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I presume the overwhelming majority of SOLers are considered by the conventional typology to be Middle Class. I have noticed the vast of you are graduates but the vast majority of Somali graduates are working in low paid and low status jobs. From this we can construe that there is no social mobility.


Also from the conventional typology, being middle class entails a number of key attributes including: Cultural capital – participating in cultural activities such as going to the theatre or museums, but we know most SOLer graduates prefer nothing more than taking part in a Khat orgy, or in the case of the SOLer feminist camp going to Weddings and indulging in low budget and low status activities like going to the movies.

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Originally posted by MARCUNIAN:

but we know most SOLer graduates prefer nothing more than taking part in a Khat orgy, or in the case of the SOLer feminist camp going to Weddings and indulging in low budget and low status activities like going to the movies.



Do you know of any studies done on this (like a Freud type whatever

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There was an urban camper with a big shades begging for money

i hope it wasn't you :eek: :eek: :eek:

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^LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL...Idaa wiilka gabaryahay...SIR MACR don't beg for money, but attention only...Get your facts Str8... icon_razz.gificon_razz.gif

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I can asure you it wasnt me Afropuff. What type of activities do you indulge in apart from going to weddings. Then again, i presume living in Dixon allows you to do so much more than attending uninvited weddings.

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OMG OMG OMG, easy there dhagaha ha iga dilaacininee...What's with you and Dixon? Gabar Dixon dagan maakuugu daadisay? (oh darn ilaa wuxu afsomali mayaqaan)



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^^All he knows about Toronto is Dixon rd, so he assumes all the Canadians nomads live in Dixon :D . Mr. Marc if you want start an argument get your facts straight :rolleyes:

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Juwairiah you will be the next victims of cyber terrorism,


i will spread the word now who am i talking to? A Great Big Pile Of MARC ... PLEASE BRING BACK ur VIDEOZ!

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Originally posted by Afromantic GirL:

There was an urban camper with a big shades begging for money

i hope it wasn't you :eek: :eek: :eek:

^Hahahaha..Loooooooooooooool,that was funny.. :D:D


Marc,how did you come to such a conclusion?

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Originally posted by MARCUNIAN:

I presume
the overwhelming majority of SOLers are considered by the conventional typology to be Middle Class.
I have noticed
the vast of you are graduates but the vast majority of Somali graduates are working in low paid and low status jobs. From this we can construe that there is no social mobility.


Also from the conventional typology, being middle class entails a number of key attributes including: Cultural capital – participating in cultural activities such as going to the theatre or museums,
but we know
most SOLer graduates prefer nothing more than taking part in a Khat orgy, or in the case of the SOLer feminist camp going to Weddings and indulging in low budget and low status activities like going to the movies.

^ your premise is on very shaky grounds ... perhaps you would care to explain how you came to your conclusions ..... how many SOLer do you know personally (not cyber characters ).... out of that how many fit your description ? ... what is the ratio ?


personally I would never go to a theater or a museum .... a khat orgy sounds like more fun but hey different strokes .... different strokes :D

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"Middle class": Manager at a KFC franchise, 2.4 children, two cars, a mortgage and two weeks a year at a time-share on the coast.




<--Working class all the way

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