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Globalized family

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Golobal Golobal Golobal Maney taransfer...


sorry but that tv-ad popped in my head when i read the title


I think it's very cool,cause now Somali traders in Greater Somalia can export their products to multiple continents where all these Somali malls are serving the Somali community

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So imagine down few generations?? we already lost most of our language and culture in less than 20 yrs? imagine another 20 yrs ? I dont even wanna think abt it

Afkeena kama aanan tagin, ee dad anaga nagu jiro ayaa damacsan inay ka tagaan, ha ugu kalifto ama ugu wacnaato kibir, islaweyni, yasid, ka faantan mise wax kale. Sidaa tiri beelaha kale soo galootiga ah nala nool dhulkaan barbaartooda afkooda wey baraan, kuna barbaaraan. Anaga waa iska badownimo, oo ah dad ka faantano afkeena hodanka ah. Haddii iskool qaas ah loo furo, oo bilaash ah afkeenana lagu barto, waa yartahay inta waalid ilmahooda geysan lahaa. Dhif ayee ahaan lahayeen. Iska dhig aan meesha isdhignay waayena, ma'aha wax kale.


Waxaa kale kusoo xasuustay gabar aan abti u ahay, oo ku dhalatay Denmark, oo aan kusoo arkay xagaas. Sideed jir ayee ahayd markaan soo arkaaye, afka Soomaaliga ee ku hadleyso, qoreyso kaalay arag, waaba cajiib suu ahaa. Kuwa waa weyn oo Soomaaliya ku dhashay, kuna koray oo aan ilmahabreed aan nahnay ugu tagay booqasho ahaan reerkooda, oo Afingiriis qaabdaran ula tagay meeshana iyagoo ku hadlaayo. Waxa cajiibka ahaa markee gabadhii sideed jirka [waa eight-years-old] ahayd ku dhahday labadaas gabdhood waa weyn ka tagay London, "Nin walba afkiisa waa leeyahay ee afkeena Soomaaliga aan ku hadalno, haddaa af kale rabtiina keyga waa Danish! Qofba af buu leeyahay"


MMA, Manshallah! I wish my family was that big and diverse...Fara kutiris lee nahay, kuligeena hal meel aan isla joognaa...And I hope we never ever have to separate...

Familkii aan ogaa ka dhalatee, bless them hee. smile.gif


MMA,it will all depend on how the first generations raise their kids,my family has 5 generations born outside Somalia and we so Somali you would assume we just left Berbera last

Your family waa raggeedi, saas la rabaa. Intee kusoo barbaartay adiga iyo qoyskaas intaas generation dalkeena ka maqnaa, if you don't mind asking?



How soon will you go back home if all is back to normol?

Eebba suu ka dhigo. Dalkeena anaga ayuu u baahanyahay, anaga haddaan wax u tarin, yaa wax u taraayo? Siduu yiri madaxweyne hore ee reer Mareykan u dhashay, "Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for you country." In this case, Soomaaliya, which is in a dire need of us all.

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One day, we were a group of 11, my friends, family and we took a Desert Safari tour in Dubai, and realised that we all having different passports, none Somali.


That raised alarm, I went to Somali consulate in Dubai, and got the new E-Passport, it costed be around $170, but it is worth.

I can also go to any continent and meet my immediate family

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Familkii aan ogaa ka dhalatee, bless them hee.

MMA, I told you, once you get to know my family, we are not that bad...Addictive iska noqnaa somehow...Welcome to the family hee... ;)

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We are globalized us for me I have families all over the world. last summer my cousin and her kids came to visit us. form Denmark and our kids couldn't communicate because of different languages her speak Danish and mine speak english. It was every bad and shameful that our kids didn't speak afsomalia. My children use to go to daycare since they were little and when they come home I talk to them half english half afsomalia. I never thought about it since that time for my kids not speaking afsomalia at all. I want to move this summer but don't know where to it yet. I was hoping somalia but dont know yet.

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Damn those dooladaha nakala firdhiyee!


familykeeyga waxaan sugeeynay isboonsar to mareykanka ,markey naga tuureen NZ.Luckily , my immediate family except one sibling we ended up in the same place.But just like you all , i have cousins,aunts,uncles and ayeeyo in mareeykanka, some in UK , cousins in the scandanavian countries.

But the most important advice my grandmother gave me was to keep in touch with the qaraaboda ,even more ,as now, we are scattered across continents.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

quote: Familkii aan ogaa ka dhalatee, bless them hee.

MMA, I told you, once you get to know my family, we are not that bad...Addictive iska noqnaa somehow...Welcome to the family hee...
Dankis, abaayadiis. Si fiican salka u dhigaa, oo isku soo dhaweynaa myself. :D


Buuxo, I am your long lost cousin and you don't keep in touch. Bax, ayeeyo ayaan kaaga dacwoonaa. Ayeeyo Cambaro waliba. :D

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