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Originally posted by MoonLight1:

The solution is simple, just let a cow lick your head three times a day for 3 days, and then wait for a week, you're hair will grow by 3inchs a day and by the end of the month, your hair will be 2 miters long.

Waxaan soo xasuustay Somalia markii gabdhaha xoogaa abtiyowga usoo baxaayaan la'dhihi jiray, kabta abatigaa hadaa ku dhufatid makaa weynaanaayaan... :Dicon_razz.gif :mad:


Fu-Fu, bidaarle iyo jaamici kala dheer...Cirada xataa waan maqli jiray inla'dhihi jiray dadka cilmiga/jaamiciyaash a eygashaa...Gosh, if only that were true ani maba kula hadli leheen - bahasha dhaxal baan uleenahay...Awoowe hooyo (AUN) neynaastiisa eheed Ciroweyne... :cool:


Ee alore marka, Nuunka since uu bidaar iyo ciro isku darsaday jaamiciyul cilmiqabe miyaa?

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i think you mean timaha la talaalo. it is long and painful process.


cirada waa caadi:)

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^^ koolo Maya umana dhawi :D



madaxa ha laga ilaaliyo daawooyinka, macsaro iyo subag mooyee

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fufu waa nabad, i am following yr talo from yesterday so today i only had 2 koob qaxwo ah oo 6 qaado sokor leh.

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^^^Not really advise, more like lugooyo. Oh yes did that come back to bite me in the back side. LOL aniga kuma dhihin sonkor isku dal dal yareey

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Close to a year since i posted this thread,now i can offically say ,i completely Bald and it is totally a history to me what hair is all about. Damn i hate bald head in winter i spend too much money in buying different hats, different color, my head steams to death.Alhamdullilah waxaan hilay the soul mate of Bidar brother and waan ku faraxsanahay. waxaan idiin kula talin gurrso qof la yaqaano. Summer i can't wait.

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