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A mini defense of midgets

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I am a midget and have been so scince I can remeber, it was this shortness surplus that drove to buy a PHD in the streets of your lovely Italian....pock marked cheesecake capital.

To be a midget is an inability to pay at the counter like other people but in no way is it a disability. Midgets have been loved since the beginning of time (well, at least since I can remember). Willow's most beloved creature ... a midget. Welcome to Fantasy Island ... who was the favorite character on that show? I dare you to name any character but Tattoo. Best Baywatch,Seinfeld and Springer episodes include what?? That's right - midgets. Austin Powers was a funny movie, but the highlight was undoubtedly Mini-Me. Star Wars ... hello!? Yoda, the wisest of all midgets. One of the greatest movies of all time is The Wizard of Oz. That was pretty much a story about midgets, how helpful, polite and giving they are... when Dorothy needed advice where did she look? DOWN

Midgets make us feel good about ourselves, they can brighten our day by simply riding a big wheel, wearing diapers, or just letting us give them a piggyback ride. Up and coming sports like dwarf tossing, midget wrestling, midget bowling and my favorite midget juggling, leave us pie-eyed and speechless ... but always wanting more.


Howard Stern brought us Hank and Beetlejuice ... Blink 182 brought us "All the Small Things" and the Real World has even integrated them into the contests on their show. Midgets are great, and they're here to stay. And if there ever is a world without midgets, it's a world of which I'd never want to be a part.

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