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A Week In Somaliland!

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

I once tried to take a good photo of JB and ended up with this:




:D:D ... I usually turn out to be a this when there is an attack on the Awliyo ,,, hehehe

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^^ :D:D




On the way back, we passed the market and as we drove past, we spotted a man selling honey. We stopped the car and got out to sample some of his fresh honey. The man sat on a chair behind the open boot of his car and had various bottles of soft drinks filled with the sweet stuff. He was wearing sunglasses and looked ultra relaxed.


We approached him and started to ask him about the honey in Somali. He started to reply without looking at us then suddenly lifted his head and stopped talking.


'You’re not from around here' said he in a clear American accent.


'Some of us are' Said I.


'I used to be a car salesman in DC back in the day' said he.


'And now you sell honey? Why?' I asked.


'I got bored with America and decided to come home. What is better than selling honey, eh?' he replied.


'Nothing at all' said I.


He stood up and started pointing at the crowed that suddenly started gathering around us.


'Tell these ignorant people that there is no shame in working. They keep asking me why I left America and make fun of my honey! Tell them there is nothing wrong with it' He pleaded.


Faced with an invitation to address a growing crowd, I quickly muttered the words 'waa ruunta', 'sax', 'maya ceeb ma aha', 'ha o bixin', 'wadankaagaad joogta....', etc..


Luckily, my companions joined in and started arguing with the crowd. This gave me a chance to fade into the background and pretend to be one of the (still) ever growing audience. There was an argument about the benefits of honey and how many times the word occurs in the quran.


I had my camera with me and asked the honey-man if he would mind if I took a few photos of him. I told him that I plan to publish them on the net and that I would like his permission first. He was more than happy to have his picture taken and gave us his business card in case we wanted to publish his phone number and details for any westerners that may want to visit H town and sample his pure honey.


With the crowd continuing to grow and the place where I was standing not being strategic enough, I had to pass the camera to one of my companions to take the photos instead. An old man standing next to me saw me pass the camera and started asking me questions.


'Why are you taking his picture?' Said the old man.


'He asked us to' I mumbled back.

'Did he do something wrong?' Asked the old man.


'No. I already told you, he asked us to take his photo' I replied.


'Are you going to take all our photos?' asked the old man.


'If you want us to, we will’ I replied.


'No. No. Don't take my photo. I don't look good' said the old man.


'You look ok to me' I replied.


'War ha I sawirin ban ku edhi' came the stern reply.


'Ok. Raali aho' I said.


'Kuwaa sawir' he said.


'Who?' said I.


'All these people standing around. They all want their photos taken'


'But not you?'


'What about me?' He asked.


'You don't want your photo taken' I said.


'War ha sawirin ban ku edhi' he replied and lifted his walking stick up in the air.


'Ok. Ok' I said.


'Take photos of these people' He said.


We stopped talking for a bit and carried on watching the honey-man having his photos taken. Then I heard the old man speak to me again.


'Did you come from outside?' he asked.


'Yes' I replied.


'Take many photos of the people. Let them see what a great city H town is' he said.


'Hmmm..' said I.


'Is it not a great city?' he asked.


'heer sare' I replied.


'Yes. It's a great city but Riyale wants to burn it down' he said, but I was not sure if he was talking to me or himself.



We finished taking the pictures and one of my companions bought himself some honey before we headed back home. I spent a couple of hours with these male relatives of mine then went back to my hotel for an early night's sleep.


In the morning, I was going to go to Burco!

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Ninka malablaha ah, he looks like someone who'z into real business malabka waa laiskugu been guuraaya ..farsamo kale ayaa jirto

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Originally posted by Fu-Fu:

Ninka malablaha ah, he looks like someone who'z into real business malabka waa laiskugu been guuraaya ..farsamo kale ayaa jirto


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^Dude looks like

I admire his work ethics...


Ngonge, for odd reasons I think you are a bit too bias towards Somaliland by not injecting any humor at your story (of course I'm not asking for negative outlooks :D ).I'd love to read alittle bit of what you think of the country in their quest for seccesion since you have been on the ground.I want you to take the brunt of fun at their progress.Feed me some clues that can tap into that society!

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This sure was a laugh.


Well done for going and thanks for the laugh Ngonge.


BUT and it is a big BUT, tell me you did go to Burco???



P.s. You told me and North off for getting pictures of goats, and here you are with donkeys, snakes and bricks :rolleyes:

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^^ Simmer down young lady. I took photos of people and hardly any goats (any goats you may see were taken by my tourist guide, honest). :D

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Originally posted by Xena:

P.s. You told me and North off for getting pictures of goats, and here you are with donkeys, snakes and bricks :rolleyes:

I'm not bothered about what he took pics but the quality of them. Can you hold a camera straight ninyow? :rolleyes:

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