Che -Guevara

Turkish Intelligence agency helped in the release of Silvia Romano, kidnapped NGO worker

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So she reverted to diinteena suuban, too and changed her name to Caasho.

I am waiting the attacks from Talyaani media any day now.


Conversion to Islam not forced, says rescued Italian


Rescued Italian aid worker Silvia Constanza Romano, who has embraced Islam, says she converted on her own will and not by force.

Romano, 25, was abducted from Kenya’s southeastern coastal town of Chakama in November 2018.

She was rescued on Sunday through joint efforts by Turkish, Somali and Italian intelligence services.

"They assured me that I would not be killed, and so it was,” Romano told Italian news agency ANSA.

On her conversion to Islam, Silvia said it happened mid-captivity.

"It was spontaneous and not forced. In these months I was given a Koran and thanks to my captors I also learned some Arabic,” she said. “They explained their reasons and culture to me. My conversion process has been slow in recent months. There was no marriage or relationship, only respect."

Italy's deputy foreign minister acknowledged Turkish cooperation during the rescue operation.

“There had been cooperation with the Turkish intelligence service to locate her and take action at the right time,” Marina Sereni told LA7 TV channel.


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I think Reer Turkiga did more than intelligence field they claim. They might have paid a ransom money, plus the victim herself reverted to Islam, which might have facilitated her release.

Turkish intelligence agency rescues a kidnapped Italian citizen in Kenya

Rescued Italian citizen Silvia Constanzo Romano is handed over to Italian authorities in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.

Turkey’s National Intelligence Agency (MIT) has rescued an Italian citizen, who has been kidnapped in Kenya and taken to Somalia, as a result of coordinated efforts.

According to the information obtained from Anadolu Agency's security sources, the Italian authorities made a request to MIT for the 25-year-old Italian citizen Silvia Constanzo Romano, who was abducted in the Chakama region of Kenya and taken to Somalia in November 2018.

Thereupon, MIT started to examine the situation of Romano in December 2019.

Activating the local intelligence network in the region, MIT first determined that Romano was alive.

As a result of the coordinated work carried out with the relevant units of Somalia and Italy, Romano was rescued and handed over to the Italian authorities by MIT on Saturday in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia.

The Italian media reported that Romano volunteered at the aid organisation called Milelel Onlus in Africa and has been in Kenya for this purpose for some time.

Italian media emphasised that Romano was rescued as a result of the operation carried out in cooperation with Turkish, Somali and Italian secret services.

Italian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Marina Sereni confirmed the cooperation in a statement to Italian LA7 TV.

"There has been cooperation with the Turkish secret service in the region to locate and take action at the right time," he said.

Rescued from the operation held on May 8-9 after 18 months of captivity, Silvia Romano arrived at Ciampino Airport in the capital city of Rome by noon by private jet belonging to the Italian state.

Romano, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, Foreign Minister Luigi Di Maio and his family welcomed, while the 25-year-old girl thanked those who contributed to his rescue.

Gunmen seized Romano, who was working for an Italian charity called Africa Milele, in northern Kenya in November 2018.

No group claimed responsibility for the kidnapping, which brought fears of an upsurge in attacks by militants.

Police and residents said at the time that the gunmen seized the young woman from a guesthouse in Chakama, a small town south of the border with Somalia and near the coast.

The Somali militant group Al Shabab has periodically staged attacks in Kenya, including an attack on a university in April 2015 in which 148 people were killed. 

TRT World

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And here it is from the mouthpiece:

Al-shabaab oo shaaciyay inay madax furasho ka qaateen sii daynta haweeney u dhalatay Talyaaniga

Afhayeenka al-Shabaab Cali dheere oo waraysi khadka taleefanka siiyay wargeyska Talyaaniga, La Repubblica ayaa u sheegay in kooxdu madax furasho ka qaadatay sii daynta haweenay samafal ahayd oo u dhalatay dalka Talyaaniga.

Cali Dheere ayaa sheegay madax furashadaas inay u adeegsan doonaan si ay ugu maalgaliyaan wuxuu ugu yeeray Jihaadka Soomaaliya iyo gobolka Bariga Afrika.

"Qayb ka mid ah lacagta waxaa loo isticmaali doonaa in lagu iibsado hubka loo baahan yahay in lagu fuliyo howlgallada Jihaadka," ayuu yidhi Afhayeenka al-Shabaab Cali Dheere.

“kala badh ayaa lagu isticmaali doonaa arrimaha horumarinta ee ka socda iskuulada, cuntada iyo daawooyinka la siinayo dadka baahan, iyo barnaamijyo tababaro ah oo la siinayo Boliskayaga oo ilaaliyaya hirgalinta shareecada, ”ayuu raaciyay hadalkiisa.

Af hayeenka ayaa xaqiijiyay in kabadan 10 qof ay kaqeyb galeen afduubkii loo geystey Silvia Romano, laakiin wuxuu dafiray howlgalka in ay qorsheeyeen hogaamiyaasha Al-Shabaab.

Mar wax laga weydiiyay sababta aysan si fool xun ugula dhaqmin Silvia u ahayd badeecad qaali ah oo ay ka gorgortamaan.

“Silvia waxay ahayd badeecad qaali noo ah inaan gorgortan ku galno., AlShabaabna way ixtiraamaan dumarka,” ayuu yidhi afhayeenka Al-Shabaab

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