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I am fuming!!! Iga leexda

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Maanta meeshii la'iga saro dhiig baabah, dhimbilo dab ah baaka soo faniinaya...Someone get some Coke or Fanta la'igu bilbilo!!!


Minding my own biz, shaqadeyda iska qabsanooyo at meesha aan ka shaqeeyo, qumayada (and I am being generous here) i xakunto isoo kor istaagtay 'Could you come see me when you have a sec?' aaba la'i dhahay...


OKEY! Thinking inaa wax isku qalday ama dhiiqeeyay, anoo naxsan office keeda iska xaadiriyay...After all the hadalada macmacaan iyo sida aan shaqadeyda sifiican u qabsanooyo iyo the short time aan companyga lajoogay la'iiga helay, waxaa iigu xigtay in meesha dad laga buriyay (which I was aware of) and that those who are still here mushaarkooda la reduce gareynaayo! :mad: :eek: redface.gif:(


5% pay cut!!! Not only were they taking close 23% of my weekly earnings (which is close to $200 per week) for taxes, lacagaa lagaa sii jaraa aa?


Sheekadee sii waday, to make me feel better about the situation I guess, lagu yeh since soon maternity leave aadoysid, you really aren't at a total loss...Markaa soo noqoto (in a year), hopefully, the economy will pick up by then and then we'll go from there...WHAT!!!!


Calaa kulixaan maanta waa igu kacsantahay, xoogaa inaa isdajiyo u imid...I guess as my husband said, at least I still have a job...


HECK I WANT MY 5% laakiin hay!!!


Bal waatahay...

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* Walks in with foox iyo durbaan laa tumeyaa,singing 'so deg so deg*


KK, maa coke ama waxaad rabta berfume inaad cabti,hence to help with dejiska? :D


Caudhubillahi mina sheytani rajim,firstly sheydanka iska nar,as hubby said at least you still have a job..There are pleanty of people with no jobs,those with little iimaan have even gone as far as committing suicide!


Baal iis dejii,especially in your condition.. smile.gif


erm, shoe shopping will perhaps ease the pain.. icon_razz.gif

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Originally posted by Paragon:

Qoor sagaaro maad ku qabadid meel daran haka dhididee?

lool@Qoor sagaaro..! kk, i feel pain babe gal. Did u ask duqdha how much raise she got for doing this? lool. :eek:

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Comes in holding back all the smiles


Labadii qof meesha aan is lahaa iyagaa ugu fiican midna (Paragon) wuxuu rabaa inaa jail aado, mida kalena (Malika) inee jiniyo iga cuudiso... :mad:


Rudy, thanks...I know you always got my back from day one... ;)


Leaves humming 'Aqaalooma weeyoo'...

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I feel for ya, KK(at least from what I can understand :D ) having to take a pay cut is never fun, that's why I've been on strike for the last 4 months(but actually the company locked us out first) in order to have more union security so hopefully this kind of thing won't happen to me, or at least if it does happen, we won't go down without a fight. I guess, like everyone else said, you still have a job and you'll be off on maternity soon anyways, and by the way, since this is the first time I'm hearing about you having another baby, let me just say congratulations and may Allah SWT bless you with a healthy baby with lots of taqwa amiin.

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^^^ Koolokaat, I think Malika is an expert of jinni cuudis and fuquburaae tum, ruuxaam qaraacis, abbaay sitti iyo soo degeey soo degeey saarkii dunidaay soo dageey :D



Naagtaas sheekadaas kuula imaatey in abur laga kiciyo waaye.

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Minding my own biz, shaqadeyda iska qabsanooyo at meesha aan ka shaqeeyo, qumayada (and I am being generous here) i xakunto isoo kor istaagtay 'Could you come see me when you have a sec?' aaba la'i dhahay...

LMO :D:D That was the funniest Somalinglish ever written.

Malika, bax icon_razz.gif

KK, dear KK I'm so sorry abaayo, soo fariiso, faanto qabow dhab ku dheh and is daji. Insha'llah things will get better. In the mean time be thankful that you didnt get laid off or get the pinkslip.

Congrats on the baby! If you're due in a couple of months, I guess you're better off.

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LOL-Kool be glad you still have a job to come back to after giving birth to the cute little bundle of joy you've got planted in your womb. I think an "Alhamudullilah" I'm still alive, healthy and have a job is whats needed here. Theres always someone far worse off, so have faith and worry not, insha'allah you'll get your 5% back again.

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First of all, congratulations KK!


Secondly, sorry about the loss of income, especially with another little one on the way. But think of it this way: would you rather take a 5% pay cut, or 5% of your colleagues are fired outright?

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KK...Take your hubby, as well as the rest of the others in here advice...Last thing you need right now is to stress over that...Concentrate on your little miracle on the way.


Congrats dear....Ilaahay hakuu fududeeyo,Mukulaal matagtay camal, may dhahaayeen islaamaha...Ilma caafimaad qaba ilaahay kaaga baryeenaa insha-allah...Take it easy, take care of yourself and ilaahay talo saaro.

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KK...although I understand your anger of course bills to pay and changes with planning...think about those who lost their jobs...and those who cannot even find one...difficult times...hey!


Maybe all these 5% la isku dardaray saved your job!

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Thanks all and aamiin to ducooyinkiina...Insh a'allah kheyr bey iska noqon...


With that said, I found out (through my old lady friend in the HR dept) that the pay cuts started back in March...I was hired at the end of March and started my job the second week of April, at which point when they were offering me the position it was already at a reduced salary...And now to get another pay cut, well let's just say I have nothing but very few chosen colourful words for them!!! :mad: Of course I can't go to them with this info, as aan naagta maskiinta ah dhib ukeenaayo...


I guess it is true when they say 'what you don't know won't hurt you'...10% cut?!?!?! Oh oh, let me not forget, I would've been up for a review mid August and was expecting a raise...Riyo lee iga dheh...


But of course I am thankful to have a job...Come to think of it (and here's me oo niyada isku dhisaayo :D ) the pros far outweigh the cons...Say iigu dhowdahay baaba waxaan siisto leheen, a three minute drive or ten minute walk, to say the very least...Bal meeqaa gas iibaaqaneyso? :D


Thanks again inaa nacnacdeyda iyo ciilkeyga dhageysateen...Reer SOL intaas baaban ku jeclahay...

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