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Captured Teenage Pirate Cries in New York

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He cried and sobbed audibly when his attorneys mentioned contacting his family in Somalia.


CIVIL RIGHTS LAWYER: "I think in this particular case, there's a grave question as to whether America was in violation of principles of truce in warfare on the high seas," Kuby said. "This man seemed to come onto the Bainbridge under a flag of truce to negotiate. He was then captured. There is a question whether he is lawfully in American custody and serious questions as to whether he can be prosecuted because of his age."


THE KID'S MOTHER: ""I appeal to President Obama to pardon my teenager; I request him to release my son or at least allow me to see him and be with him during the trial," Adar Abdirahman Hassan said in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from her home in Galkayo town in Somalia"



Ron Kuby, a New York-based civil rights lawyer, said he has been in discussions about forming a legal team to represent the Somali suspect.


http://www.newsday.c om/news/nationworld/ ny-nypira2212678653a pr21,0,757778.story? track=rss

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