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Funniest Dalabaad I ever heard!

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^That fool pissed on his pants when he found out he's live on the air. Ayadaa ka sii doqonsan. If this is not a prank itself on the listeners, I can't imagine xayawaanta doing this to her marriage. Hopefully both were actors playing a joke on radio show.


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looooooooooooooooooooooooool@A&T ,,, :D:D


Mid kele oon la sheegayn ,,,, i was not sure if it is he or she but isagaaba is fashilay oo yidhi iyadaa is garanaysa ,,,, hehehehehehehe

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muu iska dhaho "waxaan salamaaya xaaskayga" laba jeer. that will do it.:")


this reminds me of a story. there is this program called "Hello Doctor" on Universal-tv. The program is hosted by Dr. Ali Ma'ow (a medical professional) and C/Qaadir Nadaara the presenter. they usually discuss a range of various health-related topics and the doctor answers questions from the viewers.


So this guy called and anxiously greeted the presenter saying"Abaayo, marka adigaan ku salaamayaa" and continued waxaan kaloo salaamayaa Xa.." little did he know the presenter was thanking him for his, telling him that the other show is over. so the poor disappointed guy goes "Maanta oo dhan aan idin sugeynay.."


Welcome back libaax.

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lol cawaale, i was in tacsi and had the misfortune of listening to islaamo, they were discussing universal and how inappropriate the programme's are


specially islaamaha soo waca sheikha asking adult questions. according the islaamo-groups, caruur baa daawata universal and as such they should have water-shed rule (ie programmes with adult content shont be aired before 9pm)


then islaan baa tiri in defence of universal, we should address those issues when the kids are watching because we have failed as parents.


we tell our kids, guurso without explaining what is allowed within marriage. so kids think anything goes.


it was actually heated debate. it reminded me of loose-women (a programme in british tv)

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