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Canadian elections: Who are you going to vote for and why?

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Originally posted by Animal Farm:

the Liberals are too corrupt

exactly who are you talking about, Paul Martin and members of his former cabinet?

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Congratulations to conservatives, job well done


I am happy that we have a minority government led by conservative party.


the liberal party became too arrogant and maybe corrupt, really it is not good for Canada, one-party-rule.

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^Are you sure you really liked the conservative platform? or maybe your just liked their pretty blue signs who's colour closely resemble that of the flag of Somalia. :D

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Originally posted by LANDER:

^Are you sure you really liked the conservative platform? or maybe your just liked their pretty blue signs who's colour closely resemble that of the flag of Somalia.


You raise a funny point, really I never thought about that, thank you for mentioning that resemblance although it is irrelevant, but interesting.


For longtime, I was a liberal fan, I liked liberal approach from foreign policy, multiculturalism, centrist politics, and social policy. In addition the former leader of liberal party Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was a popular and one of the most admired prime ministers of Canada.


But, ever since Paul martin took power the government became ineffective, arrogant and corrupt, Paul is wasn’t a great leader because he endorsed same sex marriage and lied about the scandal, and pretended he was anti-American like Chrétien, although he was a fine finance minister.


As Muslim it is hard for me to endorse a party that advocates same sex marriage, it is not politics, it is about values, ethics, and religion.


I believe conservative can offer a better alternative for Canada, though I am aware the common myth that conservatives are white extremists who advocate far right political policies, hidden agenda, Canada will be closer to United States, all these are baseless propaganda to some extent fueled by liberals as an election campaign.

After a long liberal era (single party rule), we know NDP is just junior liberal and don’t other nothing different then liberals.


I have a responsibility to support the less of the two evils, far-right wing party Vs. same-sex marriage party.

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The thing I really don't understand is that Muslims and Somalis only call the Conservatives "anti-Muslim" as if the Liberals, NDP and the rest of the country love us or something. Let's just get one thing straight....The only ones that are "pro-Muslims" are the Muslims themselves, and none other. The only reason Liberals and other left-wing parties don't get that label is because they aren't religious. Conservatives get tagged as "anti-Muslim" just because of their christian leaning, but in terms of ideology and law, they are closer to us than Liberals and others will ever be, because they take their ideas mainly from the bible. The others just make up their ideas, which are quite flawed, as we have seen with gay marriage. Christians are closer to us than any atheist and secularist will ever be, and the only thing I find wrong with Stephen Harper's Conservative gov't is his plan to help the US in Iraq. So please realize that none of these parties are Muslim, and all are our enemies equally, so stop heaping praise upon the Liberals and NDP as if they are our friends.

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exactly who are you talking about, Paul Martin and members of his former cabinet?



You should read an article in the first issue of the Walrus Magazine []] – the writer did a good job – it was on Paul Martin and his business ventures. Its not like I’d like them to be governing the country – to be honest I don’t really care who governs Canada – the policies don’t really affect me. In addition to that many of the platforms are the same when its comes to issues.

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