LuCkY Posted August 21, 2003 Physically Active? How Your State Rates Most States Don't Meet Minimum Physical Activity Requirements By Jennifer Warner Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD on Monday, August 18, 2003 WebMD Medical News Aug. 18, 2003 -- Even with new guidelines that ease up on what it means to be physically active, most Americans still fail to meet the minimum activity requirements recommended by the federal government. A new CDC report shows that 55% of American adults simply didn't move enough in 2001 to meet the minimum recommendation of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week. And that's including the time adults spent in leisure activities that aren't likely to cause them to break a sweat, such as vacuuming, gardening, and walking. Although the percentage that met the minimum physical activity requirements is up dramatically from a whopping 74% that failed to do so in 2000, researchers say that increase probably does not reflect an actual increase in physical activity. Instead, the increase is likely due to changes in the way the annual Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey was conducted. In 2001, researchers included more lifestyle physical activity questions to include household and transportation activities that were excluded in previous surveys. The 2001 survey also asked participants to describe their physical and lifestyle activities in a usual week, rather than reporting the top two activities in the preceding month. Researchers say the change may have led to increased reporting of less frequent physical activities that might have been missed in previous surveys. The states that had the most physically active residents were Wyoming, Washington, and Alaska. About 55-56% of the people in each of these states met or exceeded the U.S. physical activity recommendations of more than 30 minutes of any physical activity more than five days a week or more than 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity on more than three days per week. The least active state was Kentucky, where only 29% of its residents met the minimum physical activity requirements. Nebraska and Louisiana rounded out the bottom three with 34% and 35% of their residents, respectively, following the physical activity recommendations. Percentage of Adults Who Met the Minimum U.S. Physical Activity Recommendations* 2001 Alabama 42 Alaska 55 Arizona 51 Arkansas 45 California 46 Colorado 53 Connecticut 49 Delaware 41 District of Columbia 50 Florida 46 Georgia 39 Hawaii 50 Idaho 54 Illinois 46 Indiana 46 Iowa 44 Kansas 44 Kentucky 29 Louisiana 35 Maine 50 Maryland 45 Massachusetts 51 Michigan 46 Minnesota 49 Mississippi 38 Missouri 40 Montana 52 Nebraska 34 Nevada 50 New Hampshire 51 New Jersey 44 New Mexico 50 New York 45 North Carolina 42 North Dakota 47 Ohio 46 Oklahoma 39 Oregon 53 Pennsylvania 47 Rhode Island 49 South Carolina 45 South Dakota 45 Tennessee 37 Texas 43 Utah 53 Vermont 55 Virginia 48 Washington 56 West Virginia 48 Wisconsin 52 Wyoming 56 TOTAL 45 *Any physical activity more than 30 minutes a day, most days of the week or more than 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity more than 3 days a week. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOURCES: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, CDC, Aug. 15, 2003. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Business_Man Posted August 26, 2003 All I can say is since I came to the USA from Europe, I can only see fat people of all shapes and sizes. They on TV and on the streets, Maliz included!. Damn... Peace. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thinkerman Posted August 26, 2003 Dam you are a lazy bunch over there in the state Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuCkY Posted August 27, 2003 ^^^^^I wonder how the UK rates...hhhmmm. ContinentaL BatcheLor i wouLd suggest a change of atmosphere... IMMEDIATELY !!! Damn...not even one person in sight is moderate? :eek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thinkerman Posted August 27, 2003 oh much better much much better.....although i must admit it's not due to any conserted effort by the govnt to get the population more active, rather more to do with the fact that the portions of food served here are smaller, less quality, even the coach potatos here get tired of terrestrial Tv after awhile and feel teh need to go out and shop, and fiannly the most important factor that explains why the brit's are not so fatter than there american counter parts is there obession with walking the Dog??? In every whether, rain or shunshyne, on pavements or country parks, you are garanteed to see someone waking there Dogg :confused: :confused: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuCkY Posted August 28, 2003 Oh but this government is because the rates of obesity are rising in numbers-contributing to more heaLth probLems. The foods served here-the majority are fat-fat-fat.There are fast food restaurants every where you turn and deep fried things-aLL over the pLace. The americans are dog Lovers as weLL but i dont think they waLk their dogs Like the brits do...oh weLL. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thinkerman Posted August 28, 2003 yeah but com'on in america the problem is really notice able. One report put the level of obesity in americans ((adults and children)) into strikingly simplistic terms. Apparantly there is enough excess weight on you yank's to Feel the Grand Canion, from top to bottom , 4 TIMES OVER!!!!! Daaaaaaaam Nomads you are like what you eat so watch you dont eat like a whale Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuCkY Posted August 28, 2003 Apparantly there is enough excess weight on you yank's to Feel the Grand Canion, from top to bottom , 4 TIMES OVER!!!!! Daaaaaaaam ALL i can say is :eek: :eek: :eek: . Nomads you are like what you eat so watch you dont eat like a whale Ohh but i beg to differ. That is not aLways the case. Some is due to sLow metaboLism and genetics. You shouLd see my sister she eats Like nobodys business(a whoLe Lot) and doesnt gain a pound rather Loses it. She eats more than aLL of my sibLings combined and she is Like 96Lbs. :eek: Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thinkerman Posted August 28, 2003 True true, am in a similar boat there. But i think the general population that we should speak about have no excuse, the eat far too much and doo far to little hence the obesity. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LuCkY Posted August 30, 2003 I dont think you are aLone-most maLi guys if not aLL seem to have a probLem gaining some weight-it wouLd be for their own good.I sypathize for them. Yes thats true however its not aLways about the quantity of food that is consumed but rather how heaLthy it is. Most peopLe faiL to Look at what they eat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hacker1 Posted August 30, 2003 lucky, skinny is healthy. do you know how much money americans spend to shed these fat lbs! alot of money. i rather be skinny than be a fat pig. also you study did not mention the state where the fatest people in america live! and that is mn! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thinkerman Posted August 30, 2003 You right lucky i can eat as much as i want but i wont breach my standard Weight average and i am thankfull for that. I know how difficult it is for some people who feel abit over weight and go to extreme lengths to lose the excess Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ayaan8321 Posted August 30, 2003 LAZY PPL !!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xafsa Posted August 30, 2003 heeeey...heeeey!!! people stop bashing the states. We're not lazy...more like large and in charge! Food...its why god made taste buds and man made elastic waste bands! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ayaan8321 Posted August 30, 2003 ^^^kkkkkk.. large and in charge kumalahoo..naaa chickenka iska daa Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites