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The youngest and the oldest person IN SOL

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Originally posted by sheherazade:

I'm 37.


Get over it already.This age thing is a novelty to first and second generation not-born-under-a-tre e Somalis.

oo maxaa igu tiri waxaan jidha 27? :D


qoralka labaadse waa kugu raacsanahay :D

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^lol@are you here for work experience. Was it a guy who asked? :D



Illaahbaa og intaan jiro, my mother says I was born while the family was in a geedi on a wednesday, several gu' after abaartii dabadheer. Which makes me any age i fancy to give myself. :D Sanaddadii abaarahii busle iyo biyo waa haddii laga saaro, koleey 33 waan jiraa.

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Depending on which war Dad is talking about, I can put my age in range: 36-42. Odyagu maalinka ma qorin laakiin taarikhda wuu la socdaa.


If it was the first war, kolkaa 42 ayaan noqon, if it was the second war, teedi-sigis ku jooji.

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^Lol. Lucky you then. Gafuurka u taag dadka and they'll take you seriously. I think it's markaad qososho that confuses. smile.gif

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Permanent indeed. And contagious-na ku dar. The smile baa wejiga caad saarta. Hence the mis-counts.


midbaa shaley oo dhan i lahaa 50-sano ayaad jirtaa. Waxaan ku iri OK, waan jira. Balse he went and fetched several faraxs as a witness to my admittance of being 50.



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Ahaha, walle SOL got a lot of comedians, with hilarious comments, waa inaa iska aamusaa marka as the house is full of odayaal maqaarku adkaaday kamaa *darbaal* & habro ilka dhacsaday.

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