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Israel Censors Sympathy.

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Reported on Saudi newspaper AL-Watan, Israel pressured Google to remove all the images of Egyptian footballer Abu Trika showing his T-shirt with the text “Sympathize with Gaza” [also confirmed by Al-Arabiya…or you can do the search by yourself].


Egyptian “Islamic Group” [Al Jamaa Al Islamiya] issued a rare statement, applauded Abu Trika action in an article called “Abu Trika…playing football or playing with fire” on their website, saying:


I cried from joy because the young generation feels the scale of the tragedy experienced by their countries….


I cried and cried and cried because saying “Sympathize with Gaza” become a crime requires punishment…..


Abu Trika, I salute you, you are an example for the youth…


Algerian newspaper El Khabar interviewed Abu Trika [English]


I think it’s normal, I’ve expressed a feeling; a natural feeling of any Arab…and if you ask any Arab about what is happening to Palestinians and Gaza population he would tell you the same



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^It's not all the Arabs but only Abu Trika an Egyptian player that's doing this... but the point of the topic is that Israel wouldn't allow you to even only smpathise with Palestine..


You heard it google is under pressure and you Dhubad are not allowed to sympathise with Gaza... ooh you may try do it in your home or street but not on any public place or media stream.


Double Standard of this world is beyond the limit, where is the freedom of speech and that democratic values they so talk about... Nonesese, when Israel says No, it is means No, End of Story.

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