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What are those words you wouldn't like--Dadka in eey kugu wacan sida: Walalo

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Mostly people call me by my first name, sometimes last name like ina hebel. Other times, they go walaalo or abaayo. I have no problem with anything, so long I know they are calling me. Ofcourse one should refrain from inappropriate language for instance "Naya". That word I can not stand. So long the person is talking in a respectful manner, I see no problem with whether they say walaal walaalo walashiis abaayo or my name. Makes no difference at all.




A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.

- Bruce Lee

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Ee ani maa inta kusoo koobi karo...LOL


Let's see, I hate to be called:

*Abaayadiis (WHAT!!!)

*Walaashiis (Walaashaa ma'ihi)

*Macaanto (ma iyagaa i dhadhamiyeen)

*Huuno (wax jiis eh lee iimasawirmo)

*Bello (no talyaani ma'ihi)

*Naayaa (this one is the worst, I'll b!tch slap anyone who calls me this back to meeshaa ka soo farcameen) redface.gif :mad: redface.gif :mad:


My name, or abaayo will do for me...Nothing else...

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^^lol koolkat make sure you have that list written right on your face so ppl will know what is appropriate to say....dhib badanida icon_razz.gif

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kk walaashis aw uk lasaamay




Aniga islaamaha cajuusoyinka marke dadka gabadha magaca Ninkoda ugu wacaan saan unacay lee

ina faarx bal kaalayo eedo ..Maa ninka idhalay waa ayaga magacisa igu abtirinaaye


KK biyo kulul aan ku shuba aniga ninki naaya i dhaho kan i naagesto xata allaha ka dhige

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^ maalin aya qof dumar ah oo meel aan isku aragnay aya logu yeedhay ninkeeda magicisa say u cadhootay toosna way u cadesatay walahi waxay tidhi aniga marka idhahasid naagta hebel magac miyanan laheen.


She was like ready to have a fight walahi and I don't blame her one bit I would have felt the same if I was in her position. more or less, she wanted to be independent and not some sort of object that belongs to someone.




A quick temper will make a fool of you soon enough.

- Bruce Lee

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Aaliyah, let's just say people do know not to call me any of those...Either first hand u ankeen the outcome or xan bey kugaartay...LOL


MMA, aboowgiis (alla naagaha dhaholee saan u necbahay) xaa i heynlahaa? Adi xaaku haayo?


Afro, waalagaa qaaday sifiican wilibo...Mugoo biyahaaga kulul meel iigala leexo ani, wajiga baasaboor waayee...LOL


OH AND HOW I HATE 'YARTA' dadka dhoho...I have a friend and everytime she calls 'Yarta hayeh?'...WTF!!!

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Naagtaas NAAG Nool eey aheed laakin aniga islaanti igu yeerto

TEESTO AAAN Istaaga oga ridi lahaa


salaamz @aaaliya

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