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That Far for Attention

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That Far for Attention


Although Sheekh Maxamuud was mindful of the ferocity of the fury his verdict would entail amongst the faithful, he had no option but to announce the Ciid festivities for tomorrow. That he often digs into all ‘loopholes’ in the Holy Scriptures to shorten the holly month of Ramadan by an average of two to three days each year; has nothing to do with his chronic ulcers-contrary to the falsehood the young irresponsible Xerow spread.


Or so he wishes to believe. After all, why does he have to give a damn about the fabrications of the neophyte Xerow, who was upset because he felt his ‘mu’addin’ title, has gone to a relative of the Sheekh. Livid over this, he started the gossip that the Sheekh feigned illness in the first two days of the Ramadan; so that he is not told of the news of the entry of the holy month.


This maverick xerow hasn’t quite attained the reaches of Erasmus’s ridicules and mocks against theologians in the praise of folly , but has all the marks of a ‘rebel’ in the making. Sheekh Maxamuud was fully aware of it, but was also confident he has solid religious grounds to declare tomorrow-Thursday, Ciid el-Fidri. After all, he has a living witness.


Badal Garawle is a short, stout, and kind of dumpy looking man. God has not been gracious to him in good looks, humour or some other exceptional talent. That embitters him as he hardly finds his name in the domain of any sort of discussions in this small town in the Hawd. But the last two years were exceptionally good to him. Rather, he was good to himself. Last year, it was him who spotted the crescent, bishii, and was the sole eyewitness in the entire town. In every corner, people happily exchanged compliments of the Eid, blessing Badal.


As early as three decades ago, Osman Gacanlaw understood man’s vanity and his inherent penchant for attention; as is evident in his inspirational song: Inaan ahey nin mudan oo kara wixii uu maagaba,waa inuu magaaladda magacaygu gaadhaa. It is this proclivity for self-importance that catapults the desire in us to ‘be noticed’. Ambition follows; and like appetite for food, attention-seeking varies in degree among humans. Nonetheless, it is invariably emblematic of all.


That night, a repeat of the rare moment of ‘grandeur’ and ‘acknowledgement’ was on Badal’s mind; when he tumbled forth to the stage next to the Imam in the Cisha prayers and swore that he has seen bishii again. Of course, both years, he would have been the last person to see it; even if a three-night moon was on a clear sky. He has a very bad sight. But who among them would not have lied to get a glimpse of attention, after years of seclusion and obscurity! He reasoned, as he shook off the tinge of guilt he felt inside for lying to the devout community.


All the doubts, shouts, and recriminations that followed Sheekh Maxamuud’s edict; all the threats against Badal and insults hurled at him; and all the protest angry mobs took to his uncle- wiilkan aad adderka u tahay maad umadda ka qabatid; were to no avail, in the end. Badal knew this was a passing annoyance. No other country has seen the moon; but the Sheikh was adamant: ‘inagga aragtina ku sooma, agagtina ku afura ayaa la ina yidhi.”


Several hours later as the day break; all the tea houses played Ciid songs from loud speakers hooked to their windows. Xassen Diriye has always been the favorite in this small town for such occasions.


“Maanta Cadar iyo aynu maaweel

Isku maydhnoo Mushmushaaxnee

Maalinta weyn yaan la moogaan…”


Ciid revelers cheered and chanted to the song. As Badal strode to the prayers that morning, all the old women who saw him on his way waved their hands to him in appreciation. Shariifo Barni believes god has endowed this man with supernatural gift. Sidaa unbaa loogu daalici bisha ramadaan, bal ilaahay amrkii she commented to the others with her. Saakin was full of disdain for his critics. Intaasaa loo quudhi la’yahay, oo rag magac sheegani meelahaa kaga caayaan baa layidhi. Eedo Koraad was surprised: alla dadku isu daranaa, cajaa’iib! waa aakhri sabaan, she said. The oldest women in the marching crowd knew why all this is happening to the poor man: tol buuna la heyn!


Badal Garawle lost credibility among most; but it was not all fiasco. Reputation yaryaraysi male, and he can never forget when a stingy shop owner who never lends anything to anybody, allowed him to take a shirt on loan from his shop; remarking sow ninka bisha arkaa adiga matihid?!


But the day he told Muxumed Barkhadle that he is being sought by the army for execution, the latter laughed at him, querying scornfully,"taa inaga daa'yoo, have you seen Bishi again? This time for the start of the holy Month!"

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