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Place Names ( Somali)

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Salam Aleikum W.W


Nice one Libaax but I have to be honest I've never ever heard the name Abdirizaq Marhsaale and if you are talking about the same Yaasiin Karaani that I know..Then..Well..Ahem Ahem, you are good…anyway you forgot to mention the great man, Binshaakir, I have never seen him play but every boy from Kismayo dreamt of becoming like him one day and I can honestly say that he commanded more respect than the president himself in Kismayo and everyone knew him young or old, man or a female boy or a girl.


I know Khaliif Shire Osman "Rico" more as we were neighbours and don't be scared brothers, I played with a legend or be it long after he retired from the beautiful game in Nairobi when he came from Canada in the late 90's.



GoldCoast, have you ever heard Binshaakir or Khaliif Rico?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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me bro


If indeed isku Shuban means the opposite of kalabaydhka, it would mean CONVERGING HIGHWAYS, while Kalabaydh means ( DIVERGING HIGHWAYS). We need a resident of that town/village to emlighten the crowd about the origin of that name.





Witrh due respect to your passion for your home town, before laughing it would help to carefully read the first few words I wrote:


" Kissimayo, could well mean "



That statement does not mean an authoritative explanation as you have said, it simply meant a possibility from the perspective of a person who does not know what the name really mean!


Your cambattive mood and pseudo-political explanation was more than this thread was meant to adddress, it was simply a light hearted thread to discuss meanings of somali places and towns with funny names. I feel sorry if you have been negatively impacted by unfair demograhic displacements caused by other nomadic Somali ethnic groups who may have hurt you in any way, I can assure you that I am not one of them, nor do I plan to come To kismayo for more than a fishing or a snorkling/diving trip.




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Salam Aleiuk W.W


My Dear Brother Nur,


its clear that I jumped my gun before, like you said, "Carefully reading" your statement and I APOLOGIZE for that, however, I wouldn't call my reaction towards YOUR comical thread "a combative mood" but a comment of a passionate man as there's no man in a supposedly combative mood that would be laughing, which is exactly what I said.


please my brother, don’t get me wrong, I’m not offended in anyway by your theories as they were not offensive by any means but rather amusing and I couldn't help but laugh.


Trust me my brother, the last thing on my mind was to come across as a pseudo to you or to anybody else and I kid you not, I am not Fadhi Ku Dirir under the pseudo-onym of BOB and I know my birthplace more than you're willing to give me credit for and so be it, at least they are not off the mark assumptions but a mere fact and I stand by everything I wrote.


Nur wrote ( I feel sorry if you have been negatively impacted by unfair demographical displacements caused by other nomadic Somali ethnic groups who may have hurt you in any way)


Nur, I don't see any point in responding to this statement as I believe you were not thinking right when you typed it, let's just say I'm willing to give you a reasonable doubt, should I add "unlike you"?


PS. Thousand Apologies if you felt I kidnapped your thread and please feel free to come to Kismayo my brother, in fact I would like to host you someday Insha Allah and take you to scuba diving myself and teach you how to set a trap for shrimps and lobsters with MACAWIIS and i will give you, your first taste of fried Qubo meat.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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jariiban= any thing bad u will find it there (gudcur, dhip , qaxar, so on n so forth)

Waryaa checkmate, leave my hometown alone..This place was off the hook.

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Bob bro.


Thanks, speaking of Qubo, few years back, I have dedicated the following thread to Kismayo, may be a revisit of that thread is in order to recieve my Kismayo honorary Paesano Medal.




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Salam Aaleikum W.W are you doing my brother...i haven't seen you here for ages and i was beginning to believe that you deserted us which would've been a tragic for this site!


Bilis-Qooqaani? Mmhhhh, I have no idea wallah but I know about Af-Madoow, Goobweyn, Leheleey, Xaliimo Cadeey, Kulbiyoow, Beer-Xaane, Sac Mooje, Buulo Xaaji, Hoosingoow, Badhaadhe, and few other towns that you would never find on the map.lool.

lovely to hear from you again as always my brother and stay reer Sikyaamo Daceey!





I'm sorry i missed that thread as i am a big Qubo cune and don't worry about that honourary medal, me and Baashi will put a good word for you Insha Allah and if you're lucky we might even offer you the hand of one of our lovely lassies for marriage, wouldn't that just be a wonderful?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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BOB sxb the feeling is mutual. Glad to see that you are still kicking and alive. The negative news coming from SA led me to believe that you are somehow in danger. BOB bro watch your back and make sure you got a concealed gun or something. The place ain't safe according to the news. What is that make locals target Somalis?


Bilis-Qooqaane is a two word name. Bilis = timo jilicsan (read that as being woman). Qooqaani = this is ur homework buddy :D .


Ain't no palce I would rather be than Sikmaayo. Oh! how I missed that place. Hey try Google maps, put it in the G-force pilot and fly over South of the city along the will bring back memories. Make sure you have a good connection though.


I'm still here buddy. My man Libaax knows the situation I'm in. Too much work, less time, and enough problems that compel you to take them with you to home and work from home without pay...blve me it happens sometimes.

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Originally posted by Baashi:

Bilis-Qooqaane is a two word name. Bilis = timo jilicsan (read that as being woman). Qooqaani = this is ur homework buddy

Whoever gave the town that name disgraced and violated the basic human rights of the ladies in that town because xawgaas niuu geesho beec yaawe, bagdhaha xaw shaabaaliyo ee bareen si'agana gadh neew uu qontay, lagti yaawe camalinkaas aan ulameenaa! :D:D .



PS. Thanks for your concern my brother, I appreciate it.


Peace, Love & Unity.

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