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Xinn and Haneefah endorsed the new Nabadoon of SOL

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Ama Nabadoon dheh, ama Rabshodoon dheh, ama Awliyo (Nuune comes to mind) dheh, you are and always will be A&T at heart...And that's all that matters...Coolaadana kuuma fiicno, ee dadkaa la coloobeysid jooji Nabadoonoow... icon_razz.gif

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SOL baa hoogtoo ba'day haduuba ninkan Nabadoon noqdo...waxaas oo dhan Xiin kaa ka mas'uul ah illeyn isagaa ninkan ooda ka rogay!



PS. Wareegto Luga Cad...waan ku salaamay nooh...reer buulo barde iyo dhoocisha wee fiicanyhiin sooma aha?



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^Cunugteydaa dhoocil ah soo ma'aha? :mad: Abti xun baa tahay, this is the 2nd or 3rd time aad dhoocil iga dhahdid indhaheyga...Iska ilaali abeheed uun yuusan ku maqal, saa aniga isku dhiigbeynu nahay, abtiyaashana wey il kulul yihiin baan maqlee...Caku iyo reer Kismaayood iyo aflagaadadooda...


Waalaguu faayee...See tahay adi? Bashbash iyo barwaaqo baan kuu rajeyn...

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in Kismaayo dhoocil waxaan ugu yeernaa our favourite nieces ee af lagaado ma aha marka ina adeerey Aabeheed ha usheegin oo yuusan feeraha yar iga jabinine! :(


Haa abtiyaasha waa il madoow ee iska ilaali khatar cadiim...


Alxamdulillaah aniga waa iska faayaa oo qeylo igama soo yeerin...ookiyaalihii un baa iga jabay oo weesha dhallaanta ah aa iiga joogsatay... icon_razz.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Dhoocisha sounds very dismissive and rude lol. Sorry Bob, not helping your case here. I guess each province has its own meaning. I'm sure good KK will take your word for it.


The other day I found out a perfectly normal innocent word means soemthing completely different to some people redface.gif

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Dismissive maybe but I wouldn't think of it as a rude word because it’s a word mainly used by elders towards pre-teen girls...I don’t think a grandmother would call her grandchild rude names especially our Somali grannies who are kind and loving.


I remember my ayeeyo used to call our last born sister Foodleey which you can argue is same with Dhoocil.



The other day I found out a perfectly normal innocent word means soemthing completely different to some people

Come on share it with us...what was it so I could refrain from it in the future Insha Allah.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Originally posted by *BOB:

ookiyaalihii un baa iga jabay oo weesha dhallaanta ah aa iiga joogsatay...

Gabartaa abtiga utahay oo dhoocilsha ugu wacday isheedaa kaasoo baxday... icon_razz.gif


The other day I found out a perfectly normal innocent word means soemthing completely different to some people

LOL...For some reason Dooro (chicken) comes to mind... :D


O'Lord, I remember a lady from back home who moved in to the house across from my uncles house, after qaxii Hargeysa...Her name was Shuun...The ceeb, naxdin and yax yax I used to feel every damn time I heard her name... :mad: :D

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Are you enjoying hijacking this topic as much as I am? Haye ii wad sheekada...aawey Lily iyadana...sug aan koob shaax ranji ah soo sameeste.


Gabarta aan abtiga u ahay waxey igu leedahay sad bulukaati ah anigaana lugaheyga ugu keenaayo all the way from Africa Insha Allah.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^LOL@inaa lugahaaga ugu keeneysid...Wuuba cadaanaa bulukaatigee, mise Aaqiro ku xiranee wah? Istaqfurulah.


This is A&T's thread, hijacking isn't biggie wuu noo qaleynaa...Kuwa u ooyo ma'aha if you hijack their threads or even write anything unrelated to the thread... :D


Warka soo daa, how's shaaxa ranjiga, had my coffee already anigee...

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Waamo waxaa laga dhahaa Waarikoow...markaan labo koob oo kulul ku dhufto maskaxdaa i shidmato and i grab my pad and pen and start writing...!


Beryahaan aroos ma aadin miyaa? :D Sababtoo ah beryahaan ma maqlin adigoo aroos ka sheekeenaayo... smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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After lama koob shaax, inaa pat and paper wax kuraa bilaabaa aa? What's in the tea? Send some my way... :D


Aroos ma'anaa kajoogo waa ogtehee, Wareegto Luga Cad baaban ku magac dheerehee...Ee waayahaan aroos heelakobtar aa lagu imaanaa ladhahaayo la'iga ma soo casumo...Although, the last one I went to was very very interesting - can't discuss it here cuz gabadha baan isku dhiignahay... :D


Yaroow, A&T ha'igu dirin by hijacking his thread, saaxiibo beynu nehee...Hadee runkaatahay soo bax one of Ooda's threads aan soo hijackgareeno... icon_razz.gif I hope inuusan arkin this post, saa shan page uu soo qoray aqriskooda kama bixiyee...

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Ooda yaa waaye? yaa noo dhalay? weli ma maqal magacaas...aniga dhib aan ku qabaa dadkaan magaca saacad saacad ubadalo...kuwaas waa i waaleen...yaa qaati aan ka joogaa ee yaa iga qabto? :D



Peace, Love & Unity.

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Yaa ku dhago hadloyosaa about magac badalashada?


You don't know Ooda? Dear Oodweyne maadan aqoon? Sheemo...Baashi ka wareyso... :D

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Baashi beryahaan warkiisa ma maqlin...isagoo Dubai aan usocdaa dhahaayo aa iigu dambeeysay!



Dhaga hadal aa? yaa igu weyrixin rabtaa? waa ogtahay inaan waxaas cunin...filimaadkaas maka helo illeyn tabarteydaan ogahaye fuleeynimona waa iisii dheertahay... :D



Oodweyne...gabartaan yee igu kaa dirin...aniga maskiin aa iska ahay qofna ma dhibo mana dacaayadeeyo marka caraweelo wareegto lugo cad warkeeda ha dhageesan BLIIS AND BLIIS. smile.gif



Peace, Love & Unity.

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my coworker was standing behind me while I was reading your post. Can you please change your aviator, some of us live a country that does not like Osman dheere. May be you should change to Nelson Mandela's. or may be Aabo Siyaad. :D

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