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^^^lol, thats why i edited......the question looked wrong in light of the discussion, but walaa that is not what i meant. Anyhow, i edited after realizing it. ps: why u must u rewrite it, cause i edited before u replied?



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^^ so KK can give you a nice, long whoopin', laffy taffy or was it laf laf :D .


ps: I didn't re-write anything habbo, i quoted you long before you edited it. I just didn't hit the post button. That's all.

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^Naa aduu kaa waday, sheekada ha igu soo wareejin...


one of the questions was does the baby come out in pit of poop ....answer oo yes that is normal to shit on urself when you are pushing...but we clean up the baby real nice.



Qalbi Noor, warka keen? Saa u socotay waala shitgareeyaa maa keentay? Ceeb allaha asturo... :D

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wahahahahahaha. walaahi sheekaa i dhaaftay meelahaas iyo general topic baan iska wareegaayey.


Kk ur bad adviser. Nephy if ur really genuine abt the baby thing take this u must never be on top, secondly after the act is over stay wherever ur for as long u can motionless!


Ghanima ok i can have two for you but i want you to push and puuuuuuuuuuuuuuush. How i could enjoy seeing u pregnant or in labour.

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yikes why did i post here to begin wit. :eek: ....


KK ceeb walaa? opps marka :D .....i guess i got little too excited w/ my new found knowledge lol.


Waa kaa qaleeyay this time.

u being nice to me now awww, aniga marksta waan ka qaleeya ;) .....thnks for editing tho, not cool things to drag on a little misuderstanding namean.




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Originally posted by umu zakaria:

Kk ur bad adviser. Nephy if ur really genuine abt the baby thing take this u must never be on top, secondly after the act is over stay wherever ur for as long u can motionless!

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL@motionless...Hadee dhaqaaqdo maxaa dhacaayo? Sheekaaba keentee...


OK OK, Nephthy, don't even moving during you know what...Stay still...Heck don't even breath... :D:D:D


Not topic related, but waxaan soo xasuustay odaygoo hada kahor raajo iga qaadaayay 'DON'T MOVE, DON'T BREATH'...


Khalaf, if Neph is being nice, watch out she is up to something...

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^lol@ up to somthing, no worries aniga iyo walaalshay waan is garnena.


why u have to quote that piece, Allah adiga diib badana! :D ps: odeyasha cadi ma ahaan sheekadoda.


wa salaamun. peace

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This is by far one of the funniest thread I have ever come across, walahi wa isku kaadin garey shyd.


I don't even know where to startso I'll just say no comments for now.


KK, Lazie and Nephtys, you lot are classics, lol.

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Originally posted by LayZieGirl:

quote:Kk, Condoms are nt healthy. I puke with just the thought of them, it makes u feel so used! loooooooooool but pls no offence to nay1 out here.

Uma, you don't strike me as a sexual personal by any means.



A couzin of my habaryar, once said she didn't enjoy having intercourse with her hubby.


So habaryartey wexey weydiisay, naa kaale, hada adoo 6 ilmo dhalay aa maanta inta inaad isoo fadhiisatay aa idhahee, I don't enjoy having intercourse with hubby?


So the couzin of my habaryar said, well aniga intercourse maka helo, waayo, sida aniga iyo asaga waligiin wax pleasure eh nama dhaxyaalin. She went on to explain to my habaryar the way ayada iyo ninkeeda ay ilaa iyo hada 6 ilmo kusoo dhaleen.(wallaahi waa runtii iney 6 ilmo qabto)


Her explanation went like this and I Am not making this up by any means.


Ninka comes to the room, prior to his arrival, she would go and handle her business, come to the bed, and turn all lights off, and she will position herself with lugaheeda cirka ayagoo fiirinaayaan.


He knows the arrival time, he will come, go on top of her, do what he has to do to relief himself and the show is over.


No affection, no hugging, no kissing, non of that. Foreplay hadeyba kuu taqaano ba.


Naagtaas when she was explaining all of this to my aunt, daacad ey aheed sida ay ugu sharaxeyse the system ay ilmo ku dashay.


The moral of this story is that the minute aan aqriye your response about "eww, puke oo the thought o condom iga keenaa" I thought of islaantaas, and wondered what else oo puke kaa keenaayo.


I am sure pleasure toys are out of the question where you are concerned, right? (don't worry, you don't have to answer)


PS: Just by your response to KK about the love aa baby u qabto was more in the lines that you enjoy the idea of a baby, but not so might about the mechanism behind it all?
LOOOl you made me lol wallaahi.

Classics. :D

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