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Bismillah ,, maxaa Ohio i geynaya niyow



Thanks .........



Safar baan u baxayaa

Sahan baan ahaanayaa

Siyaaraan ku tegeyaa

Xabashida Salkoodoo

Hadii ay Samaatana

Meel kalaan ka Soo degi

Sodon cishiyo dheeraad

Suuradaan ku foognaan

Inta aanan Soo noqon

Duco igu sagootiyoo

Ha samaato wada dhaha :D

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Waryee hadee iska eeg Wiilashii belaayada ahaa ee ONLF laakiin adigu waxba haka cabsan usheeg inaad aniga geelayga daawo Addis uga dooneyso dabadeedna wey kusoo dhoweyn oo wax dhib ah lama aad kulmi doontid...laakiin maalintaad isku daydo inaad lacagatayda is daba mariso wallee maalintaa unbaa laguu yaabaa...LOL



Awoowe Safar Salaama oo markaad London tagto macawiis iisoo dhiib biilkana halasoo daahin oo waad ogtahay iney abaar xuni jirtee...


Dahabshiil iyo Al Amal lacagta ha iisoo dhigin ee Dalsan iisoo dhig lacagta kuwaas ayaan deen isiiyee...teeda kale xaaskaaga iyo caruurtaada ha hilmaamin oo markaad aragto gabdhaha yurub jooga oo sidey Diana isu marinaayee aad moodo inuu baras ku dhacay...kuwaas ka fogoow oo shilimaadka aad ceedha ka hesho ayee rabaan inee kaa shaxaadaan...hadaad habeenkii seexan weydo dee weeyseeso oo sunna tuko kadibna waad nafisi...hadee Kheyr baan kuu rajeynayaa oo diyaarada hadey Dubai ku degto adigu ha degin oo meeshaas ma aha meeshii gaaladu joogtay oo laisku dhiibaayey...markaad tagto meel qaboow badan oo wada baraf miiran gacmaha dusha intaad utaagto "Ayam Rigugee To Somalia" baad oraneysaa hadey ku yiraahdaan halkeem ka timi waxaad oraneysaa "Ayam To Ifo Refugee Kaamb Justi Now" baad odhaneysaa dabadeedna soo dhaaf bey ku odhan doonaan...dee nabadgelyo oo cid kuu qaada ilaahey kuma tusi waayo beynu ku leenahay.



Peace, Love & Unity.

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^^^Are you still here?? go Get out..................


Loooooooooooooooooool :D:D:D ( Just I actually have to laugh when I write this baal?

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THank God,Sheekha is out, Sheekha is out.


LOL@ I am out and I am gone, bal yaa kalay oo baxaayo? Neph, goormee holiday aadee adiga, mase kuwaan aa kugu korkor soconaayo mar walba?

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Sheekha, sida gabar la shukaansanaayo oo wiilka qatar isaga dhigeysa ha na isaga keen dhigin yaah anaga...Idiinma sheegaayi meeshaan u socodo kuyeh...War soco...Sponsorka maa kuu soo baxay... :D ...Dee ceeb maaha, waa kusidee...


You know I am just kidding...SOL will surely miss you, starting with naagahaan waalan Layzie iyo Nephthys...Kuwaas hoos hooseey ee u oynooyaan...Waligoodbo nooh...


Safar wanaagsan, sii soco, soona noqo adoo nabad ah...I am missing you already... :(

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Safar Salaamo, JB. Seeing how ur all chummy-chum-chum with our beloved neighbors, friends ,and allies, the Ethiopians; I was wondering if you would be able to secure an audience with his Benevolence Garaad Meles Garaad Zenwai and convince him to release the women and children that are being held and tortured, day in day out, in his prison chambers. As a supporter of the Ethiopian occupation and Operation: Dismember Somalia, I doubt that he would refuse such a request coming from Sheekha-Jacayl-ka himself.


While you're at it, being a spy is pretty lucrative nowadays. All you gotta do is sell out your deen, dad, and dal, and in return, you'll get untold riches: $1,000 per every wadaad you give up, $500 for non-wadaad average everyday Faaraxs and Xalimos. That's like what ? 5 years salary, right ?


Watchu sayin, abti ? Tryna tell you, mayn, it's best you make the most of this trip. Who knows, if you play your cards right, you just might be the one to replace Riyaale when the Ethos shuffle their cards.

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Angry K, Somalilanders'na maad ku dartey? I must not have been paying attention but their involvement in the southern skirmishes is lost in me. Help a sist and explain.


Preferably no sarcasm.

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lol..^^ adigo oo sarcasm rabinaa lol.. whats Wrong with SOL and maxaa iga danbeeye... Finka cuudu bilaah!!!!



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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^^^^ Serenity How about I help you out wit that...Ever read an Arabic newspaper and did you ever notice they blame their ineptness and incompetence on the Jews, well I'm afraid the same or to a lesser degree the folks from Koonfuur blame their shortcomings on SL.If I am not mistaken someone even went as far as starting a thread comparing Somalilanders to the Jews a while back on SOL.I would have dug that up but I dont have the time.


Hope that answers your question.. smile.gif

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The way things are on SOL maalin dhow we all will start to sound like a white guy when accused of being a racist will say thats not true I have many black friends whom I respect deeply...... ;)

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JB, good luck sxb. I hope you get to wherever you set your heart onto.


Safar Salaam with your journey again...


PS: I hear you're going far from beloved Hargeysa. Take a good care.

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