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Madrid - Lovers can be inseparable, but a German man took that literally when he glued himself to his fiancee in order to avoid extradition from Spain, legal sources said on Thursday.


The man applied a product normally used to glue car products together to his hand, and took advantage of a visit by his girlfriend to his jail to stick their hands together.


They said the man, 39-year-old Uwe Dieter Krone, and his girlfriend were taken to a Madrid hospital where doctors were hoping to avoid surgery by finding a solution that would dissolve the glue, the sources said.


Krone was arrested in April in the southern city of Cadiz on a German arrest warrant for pimping charges.



Lord Have Mercy.

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Originally posted by Qacbaro:

Ninyoho cadaankaan, maxaa romantic mee idhihi rabaan tanna.

No No No, romance has got nothing to do with it.


You know the guy was in Jail so he might have seen something that made him love this girl all over again or maybe they asked him to prove if he was part of the "Nimanka" or part of the

"Nimiyaasha". :D:D

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