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Take what i have and give me what you got!!!!

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In high school my biology teacher once told us something that has stuck into my head till this very day, he said "there are no dump people or smart people, there are only people with lots of experience and people with minimum experience. and please make no mistake about it, he added, those experiences are not inherited from father to son, rather, they are acquired and developed over the years thru some negative and positive interactions with people."

I find that quite true and eye opening statement. I have noticed that experience is a guiding light that helps us avoid all kinds of troubles and seek all kinds of triumphs. Our eyes can see and identify objects of a given size only up to a limited distance. Telescopes extend our limited vision. Similarly, the lack of experience prevent us from seeing solutions to problems beyond our familiarity therefore we dwell in endless stress and anxiety on how to find a solution. and the possession of a great deal of experience extends our mental vision by blasting through the damn problem or perhaps a potential problem. and eventually enable us to see and explore farther into the limitless solution space.


I have also noticed that those who have plenty of experience know the consequences of whatever they are getting into mainly because they have been thru most predicaments of life or at least heard of it and learned their lesson. They hold some high level of interpersonal skills and know how to gain friends, their charismatic knak forces you to share your problems (Not necessarily your personal problems)and experiences with them, and they, understandably, will fellow suite and share their's with you and enrich you with new ideas and potential solutions to any problem you may have. and they are those people we think are dump people

And There are those who lack experience and don’t know shit about anything!! most of them are quite lonesome indviduals who spent all their lives aloof in one place following one routine, they had very minimum interaction with others, never exposed to anyone outside their family circle. most likely, they were indulged and spoiled as kids growing up in a household where everything they want and didnt want was provided by their parent’s. Those people are unable to make a good decision when they get into a situation. they are extremely easy to fool, not because they are stup!d, rather, its because they don’t know who to trust and who not to trust. and they are the people we think are dump!


Anyways.. I think i got carried away with my little lecture here,,,, so let me get to the point..... my beloved nomads I want this topic to be a haven for experience and advice exchange between us. its a clear fact that most of us here lead similar lives and have similar goals, therefore most of us must have faced similar problems of which we consequently gained some “experience” on how to counter them.

So I am hereby kindly asking you my dear nomad to take this topic seriously and extend any advice you have for your brothers and sisters… it could be related to anything.. School, work, relationship, financial difficulty, vacation, exams, time management skill.. or whatever comes to your mind…. please be honest, seriouse, compassionate and sincere about your experience, lesson or advice… and please don’t leave this topic without sharing a thought..


I will kick it off.. right now the first advice I could think of is to stop whatever you are doing if time for prayer comes in. our prophet PBH said

(لأ بارك الله في عمل أودي في وقت صلاه)

Meaning Alaah will not bless anything you do in the time of prayer. And walaahi that is true. I have noticed everything I do in time of prayer turns out to be unblessed if not disastrous. For example if you were studying and Asir prayer became due and somehow postponed it so you could study more you will do real bad on the exam. Or if you delayed your prayer just to make it to a doctor’s appointment, you will hear him tell you about you having a seriouse illness you never thought you had.. and so on.. In short if any prayer becomes due, stop whatever you are doing and pray to allah....


Another advice, if you really really had to give your car to someone and knew that person is a reckless driver then give him the key’s and tell him your car don’t have any insurance.. that way you will make sure he drives your car responsibly... :D:D:D



Now that I gave you what I have… give me what you got…


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my advice would be dont pray just because u have a test .....walaahi even if u memorized the entire book and thought hey let me go and ask good to make it easy and prayed ....u wont remember a thing when it comes to the test ..My point is dont pray to pass a test ...pray to be closer to allah , pray for u aqirah ;) ......


STAY AWAY FROM SOMALIS: that sound harsh but u have to really, or else we all know what we nomads do, gossip they will tear u into peace with those rumors of them , what am trying to say is: Hang out with them but then u have to have ur own live with out them...the casual hi and hello and once in a while get togheters is where it should stop ;)


go to the islamic lecture if they offer some cuz its always good to have a reminder of allah ..


make sure u atleast have one muslim friend cuz like they say " badi ka badan wey ka biya badisaa.......i think that was the proverb i was looking for icon_razz.gif

that is all i had and i gave to ya

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