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Your deposit has been rejected. When you find yourself a job and stop wearing those 2.99 sunglasses you may be considered middle class. In the mean time congrats!!!!

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Faheema; maxaa dhacay walaale? Are you also a graduate of his University?




PS: 2:1? Come on, judging from his videos the lad my have what it takes to be a 1st class sort of chap ;)

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whats all this negativity surrounding the student race. Uni life is supposed to be the best time of your life. it did wonders for me! from a timid little miskiin (as Ibz once describted me as) to a large than life somali celebrity LOL! :D:D:D:D


I wonder what the experiences of Burcaawi and Ngonge were like in the 1970's?

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You’re being a bit harsh there on Ngonge saxib. As for myself, I did enjoy Uni but when you receive that first salary and grows year on year, you wonder why some choose to stay smelly.

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Congrat Marx.Don’t listen to the snotty Ivy League educated folks. I’m sure you are gifted with insight to know how you will handle your career from this point on.Goodluck!

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I would stayed student of life forever if I could afford it-- I sometimes wonder whether I should go back and pursue my be Dphil!


Marx, first! that is grand indeed. If you have a curious mind and have distaste to making money, then dare I advice you to take Phd? Will be much more rewarding-- besides, Dr Marx will with glass to boot will have alot of gravitas!!

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Originally posted by


Faheema; maxaa dhacay walaale? Are you also a graduate of his University?

LoL..Me? No, Noo. Are you ;)

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Originally posted by Sophist:

I sometimes wonder whether I should go back and pursue my be Dphil!

You should, InshAllah!

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Originally posted by -MARX-:

I am now offically of upper middle class stock. It was my graduation today. Its my ticket up the social hierachy. Most SOLers with a degree are of lower middle class stock. This is since they havent adopted the cultural consumption of the middle class. need i say more!

So what was your degree on?


and do you have relevant employment experience to get you from your "middle class state of mind" to the world of bill collectors sending you love letters "Helllo mate, you owe us $60,000 in loans....Oh, your only making $10/hr, well thats too bad. Now pay uppppp!!!" :D

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