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Racist or just humorous videos?, you decide..

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I've seen alot of more-or-less-racist online videos,

some made me wonder..while others made me scratch my head..

Here are couple of them videos :



The Funny


Dave Chappelle's Racist Airplane skit

Hillarious Nigga moment


The NOT-so-Funny

The Letter to black people video



And the obviously racist

toothpaste commercial

lynching a black man KKK style (Half-Life II engine)

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I felt sorry for the guy in the toothpaste commercial. I think that's supposed to mean that appearances are deceiving, and just because the toothpaste is black, doesn't mean it's no good for you. At least that's what I guess. The lynching video was obviously made by retard KKK pieces of crap who have never met a black person in their life to beat the sh*t out of them. That "letter to black people" was just stup*id, but the "nigga moment" video cracked me up.

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Things that should get some bells ringin' about the toothpaste comm.:

  • The way that guy climbed that pole (certain animal pops up in your mind?)[*]Do you feel the weakness of this guy (black character)? go home and cry, yeah ![*]Why are there so many balloons up at the ceiling?

    [*]guy is dumb?, why climb poles if kids keep screaming their heads off. Seriously why bring the dumb balloons home any way?

Neither the producer of this video, nor the character show any presence of intelligence in this video..


Commercial is from thailand :mad:

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The toothpaste commercial is not a real commercial. It's a skit, done by the same folks who do the "Letter to Black People" skit. There are a few others on their website I love the "Pregnancy Test" one.

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Iam emailing them about these videos to have them removed, surely they break the terms of use of


I can't believe they actually used a half-life 2 engine to create that lynching map.

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