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John Howard attacks Obama

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Obama's rise to political ladder makes me suspiscious. What is it special about him. He is a politician. There are scores of them out there all seeking the dem nominations. He is an eloquent speaker. That's not it! hmmm! dunno!


Nevertheless I'm rooting for him. He's got my vote simply because he is someone who might reform criminal justice system, ease institutional racism, take on corporate immunity, and bring in a dose of "colored people" world view to the table...a rear view thru mirror kinda view but nevertheless diff view.


Anything that chnages the dominance of neocons and cowboy texan (high and mighty) mentality. No to Pax Americana mentality.


looking forward the preseidential should be fun.


As to this Howard down under world, a vegamite eating, kongaroo taming aussie, he is simply putting his nose to where it does belong...Dems don't turn to Aussie for an advise

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^ Bush Had 50+ million Americans vote for him in 2000. It's quite possible a few skinny men voted for him then. Not knowing what would be the outcome.

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fair northern brotha dont bash baashi for using a politically incorrect term! as the somali saying goes" af malika amee moofo", u feel me, obama's trashing is comig soon! the media in usa is still white trash!! u well see soon them trashing him a like whipping boy!


the auzzie chimp was thinking that fox n cnn will run away with his lil foobar! but it didnt even make no significant splash. i was more sorry when obama replied to it... he shouldnt have! another rookie mistake.

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Originally posted by Northerner:

^^I'm just messing with odeyga. I'm sure no one knew what voting Bush in was going entail.

^It is likely half if not more of the muslim population in the U.S. voted Bush/Cheney in 2000. Not sure if you remember the alternative was Gore/Lieberman. Some Muslims tagged them the 'jewish' candidates and decided to mobilise people to vote against them. Senator Joseph Lieberman gave them a real reason to worry since he was an unwavering supporter of all governments of Israel and their policies and in addition is very hawkish when it comes to middle easter affairs. At times he makes republicans look moderate and supported the Iraq war from day 1. Nevertheless, those who know U.S. politics could see through Bush's rhetoric as far as 'limiting U.S. involvment abroad' which was the platform he ran on that yr. Question is would Gore/Lieberman be different from Bush? I'd like to think so, eventhough there would have been serious pressure coming from Lieberman to persuade Gore to attack this or that country. I think the U.S. involvment post-911 would have been limited to Afghanistan.

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When the media hype and the illogical political shots at Obama subsides the real politicking will begin. If a man is a product of his eloquence, Obama surely does know how to play his art of speaking. But unfortunately the game in Washington is one that is played with numbers and figures unless of course you are a son of a former president then you will have the backing of people that blindly accepts your leadership.



I have some reservation for my brother from Siaya district. He needs to quit reminding us that Washington needs a change while he can not even tell the people plainly where he stands on issues like social security and foreign policy. His words of reflection and progressiveness will not stand trial of election date if he doesn’t clearly state his standings on the most important issues.


Any monkey can stand in front of Lincoln stage in Chicago and herald the public about a plan he has for America. Only a decisive monkey can get the vote of aggressive Americans. If Obama wants to be seriously considered by majority of the Americans unlike his minority predecessors who vied for presidency before him, he should start projecting a clear picture of what his standings are on the most pressing problems. Hillary already is flip-flopping like Kerry on her Iraq war standing vote.As long as he can be seen as a firm leader who is discernable from the rest then I am sure he will have a shot.

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