoid asking questions or making statements. The sanctity of Islam and the prophet won't be tarnished by a mere mortal's words. It remains a mystery to me how some of us would throw the baby out with the bath water (the baby being the very ones we're attempting to save) for the sake of much pride and some prejudice.


Xiin may be knoweledgeable and learned. Not just in Islam but in other things as well. But his attitude stinks. His demeanor is deplorable. And his openly contemptuous words take away from anything he's trying to bring forth. His “my Islam†message is not needed here. I don't care to engage his ilk on any level. But he's not alone. Many of us are xiins and won't admit it. In his head, there are two camps, the saved and the unredeemed. He likes to think the former is his camp. And if anyone opposes him, then they're the lost. Such small ideas coming from a seemingly big man.


I'm voluntarily evacuating town for hurricane Rita and may be offline for some time. Xiin can pray that I drown in the theodicy he'd been wishing on me lately. After all, he is an official keeper of the faith and I have been designated public heathen number one. :D

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Originally posted by Roob:

quote: I have no doubt that Ngonge means good in his critisim .

I am afraid his posts state the contrary.

With all due respect Baashi how did you come to that conclusion? Certainly not by reading his posts?!
I think the saying goes



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I cant say that I’m too happy with how the caaqilayaal of SOL are constantly at each other’s throats maalmahan. Its like a small-time warzone in here.


The current environment around these forums is not conducive to good Islamic discussions. To be honest, you’re all too busy trying to undermine one another and question one another’s intention that you loose focus of the topic and end up confusing the readers (moi) and eventually agreeing to disagree. There is absolutely nothing to gain from a topic that reads like this (so far). And if one gains nothing from reading 3 pages of what is supposed to be an Islamic discussion, one is left disappointed.

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Oh Baashe; this is one those days when I seek to repose under the literary shade! Hadraaw's, to be precise.

Inta aan gar- waaqsaday intaan, garasho diidaayo

Inta laygu gaad gaadayaa, iiga geed ba'ane

Cishaday gabnowdiyo intay, gelinba heerjoogtey

Girif-giriftu way igu badnayd, gu'iyo jiilaale

Inaan gaabsho mooyiye cishana, tayda maan gabine

Galka seefta kuma haysan jirin, maalin gulufeede

Misna geeladay, gocoraday, iiga gaws kulule


Goonbaartu eelkay dhigtaba, gaari baw xidhane

Godobteedu waxay saarantahay, meelo aan geyine

God markaan daboolaba far baa, laygu godayaaye

Nin gefaaba lay tirinayaa, garasho waa yaabe

Waxan ahay nin lagu saan gatoon, raadba soo geline

Garraantayda qaar iyo, lag iyo, gaasas baa necebe

Gabbashayda duul iyo badh iyo, goosan baan rabine

Haddaan gaasho yeeshana dar bay, gawl la leedahaye

Hadba waxaan ku guul seegayaa, lama garaystaane


Castro's my prayer's for safety are with you. Allaah, ha kaa bad-baadiyo. It’s the character on this screen that I’ve reproached, mind you, not you as Ali, Ahmed,or Osman. Meesha ka baxso, idin Allana nabad-gal.

P.S: NGONGE, point taken. 7 Of Nine, waa runtaa.

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Not bad at all! Okay, let's get down to it. On the flip-flop and wishy-washy charge, you have known to be for and at the sometimes against reforming Islam. Noh? I have never shown contempt for the opinions of others. I have always, without fail, welcomed opinions. I understood all along that reasonable people could always disagree. I only wished these disagreements be based on principles. You are being disingenuinous with your generalization here saaxiib


On the site being an open forum for all opinions and viewpoints, true that and rightly so - that I agree. However, some things will never change saaxiib. Principled folks will always resist and even challenge the ones that want to have it both ways. Social mores of particular ethnicity or religious order will always reflect the attitudes and behavior of its adherents. Signatures, which you dubbed as a sign of religiosity (overtly), are reflection of these particular nomads worldview and what have you. If you have noticed honest differences between the nomads who congregate in this forum, you are on the money. There is a wedge between the ones whose conviction in Islam is not open for compromise and those who see them as fanatics.


There is where you and I come in. Our views, for the large part, reflect our convictions. I weigh issues according to set of principles and it so happen I got them from known source. Likewise, you weigh the same issue and according to your set of principles. I might change the tone, attitude, or approach I use when sharing my views with other nomads depending on the context. But we drink from the same well to borrow a phrase and as such the taste should be the same. For instance, the starbuck thread fiasco. Sexual orientation is dictated by nature according to your views. I on the other hand thought it's a choice. Here my view is inline with my principles. Yours, however, were not in synch with Islam. Now we gotta problem here mister! Either you conform to the dictates of Islam or you don’t. Ayad qudha ninkii dafira dibada weeyaan is the verdict here.


With such record, you agree with me I hope, you are not in a position to be taken seriously in matters relating to Islam. You can always have your opinions but you owe us to reveal your true convictions. So we can have frutful discussion. As it stands now, many folks are confused on where you stand on the spectrum. Knowing where you stand is very helpful. We know how to deal with Muslims. They are one of us, we share the same set of principles and when in dispute we can always go back to that source for validation. If and when they make mishap we can excuse their mishaps as one borne out of ignorance. We also know how to deal with atheists, monotheists, and what not. The likes of Manji, Rushdie, Ayan and other confused souls present us a difficult challenge to all of us. They are neither here nor there publicly! Are you with me here amigo. They flip-flop! Laga jecli lugta jecli kinda people. Many genuine Muslims have yet to figure out how to put these hypocrites where they belong - big time Murtadiin!


The undercurrent thing you alluding to has to do with this dilemma. Observe the niceties in the name of progressive open-mindedness and pocket a cobra in your pocket. Or from the get go, state the obvious and say choose your camp first for the line between them is clear! Many folks are willing to accept the loss and direct their energy to the folks they have many things in common. Others afraid that these cobras won’t go away and sooner or later they have to be dealt with. My position has been very well let’s cease the underhand comments at once and see if we can have fruitful discussion where the finer points of the debate are respected and observed.



I don’t see anything wrong with Khayr’s post. For crying out loud the man has only posted Qur’anuc verses. Where has Khayr gone wrong saaxiib?



Emotions are getting in the way but Ngonge has good thesis. In case you didn’t noticed he is of the opinion that our energy are spent on matters of lesser concern given the enormity of challenges faced the ummah and too often these challenges are coming from within the ummah rather than from outside. He seems to be stuck at how screen characters are reacting to his posts and other trivial stuff instead of penning some good recommendations as food for thought for discussion.




God markaan daboolaba far baa, laygu godayaaye

Nin gefaaba lay tirinayaa, garasho waa yaabe

Waxan ahay nin lagu saan gatoon, raadba soo geline

Garraantayda qaar iyo, lag iyo, gaasas baa necebe

Gabbashayda duul iyo badh iyo, goosan baan rabine

Haddaan gaasho yeeshana dar bay, gawl la leedahaye

Hadba waxaan ku guul seegayaa, lama garaystaane

Awoowe warkuba waa intaa. Kama agab sokeysaan qabaa Lama garaystaan!. Annigaaba gacan ku gabad ah hadda! Adduunyo!


7 of 9,


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The time has come; I am about to go home. So let me leave these words behind.


Wallaahi, I don’t know what this essay did to some. It was the power of intent, I suppose, that flushed rascals from their woodwork. But here they came. Not with ideas, but with ridicule and laughter. Scorning is what they did. Such has been their trademark; interrupting smooth going debates with a fusty one line. Annoying it sure is.


There was where my quote belonged. But wallowing in mud, it bordered. And as Baashi advised and in the light of Castro’s protest, I deprived Syed from that verse.


Intaan danbi noogu filan Ramadaan-na waa na haysaa. Marka lets not bear grudges, saaxiibayaal. After all this is a virtual exchange. It is not real. Don’t let it injure you.


Cafis iyo masaamax. Ninka Castro ah ha loo duceeyo inaan daadku qaadin. Aamiin.

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