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Hurdo Kama boogto..

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Favourite sad Somali love songs


The ones which instantly affect you and make you giddy equally with sadness and joy for its musical richness. Personally my favourite probably has to be the song “hurdo kama boogto” now I’m not fond of many of the calaacal love songs but this one I must say really is quite moving, in a very sad teary eyed oh-bless-you-poor-wo man way. I even find myself almost wincing with affection at that “Aax” of pain she sings, talk about pulling at your heart strings. This is quite miraculous for me as I’m rarely affected by passion. om/watch?v=k-TzLbIBr eg


Heres a link of the song.


So what are your favourite bitter sweet Somali loves songs-the more depressing and musical the better?. A close second to this would be the one where this famous Somali musician (I forget his name) is singing about the plight in which his love has got him in. Where a woman he was having a relationship with (one whom he wouldn’t leave alone despite being warned) gave him AIDS and thus he opted to sing this “Iska daadshadaansho dul kaga- ii dishaye walaal haygu diganine (or noqon)” (Wipes a tear from her eye) so sad-he’s basically asking for her to go about her business and to please not return for more because she’s (literally in more ways than one) killed him.


Very sad and I can’t help but weep inside a little whenever I hear it while I’m washing the dishes.


So what your personal choices? If anyone knows of any better songs than please so come forth and enlighten me. (Strolls off singing "bogsan maaya oo ,bilic iyo nasiibkey

midna ku baxsan waayee")

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^Love that song Siren. Any idea about the song that goes with the music in the last 12secs in that video? Sounds wonderful. There are many songs that i enjoy that fit your topic, but can't find it on youtube. Love Omar Dhuule, (RIP). Salgula, and his song "gacmahada xadaaleh markan so xasusto i get goosebumps" lovely song ruunti. om/watch?v=rAt5tT6Bq kw&feature=related



Hot song: nin xun Maryan Mursal: om/watch?v=NrdATjJdX II

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(Strolls in to take Ashkiro by the hand and serenade her Somali style)- “sidaad ii ogeyd baan adiga moyee ragba ilaaway, sidaad ii ogeyd baan ubax la moodyow ku amaana, sidaad ii ogeyd baan axdigeeni ku anfidayaa! …miyaad ogeeeeeyd, miyaad ilooooowdey-inaad jaceyl, iku abuurday-urkeygana kubeeran tahay maba ilaawee”


Bloody good song, LOL- Also I understand what you mean loads of the great Somalis songs are not on youtube and thus are not easy to find.


Diverting from my depressive tracks just a little bit I do also love this song- I cannot get enough of it. om/watch?v=BM5ks9SI3 co&feature=related


“daruuraha hilaciyo, dayax nuura yaad tahay, somaalida diir-teediyo, diir xareer-aa-badtahay-d awadi jaceyl kiyo dookhaygi baad tahay, Kuma deyn karoyo- dadka kugu jeceyle, ku dacad baan ahey ayaan laygu ka dirin ee”


Nagwa- like-wise thank you for the nice links.


Imitithal-thanks also for the link, ps my favourite Cumar Shooli song would have to be *starts singing also* “Sida Laago Roob Helay Cosobkii Ka Lacag Yidhi, Lala Raacay Indhahaa Arooskiinnu Laacee. Ladnaaaaaan, Ladnaan -Ladnaaaaaan Ku Waara, Labadii Is Jecleyleey Liibaantay Ahaataa”

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someone is in love I think .. icon_razz.gif ....and ur wlc for the link.


anyways there was a somali song that I liked something along the lines of nasiibka igu ka daray or something and then she goes...dumarow nin xun iska jir ah or something (i cant seem to remember the exact lyrics) nor do I remember the singer *its so frustrating*...will let u know when i figure out the song...

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LOL- Me in love?- Awww I only wish it were true *sighs* but alas I am doomed to be a lonely spinster with a hairy @rse and an fowl temper. Still it could be worse? (Continues singing)


As for this song you can't remember-cant say that it rings a bell lol but you shall have as much time you need to recall it. :D ..I'm generous like that. I'm off to eat now MUAH my dear

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Canabey hadii ugaas culumada ku dhaleen caano iyo hilib iyo cadka fiican aad cuntaan oo canbuulo calafkeyga noqday caadi waaye loooooooooooooooool


this song cracked me up laughing ..LOL....

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Oh Wow a collection of sickenly cheesy love/ cacaal songs.


You both have it bad me thinks. icon_razz.gif


What is with the calcaal girls, your barley 20, listen to something cheerful and young. smile.gif Music should not be sad and depressing, thats why me and somali music don't get on- Always fighting!

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