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The Google Challange

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Rejoice, rejoice! Here is your chance to paraphrase, openly plagiarise or copy.



Are you up for a Google challenge?



The Challenge:


1. Randomly choose a subject you’re not familiar with (e.g. operating a nuclear submarine).


2. Google as much information as possible on the subject


3. Write a post on the subject making sure that you convince your readers of your knowledge on the subject






1. You have to write an initial post indicating your willingness to take up the challenge


2. The challenge only lasts one week (i.e. One week from the day you indicated your willingness to take part).


3. You’ll have to be able to answer with questions (if any should arise) on your topic.



If you do cut and paste, you’ll have to provide a link.




The challenge will only be interesting if the topics chosen are exciting, fascinating or plain weird.

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I'm up for the challenge. Bring it on Nogongy!


How can you know I'm not choosing a topic I know like the back of my hand?

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That’s the beauty of it all. I can’t tell if you’re into stamp collecting, eighteenth century corsets or the mummification of tiny insects. Even if you do cheat, the hope is that you’ll choose an interesting topic, saaxib.

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^^^I take the challenge Ngonge.I will pass of as an Astronaut pilot.I will pretend to be one of those NASA selected pilots.I will investigate whether it is fun to float in space.My google research/cheating will be due next thursday!.It will be exciting and fun stay tuned.... :D

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Allright my man. I choose a topic that will be interesting and useful to me and others and I don't know a rotten dime about.


Malawi. smile.gif


Strangely I don't know absolutely anything about this country. Nothing at all. After 7 days I'll become fit to become Somali ambassador to Malawi. Just watch me sxb.


PS. Ngorongoro, I was wondering if you don't find it more appropriate if we all choose a topic that does relate to one another. Perhaps if we all concentrate on topics within Africa.


Africa Lives In SOL....

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For the first time in human history, man is actually travelling through space beyond the limit of the earth atmosphere.The reason why we study space is because our relation to the rest of the universe can not be measured merely in terms of mass , volume and position .We beleive that there must be more to it.Do other stars have planet revolving around them, if so are any of them like the tiny earth.Where did we came from? and are there any creature living out there in Space?(The last two question may raise your eyebrow as a muslim-but this is just science folks).Space travel has and will enable to verify or disaprove some theories of the solar system.Many scientist are needed to specialize in difrerent fields of science.Some scientist specialize in the study of the stars others specialize in the nature of the gases that are emitted.The scientist who study the object in space are called astronomers and astrophycist.The astronomer is the one who study the movement and appearance of object in space while astrophycist is the one concerned with the make up of the stars and galaxies.The first piloted space flight was made on april 12, 1961 by a gentlemen known as Yuri A Gagarin.He was the Soviet guy who orbited the earth in spaceship Vostok.The first piloted voayage to the moon was accomplished by the united state in 1969(remember Amstrong?)


Gravity is the biggest obstacle in the space exploration.We all have heard of the statement" what goes up must come down".According to a famous legend , Issac Newton was inspired to discover the law of gravitation by observing a falling apple.What exactly did Newton discovered?.He did not discovered gravity itself because the force of the gravity was well known before him by Galileo.What Newton discovered was that the same force of gravity which made the apple fall keeps the moon in orbit about the earth.Philosophers and scientist used to beleive that everything heavy fall faster than lighter objects.The reason they were making this eraneous assumption was because they were doing their experiment in the presence of air-may be they didn't have vacuums at the time!.Also early "great minds"(philosophers) did not understand why things speed up when they fall.Due to gravity a space craft must be launched at a certain speed and direction.A powerful rocket called launch vehicle or booster helps space craft overcome gravity. All launch vehicles have two or more rocket section known as stages.The first stage helps the spacecraft leave the earth by providing a push.This stage must exceed the entire weight of the launch vehicle and the space craft.The booster generates thrust by burning fuel.To reach a higher altitude the space craft must make another rocket firing.The spacecraft escapes gravity only when its speed is faster than the orbital velocity(the minimum velocity required to overcome the gravity and stay in orbit).(this part is plagirized from NASA website)



Astronaut put on an Extravahicular Mobility unit better known to the common person as space suit.The first thing an astronaut put on is a urine collection device after all the toilet doesn't come in handy in the space unless you want to shoot some on the air :D .The space suit is divided in two parts-the trouser(Pant for my American comrades) and the top.Did you know that while in air the astronaut can place the two leg in the pant at the same time?.Well they can do it all because of the gravity!.The suit has also a primary life support system that supplies oxygen for breathing and also removes carbon monoxide that we exhale.The astronaut do also wear a "snoopy cap" that has a headphone and a microphone.Inside the Manned manoevring unit there is a small rocket build in it gives nitrogen to push the astronaut through space.

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Originally posted by NGONGE:

The challenge will only be interesting if the topics chosen are exciting, fascinating or plain weird.

So does this mean I can't act like an expert on cooking Kraft Dinner(even though I am already)?

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Haji Ngonge with the help of Earth and space science course that i took plus outright plagirism from NASA website thats all i could came up with!.


WARNING:Please do not beleive what i have written above unless it is consistent with what you beleive or held to be true!.The above post deviates from all the academic rules on which we are all taught to rely on-it is an academic suicide in the words of my freshman english professor!.

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^Count me in. But as for the questions part, how would you know i wasn't googling that also?


I suppose this is about trust.


Thumbs up to the challenge.

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