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Cala Haman Ya Fircoon!

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In old Arab folklore there is a popular saying about Haman and Pharaoh.


Pharaoh let it be known throughout his realm that he was a god. This Pharaoh had a wazeer by the name of Haman. The legend says that it was actually Haman who suggested that Pharaoh pretend to be god.


One day, a woman comes to the palace of Pharaoh and begs the guards to let her in to see her god. She tells them that her only possession in this whole world (a cow) has died. She begs to see Pharaoh and ask him to bring the cow back to life. After what seems like an eternity, Pharaoh finally agrees to see her.


She tells him about her cow and asks him to bring it back to life. He offers to replace the dead cow with a dozen of his own. The woman insists that this cow was the companion of her life and that she will not accept any in its place. Pharaoh offers her money but she still refuses. Pharaoh, finding himself cornered in such a way, finally snaps and says:


Pharaoh: I am PHARAOH. I am GOD. I can't be wasting my time resurrecting cows.


Woman: But, your worship, I really loved that cow. Who else can I ask for help other than my god?


Pharaoh: I am sorry, lady. I only resurrect people. Haman is in charge of the animal department.


Woman: But you are Haman's god. Can't you please instruct him to revive my cow, your worship?


Pharaoh: Of course I can. Guard, guard, summon Haman right now.


A few minutes pass before Haman finally enters the room.


Haman: Did you call for me, your majesty?


Pharaoh: Ah! Haman, my favourite wazeer. I have a small task for you.


Haman: Anything, your majesty. You are the god of Egypt and all that surrounds it. Whatever you order shall be.


Pharaoh: This here lady has lost her cow. I want you to bring it back.


Haman: With all due reverence and respect, your majesty! Shouldn't this be done by one of the guards?


Pharaoh: The cow is dead. I want you to bring it back.


Haman: What is the point of bringing back a dead cow, your majesty? Better make use of its meat and carcass says I.


Pharaoh: The woman has asked me, her god and king, to bring her cow back. I already told her that I don't do animals. So, kindly, bring her cow back to life, Haman.


Haman: I am merely one of your subjects, your majesty. What do I know about reviving dead cows or anything else for that matter? This woman is wasting our time and shows insolent disrespect by asking you to revive her stinking cow. Off with her head I say.


Pharaoh: It's not for you to say anything.


Haman: I am sorry your majesty. But this woman is being very trivial.


Pharaoh: Look, I would have brought her cow back to life myself if I didn't have to worry about moving the sun down at sunset and bringing the moon up. I also have three good friends of mine whom I need to bring back to life.


Haman (chuckling to himself and mumbling): On Haman O Pharaoh?



In a different version of the story it is said that Haman went to see Pharaoh one day but the guards would not let him in. They told him that Pharaoh was busy creating a couple of new planets. Haman laughed to himself (for he was aware that Pharaoh was no god) and uttered his popular saying: Cala Haman Ya Fircoon?





In his recent actions and pronouncements, who do you think would say these words to Sh. Hotel? :D

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^^ Maya. The other way round. Sh. Hotel has become the head of the TFG now. If he talks rubbish about needing troops or aid these two guys can clearly(and expertly) say the words above. Eleen aiyaga beentaan la og. :D

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lool@sheikh Hotel,


He will be operating from hotels, he already were though before becoming Haamaan

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LOoooool :D:D


Shariif Ahmed: I am A Somali President and busy with the naming of PM and government.


Sheikh Aways: Calaa Hassan Dahir Aweeys yaa Sheikh Shariif




Nice one old man.

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Originally posted by Abtigiis &Tolka:

loooooooooooool@Sh. Hotel.
Waryaa secessionst Ngonge, you need perpetual violence in the south for the dream to come so ma aha.

That one is a myth, saaxib. A stable Somalia will only hasten things and allow the secession to become reality. If Sh. Hotel has any sense he will cut his losses and agree to the secession. He'll gain a valuable ally in the process.


You anti secession people are confused to be honest. One day you tell us that our secession is illegal because the rest of Somalia has not officially approved it and the next you say we want and endless war in Somalia. Make your minds up. :D

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