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OG Moti

ONE Minute MAN !!!

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OG Moti   

It seems to me that us, Somali men lately been called repeatedly one minute men by our sisters, Somali women, and I understand it is just a defense mechanism to reply to our brothers constant criticism toward the sisters… which I am totally against it.. but my question is Why one Minute man? Is it because the sisters think by saying that they will touch a sensitive point and make the brother swear walahi I am not one minute man? Or what?


But what the sisters forgot is that some people live a life time in one minute, so maybe that one minute if it is true the brother can achieve a lot and do more than expected…


So let me ask the sisters aside of my first Question another question, do u really mean that one minute thing or u just want to hurt the brother and make them stop disrespecting u… ?



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OG Moti   

Psycho sue loooooooooool, hey come on seriously this is what all paltalk girls talk about... i need to know what is the nomads point of view of this issue.. this topic all i need is few replies to understand why u guys say so all the time when one guy gets to ur nerve...? smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


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waraa og-moti...war waa naga yaabisay..bisinka. Adi waaba kasii dareeysa. icon_razz.gif



To answer your question...are you a minute man? IF your not then all these accusations flying around have nothing to do with you...people talk alot of smack..if it does't describe you then don't pay any attention to it...ya feel me?

peace and luv

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OG Moti   

Xafsa thanx sis... u right... and somealian loool u missed the point ..

guys u all missed the point i was talking about tht.. my question is why do they keep saying it.. is it to hit where it hurts or what.... but i dont think i wanted to discuss iin details like miss somealien pointed out... anywy i got the picture i think i need to ask the admin to delete this topic.. cause it will create so much misunderstanding....and might bring more enemy of the states on my back... if u come here please note it is not what u think before u say anything... be objective... not subjective...loool


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lol...og-moti...waa baqday haye :D

Its ok we won't hurt you.

Somali girls say this for the same reason y'all say sh!t about us...simple.

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no, what I meant is that that kinda comment is mute i"ph" said "attacker" doesnt know what theyre talkin bout. they were never "intimate" w/ you, so how can they suddenly be an authority on th subject?

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OG Moti   
Xafsa i really felt i made a mistake posting this one...loooool you can say yes waan baqay looool u know Psycho_sue and MiZZ_luxus on my back i can not handle anymore heard fighters... and i am glad they dont get a long or i would be cut to peaces by their united efforts... Xafsa glad to hear that u are on my side.. thanx sis...peace

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why was my post deleted??? No one said anything to me! what's wrong with what i wrote???!

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dont you guys think OG-Moti is getting Marax by the minute!!?? i am suspecting his maid fed him some cats and Jiir lol.. :D:D

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Hey...OG moti I don’t hate you, I have nothing but love for you.

I’m only joking for god sake don’t class me the same as Miss Lexus the disturber of peace! :D

If I have to apologies I will…but I’m not going to friendly with THAT girl hibo and you can’t make me!!!



Plus I'm going to expose Darman for what he really is…he’s no good cheating CONMAN :mad: . He should change his name to conman, because I made a deal with him and if I have too I will post the contract as evidence!! (Warning to Darman)


Someone please help me get justice!!!


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OG- do you really wanna knoe what one minute man stand for?...i suggest you do the following on the web down Missy Elliot's address

3.write her a letter

4.wait for a reply


i believe then you'll have better understanding cuz i sure am not a position to answer that...lool the funny thing that dawned on me as i was reading was "heck is this brotah doing...shit is he tryna to distinguish the married individuals from us" looooooool take that into anotha content..what ya'll get?...yeah its kinda offensive ways or another..indirectly of course 1

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