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Ar goobile goobiloow

Ar goobile goobiloow


Waxaan goobile tumaa

Aniga goobile tumaa

Kulka uu Layzie guurkeedu yahay

Gabdhaha sol-na fadhiyaan

Gabaatigii na la bixiya

Martida neh aynu soorno


Alloow yaa bacwayn xirta

Gabsaarta tuurta

Bakoorna ku dheela

Kulkaas ayaa goobile tumaaa


Allow yaa Xamar martaga

Afgooye yaa ku daga

Ayada oo geeli dhalay

Markaas ayaa goobile tuntaa


Arr goobile goobile

Arrr goobilee goobiloo..

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War heedhe haya ma anigaa mise labadaan bari qofbaa Layzie an obsession ku qaba?


Layzieyeey bal is ilaali, anigu yaabayee...Si baaba laguu daba socdaayee...Mugoo gadaashaa, geesahaa, iyo hortaa iska ilaali ku dhihilahaa... :D


Nephy, hayeh, goobilaha Layzie malagaa tumaa, waa u jeedaa sixun uukuuhaayaayee...Goobilahaas qofkuu koro baswaaye waa u dhamaatay...Mardhow gaaladaa xataa ka wareysanee... :D

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^nphty goobile miyaad tumtay? ana go-mobile in aad ku heysid baan umaleeynaye. I love goobile... i recently learnt what they say and me very happy that i can bood and sing along with. :D

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Originally posted by Nephthys:



KK: Koleey isma qaadi kartid oo ma boodi kartide, timaha iska furo, oo rux. waa hadaad timo qabtid laakin..

Kaaaaaax kaaaaaaaaaax kaxa kaaaaax...Kaalafooto inaa meelaha kusoo galo laguuma sheegin miyaa...Jeestadaaba kaaga daran markii laboodaayo, dhoola caseentana (boqol ilko inaa qabo camal - smile WAC) ;) , adna isqaadoow ka hadlee...Ee ani isqaadisteyda waaluguu dhaamaaye, gabadhaan aad ku waalatay iska daa...Boombalo aa busy kunoqoto inakuuneewaaye, Layzie inaa maanta dhan marna u camireysid, marna u heeseysid mafiicnee...Hana ceebeen yaaqoo... :D

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Oo walaaley ciyaar jinnigana maxaa ku barey? If hooyo heard you, dacas baa lugula dhici lahaa baan umalayn :D


The first time I had witnessed this rather strange dance/song was at a cousin's wedding where some women dancing couldn't contain themselves and all of a sudden began acting weird, then literally collapsing on the floor. When I had asked about it, they said the song baa wax ku kicisay, in other words they were being possessed. Wal ciyaadu billah!

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Originally posted by Haneefah:

Oo walaaley ciyaar jinnigana maxaa ku barey? If hooyo heard you, dacas baa lugula dhici lahaa baan umalayn


The first time I had witnessed this rather strange dance/song was at a cousin's wedding where some women dancing couldn't contain themselves and all of a sudden began acting weird, then literally collapsing on the floor. When I had asked about it, they said the song baa wax ku kicisay, in other words they were being possessed. Wal ciyaadu billah!

L0L,Maxaa kubaray ciyar jinni aa? This is not ciyar jinni,this is crazy jinnis ciyar. L0L. smile.gif

I figured,how does a woman,who can barely walk have the ability and agility to move like that in this dance? ar unukaa walax aragnay!!


Oh,Btw,How are you? :confused:

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I've seen two women being 'possessed' in one wedding.


I thought the first lady was just being melodramtic, but no, I was told it was much much worse.



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Originally posted by -Nomadique-:

I've seen two women being 'possessed' in one wedding.


I thought the first lady was just being melodramtic, but no, I was told it was much much worse.



So,what is the conclusion to this bizzare behavior? Can one of you Gobilistas(No,Gobilists,No,Gobileyaal?),please tell us :confused:

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^ Don't worry she was fine. She was back in action pretty quickly.


But playing that modern remake of 'Soo dhegee' (sp?) was really asking for it. It was the trigger apparently.

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Ar goobile goobiloow

Ar goobile goobiloow

J-baro iyo KK,

eedaday neph daaya.


Ar goobile goobiloow

Ar goobile goobiloow

tani tuscany to peru,

aduunka meesha ayka joogtoo,

waa balan inaan eeedadey soo dhoofiyo.


Ar goobile goobiloow

Ar goobile goobiloow

dayuurada mida uga qaalisan,

waa balan iney eedo nephy xeerta iga ciyaartaa


goobile goobilow

geeska to geeska waa iney dharka tuurataa


goobidoono waaxid


the End:

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^ LOL. Ahhah! thanks.. :D


Jumping to goobile is the best form of stress relief. Jumping up and down, screaming n shouting always makes me feel better. :D


Haneefah, dacas aa? She's pretty good at this Goobile business. Islaanta dab yar ma shido.. ;)


ps. Faarax Coon, men can jump to it too, try it sometimes. Juucaa kaa baxaayo.. icon_razz.gif

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