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Johnny B

The Enemy of Theism

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Answering my question with a question. Why don't you pray sincerely to God whether you believe in Him or not and ask Him to show you the way? You have nothing to lose. One has to understand that Iman is a gift. May we all receive and continue to receive this gift from Allah! Amin

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Johnny B   

Originally posted by Hassan_B:

Answering my question with a question. Why don't you pray sincerely to God whether you believe in Him or not and ask Him to show you the way? You have nothing to lose. One has to understand that Iman is a gift. May we all receive and continue to receive this gift from Allah! Amin

Your question?


I must have missed it somehow ,(am getting old) let me reread what you wrote:


Originally posted by Hassan_B:

Dear Johny,


You must first decide if faith in a Creator is something you desire. If so then the only way is to inquire those who have it how to get it, if not, then please mind your own business and cease this.


That is unless you've decided to wage war against those who believe. In which case you're an enemy to all those who believe regardless of how they came to that believe. Other then that, I wish all the best for you.

I still can't find your question, can you?!




No , Yes, sat-sunday Quran-school, that is where i went to, and my Islamic rendred Somali culture is of acceptable level. having poets and Ugaas family blood, among other things.



Never heard about the Manchurian whispers,nor am i here to take all your childhood traumas away,as you're still in love with some aspects of those Traumas. icon_razz.gif ..... all I could ask for is to just have a daring look on this scary figure that is used to traumatize your little heads. ;)


Despite the risk of one comming out as a Man who is unproportionally content in his Worldview who out of pure (but un-called for, if you like) simpathy, would like to sahre that view,I find it not to be a far fetched likelihood, if one found my view to be clossally wrong , but demanding a reflection per se, should never ideally be a Threat.



Freely conducting the life of a traumatized kid, as an adult, must be like freely hobbling one's horse during the long journey of life,based on saftey reasons, despite the distance. :D

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Johnny ninyahoo Gaalnimadaada maad iska heysatid oo diinta islaamka iska dhaaftid? Jonny Baadarina kuuguma yeeri karo maxaa yeelay wuu ku dhaamaa oo in la abuuray buu amin sanyahay ee saaxiiboo haduu buufis diineed ku haayo, maad meel aad ka heleysid culuma'ul diin aadid?



Sol ma joogaan imaamyo iyo scholers saaxiib bax radso qof buufiska kaa saaro....


War bax raadso help ina taree haku dardaree...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Johnny B   


I will definitely not survive running into this:



nga daa dee habarka,nacala scarpehaga ku taale. icon_razz.gif



Through one’s skepticism a belief/religion was revealed. It has come around full circle, as foretold.


Very intresting revelation, and kudos for having come around and in full circle.


It's just that revelations, cheap or valueable as they may be, are awash in every culture,and if facts, Truths and realities are what is claimed to have been revealed, it then would follow or so i believe, that there would never be a problem validating/verifying what is claimed to have been revealed against the one and only Reality we have, which is sadly almost never the case.


Lest one is of the idea that just because something is claimed to have been revealed, therefore per automatic skip examination, validation and verification against the only reality we have, one'd be hardly pressed to conduct a normal,natural and reality-ridden lifeview.


On the contrary, what is claimed to have been revealed was and is being aggressively marketed, and if needs be enforced through intimidations, indoctrinations and what have you, which would never be the case given that what is claimed to have been revealed was/is naturally in sync with the reality in a harmonious manner. :D

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Since you wish to discuss skepticism with regard to religion I just thought I would highlight that the same argument can be used in favour of religion.


Considering the growth of Islam over the years with even the Pope proclaiming it to have overtaken Catholism (I personally think Islam surpassed Catholism a long time ago), I would say the counter argument would be accurate as well as more factual.


The rest of your hubaloo is just that hubaloo smile.gif

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Johnny B   

^I actually stated a question regarding what i would like to discuss, namely, Why doubting, skepticism, questioning and critically thinking are the Enemy of Theism?.


It saddens me deeply that you've to take to the fallacy of numbers, ( pssssssssssyt,,We have the best selling Religion [fill in with your fav Religion name] in the world, you should try it too. many people have converted to [fill in with your fav Religion] , there must be something in it.


Facts...the adherents of [fill in your fav Religion name] outnumber the adherents of [fill in your least fav religion name],so [fill in your fav Religion name ] is factual.


Children are not religious, nor is the correct Religion neccessarily the one whose adherents or their children outnumber the others, but if it soothes your pain or gives you some sort of kick, Islam surpassed both Catholism and Budhism combined together.

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what absurdity do you champion and why?


Do you have conscience? if so what do you judged it by and where do you get it from?


Do you have purpose in life? If so what is it and why?


Are you a hypocrite or sincere?


Brave or Coward?


Do you want Dacwa? :D

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As opposed to jumping ship and seeking answers to questions post apostasy? Very 'rationale'.


I'm just saying your argument there can be flipped in favour of religion. However much you try to deny it, people are asking questions and being skeptical of their non-spiritual lives (athiesm). This skepticism leads to changes and the adoption of a spiritual lifestyle.


Hubaloo as it were.

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