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Originally posted by Juwairiah:

^^All he knows about Toronto is Dixon rd, so he assumes all the Canadians nomads live in Dixon
. Mr. Marc if you want start an argument get your facts straight :rolleyes:

Yeah, how dare he make such an assumption, when the truth is he's only 80% correct. :D

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

Smelly students.



Lol this was funny!

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Originally posted by MARCUNIAN:

I presume the overwhelming majority of SOLers are considered by the conventional typology to be Middle Class.

I don't know about the 'majority' but I belong to the minority who also happen to be the overwhelming majority for I'm from a poor background...but I used that as my inspiration and never let it prevent me from my goals which is why I'm married to a real Princess today. smile.gif



I have noticed the vast of you are graduates but the vast majority of Somali graduates are working in low paid and low status jobs.

you assumed wrong again...I'm no university fact I never even made it that far but I'm a college drop-out because they were not telling me anything that I didn't know thanks to my priceless experience that I gained while attending Utange University and then True Hardship University in the streets of Jozi but apart from those two minor errors you're a spot on...there are low class primadonnas here in SOL but its against my principal to name them but you're a smart around and in no time you'll come across their comments which tells you more about them.



Salam Aleikum W.W



Peace,Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

personally I would never go to a theater or a museum .... a khat orgy sounds like more fun but hey different strokes .... different strokes

No suprises there Geel. You talk about shaky grounds and yet conform to my typology. Go and overdose on your Khat orgy. :D

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Originally posted by Afromantic GirL:

Juwairiah you will be the next victims of cyber terrorism,


i will spread the word now who am i talking to? A Great Big Pile Of MARC ... PLEASE BRING BACK ur VIDEOZ!

Despite your calls to sink me to your lowly level Afropuff, one will not succumb to such lame attempts to deface thy honour.

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Ms DD   

Well isn't that just La Di Da! Marc you are just good for a chuckle once in a while. You cant generalise and insult others by bringing down to your level.

How very dare you to downgrade me to lowly middle class maiden?

The very thought! There was a time when you would be shot for faux pas like that.

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Hey hey folks, there is no need to attack the messenger or dismiss his concerns.


There is definitely some truth to what has been said of the middle class.


It is possible that the group he speaks off do infact settle for less, because they lack ambition.


They are content with living off government hand outs, such as scamming the welfare system, child benefits etc.


We are talking about healthy, young individuals, who work two or 3 jobs but continue to take hand outs from the gov., because they feel they are owed or something?


Their only sense of accomplishment has got to be maintaining their subsidized housings, and cheating their children from having a decent shot in life.


They would rather hand their children to gangs, and be victims of violence than change the scenary.


Don't you people want your children to grow up in a good neighbourhood, and have a shot at getting to top universities?


The question is not about affordability. Do you want to buy a home and put down roots?


These folks I speak off manage to make the income of the middle class bracket, but nothing to show for it.


That subsidized $200-$300 is all they can talk about.


You are better off moving your families out of the projects and renting a home for few hundred dollars more or even taking out a mortgage if you can afford to put a generous down payment, but no, not somalida.


You need to better yourselves as a community, as settlers of the west. You need to provide your children alot more than living in a project and living from pay cheque to pay cheque.


Finally, education. Hadaan somali nahay, we are good at taking everything that is offered to us, without any intention of paying back. It starts with student loans, grants, and it ends with paying it back.


What if 15 to 20yrs from now, the grants wont be available to your children and their children etc?

What would you do then? Its not like majority of you are saving for your children, instead you are too busy popping one after another.


Don't you think you owe it to yourselves to start paying off your student loans now? It should be a top priority, no?


We need to learn to take and give, its a two way street. We can't always take take take, without the intention of giving back to our host, our adopted home away from home.

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^^ You need to go back over your understanding of 'class', my dear. What you describe there is the 'underclass'.


Marcus, don't be a dullard saaxib. You've got a potentially good topic there but you spoilt it with your lack of style and limited debating ability. Take two…



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So disappointed in you Ngonge.


I was making 2 key points and its as follows:


A:-In our community, those deemed middle class, based on income bracket etc refuse to live as such. In other words, they behave worse than the lower class, border line homeless at times.(blame it on mismanaged of their finances)


B:-Even if their economical stand were any better, and not saying they are not better now, they would still be determined to rob the government of all the free resources, because intaas baa u cad.


That was the point I was getting across and again, I can't tell you how disappointed I am with you, I had high hopes for you Sir.



PS:Whether or not I do not know of middle class, or any social-economic class definition is beside the point. There is one simple definition of class, but I highly doubt thats your understanding of the term is the same as mine. Could be due to lack of comprehension on your part, I dont know.(I await for your answer)

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They are as middle class as hilary's supporters of blue color workers.




THEIR CONDUCT IS DEFINITELY UNDER CLASS, WHICH I WAS TRYING TO GET ACROSS. (I am glad u got that part, but just admit you rushed to judgement and didn't understand it fully.) ;)


I promise I will forgive u if you just say, I ngonge was _ _ _, and I do not know any better.

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I would put myself in all the classes to be honest. Depends on the time and the place.


Going to the theatre on Wed :D

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