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I am gone

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Sheekha, dee wili maana soo noqon, sidebeykaa tahay adigu...Sootan ku idhi Saturdaydaan soo baxayaa...


Nephthys, bini aadan kaa nahaabsan waligey ma isoo marin nooh...Bisinka...Ma'anaa ku haleeyay...Magabadheydaan maskiinta ehaa afka gaaban...Ninkeyga walaahay anaaba sometimes la yaabo suu ihaayo, koo ani iga daranbo waaye...Balo ku aragtay, naayaa marka la iheynaayo ma xayawaan baan ahay...Aniga anaa is haya... :D

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Balo ku aragtay, naayaa marka la iheynaayo ma xayawaan baan ahay

lol, balaayo lee lahaayaa, xoolo lee kuumaleysay, ma istirI?


wallaahi inaan fuure aa ooyin iga imaatay.


PS:Guriga oo mini-mansion ka aa joogtid, bushiino mey qabaan? Alla 2 piece bathing suit masoo qaadatay oo few lapse's masoo sameysay? Wallaahi, sheekaa keentay, biyooso markaan maqlo dhulka aan isku tumaa ciil daraadiis, oo waayo, waan u xiisay, aniga biyoosooyinkeena advantage maka qaadanin marka aan soo koraaye, waqti aan biyooso ku boss gareeyo maleysiinin, and hadooda guriga markaan tago, laundry oo 2 weeks aan isdhahaaye samee aa ii yaalo, ee wxaan ku dhahay let me borrow naagtaas oo kuu sheqeyneyso.

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What do you mean by "I'm Gone" sow adiga halkan soo indha cad sida canug nac-nac laga xoogay...Agaah?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Hayeee Aay Maano Iisho, beri Sabti waaye, I'm fedexing muufo iyo bajiyo iyo bur-kac-kac to your house.. haa isla dhac markaa timaadid. Waayahay.



:D @Nahaaab. Waa isla anagiiyee, ka gudub.

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War heedha haya, tan igu dhacday hadaa nii sheego (horta xaasidkey dhan way farxayaan nooh)...OK I am in Detroit now, it is 7pm...I got here at 5pm...My flight from Columbus was delayed and left 4pm instead of 3pm...My connecting flight was scheduled to depart Detroit at 5:09pm...I missed it...Damn Northwest Airlines...The next flight to Toronto is not till 9:45pm...So I have a lot of time to kill, about four hours...Shidh, I was beyond xanaaq, waanba qarxi rabay...Lucky for them, the lady at the customer service desk was a very nice lady...She upgraded my ticket to first class (who gives a f***), gave me $50 voucher to spend it how ever I liked it...So as I am leaving the counter, anoo wili xanaaqsan, I see this spa place...So took a look at what packages they have...I got a 30minute massage, and 15minute oxygine steam session (like a facial), all of that for $40...I still had $10 to spend, so I went to this nice little Sub joint...Enjoyed the food...And now here I am on the net at an internet cafe at the Detroit airport...I have another two and half hours to go...Luckily, I just paid $7 for unlimited internet access, weeeeeeeeeeeeeew...


Now about my stay in OH...I ENJOYED IT...It was worth it...I missed my baby though...I shopped almost every day, I had one bag when I went there, and now I am returning with two medium sized bags and a carry on...I loved every minute that I shopped, whether I was buying or someone else was buying it for me...They SPOILED me, walaahay...I don't know if I want to go back to the real world again...For the eight days I was there, I got used to not cleaning, not cooking, not doing laundry, NADA...All I had to do was wake up cadayso, qubeyso and go...Nothing else...


I went to different restaurants every day that I was there, the best was this nice place called Cheesecake Factory...The atmosphere was just to die for...BEAUTIFULL...Niyadaaba kuu dhismeyso...Mary Wu restaurant was good too, so did the Brio Tuscan Grille...As for Somali restaurants, well my friend's (the one I was staying with) sister owns one, so that's where my breakfast was delivered from every morning...My friend went to work every morning, so she made sure I always had access to a car or have someone drive me...I woke up anytime I wanted, went to bed around 4 or 5am every night...Oh, I almost forgot, we went to this club last Sunday, Scully's (i think that was the name of it)...DAMNNNNNNNNN, goormaa club iigu dambaybo ma xasuusti...It was fun...Then last night we went to another on Fabric ladhoho, then we went to a private party a friend of my friend was having...That was the shidh...Alla xoog weyneenaa, bisinka...Labo meel aanbo isku marnay...Ilaa iyo hada markaan 21yrs jiray leebo soo xasuustay...


Alla waxaan ka reystaybo Jamaicankii Toronto say u hadlaan...I just love, Americanska say u hadlaan, specailly the blacks...Just love it...


That's all I gotta say for now...I might remember things, and if I do, I'll be posting


Bob, you don't wanna know taa dhigi jiraybo, hadii nac nac la'iga qaado markaan yaraa...Hadaabo ka


Nephthys, waan sugaa yaah cuntada...


Sheekha, hayeh, adi iyo baranbaro yaa raayay?


Hayehee, reer SOL hanii macaanaato...Ciao

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At last, I am home safe and sound...


As I sat in that internet cafe at the Detroit airport, enjoying a cup of coffee, I am thinking my flight leaves at 9:46pm, it was about 8:55pm at the time, I still have plenty of time...So for the hell of it, I thought let me check the status of my flight on the NWA web site...I checked, my flight was actually scheduled to leave at 9:16pm NOT 9:46pm...Walaahayhee, orodka aan isku taabtay lee ilaahey lee loo sheegtaa...I couldn't handle missing another flight...I was the last one to board the airplane, Only 10min before take off...I hate the Detroit airport, it is just H-U-G-E...Bisinka, mardambe ma'anaa ku noqondoono hee...Barasho wanaagsan lee iga dheh...Meeshiisa iyo meel dheer...


OMG, I cried when I saw my baby running towards me, with open arms and yelling "moooommyyyyyy"...Even though she is only a year and eight months, walaahay, it was as if I could understand what she wanted to say without saying it...Ilaa iyo hada walaahay wadnahaa i xanuunooyo...Of course, I missed the hubby too...But there wasn't greater feeling when I saw her running to me...


They lost my bags...Apperantly, my bags are in Buffalo...I HATE them...


Overall, I am glad I took this vacation... :D


Hey where's everyone tonite...I am the only posting...Shoooo...

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Geez, I thought you said you were leaving for a week, but you never left!! Now you're back already! What was the point of this topic then? By the way, check out my topic. :D

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^ I can't see how she could have gone anywhere. When I checked in the top ten threads had KoolKat as the last poster.


She seems to be on a virtual rampage lol.

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Are you expecting Welcome backs, huggs and kisses? Sidee kuu niraa, you never left us beee?LOL.


Looks like you had a great "time out" without the husband and kid, and to top it, you even..


went to this club last Sunday, Scully's (i think that was the name of it)...DAMNNNNNNNNN, goormaa club iigu dambaybo ma xasuusti...It was fun...Then last night we went to another on Fabric ladhoho, then we went to a private party a friend of my friend was having...That was the shidh...

^ If I were your husband and you did that without me, I would stone you! Alxamdulilah dhe, ani kuma qabo. :mad:

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^Naa hus baa lagu yiri...I don't go every where with my husband...Besides I was on vacation, so I could do whatever I wanted with no explantions...And you know what they say "what you don't know won't hurt you, right"...LOL


War idinka ima aadan fahmin aan u maleynaa...When I said 'I am gone' I meant to say that I was leaving Toronto for Columbus...And if I leave Toronto, doesn't mean that there is internet in Columbus...Wah...


Cadaan, what topic?

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