Saalax Posted March 23, 2020 Hargeisa (SD) – The diverted Fly Dubai flight to Hargeisa is said to have been carrying passengers who had coronavirus, according to sources. Fly Dubai was flown back to Dubai, and it was later confirmed that people on board the plane had Coronavirus infection. The passengers who tested positive for Coronavirus were a Somali family, reliable sources have confirmed. The infected Somali family reportedly had left the United States and went to British prior to their attempt to go to Hargeisa. The cancelation of the Fly Dubai flight to Hargeisa was highly discussed by media and politician regarding who is in charged on Somali airspace. However, Somaliland seems to have dodged a bullet in terms of the spread of the virus in the country Somaliland dodges a Coronavirus bullet in flight cancelation – Somali Dispatch WWW.SOMALIDISPATCH.COM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maakhiri1 Posted March 24, 2020 They should thank Farmaajp 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted March 24, 2020 Do not expect Somali clans to do the right thing. Both Suldaanka and Oodweyne care only about optics and image. Somliland should have shut down Ethiopian Airline long ago. This airline flies four major Chinese towns , and to say not single one is not effected is a lie. Airlines and some of the major incubators of viruses. We might not even have few ventilators in our hospitals .. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suldaanka Posted March 24, 2020 On 3/24/2020 at 4:02 AM, galbeedi said: Do not expect Somali clans to do the right thing. Both Suldaanka and Oodweyne care only about optics and image. Somliland should have shut down Ethiopian Airline long ago. This airline flies four major Chinese towns , and to say not single one is not effected is a lie. Airlines and some of the major incubators of viruses. We might not even have few ventilators in our hospitals .. Read more LOL How can you close your doors to your own citzens? even if they have Coronvirus, they need to be welcomed and given as any medical help they required. I do not buy the gest of the argument by Nabar iyo Naxdin's paid bots... Any Somaliland citizen is welcomed but should be quarantined for the WHO sanctioned 14 day period, their names and passport numbers recorded. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
galbeedi Posted March 24, 2020 Suldaanka, Even if they are citizens I would not allow them In. The danger is bigger for the people. I would sacrifice few people for the greater health of millions of people. The richest nations of the world cannot even handle this thing let alone Somaliland. Stop playing games with the lives of the poor people. Close the damn airport. Somalia it self haven't done anything to stop the virus. Even one minister refused to be checked at the airport. They should have closed the border long ago. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar Posted March 24, 2020 Of course dowladda dhexe saves Soomaali citizens, even if some themselves have an internal virus called qabyaalad. They still need to be saved since Soomaali yihiin. Just imagine what these people la celiyey would have caused in Waqooyiga Soomaaliya. Rabi ka sakoow dowladda dhexe ayaa mahad leh. Tallaabadii ay qaaday DF oo kiisas Coronavirus ah ka bad-baadisay Somaliland Dowladda federaalka Soomaaliya ayaa dhowaan diyaarada Fly Dubai oo kasoo dagi rabtay madaarka Hargeysa dib uga celisay hawada Somaliland, midaasi oo qeyb ka aheyd go’aamada lagu adkeynayo ka hortagayo cudurka Coronavirus. Talaabadaasi oo xukuumada Somaliland u arkeysay awood sheegayso ku aadan maamulka Hawada, ayaa haddana waxa soo baxaya in Talaabadaasi dowladdu qaaday ay deegaanada Somaliland ka bad-baadisay in gudaha u galo fayruska Corona. Fly Dubai ayaa markii dib loogu celiyay madaarka Dubai, waxa baadhis kadib la ogaaday in Dad saarna diyaaradaasi ay qabaan Caabuqa Coronavirus, oo faro ba’an ku haya dunida oo dhan. Dadkaasi saarnaa diyaarada ee laga helay Coronavirus ayaa waxay ahaayeen Qoys Soomaali ah, sida ay xaqiijiyeen ilo lagu kalsoon-yahay. Qoyska Soomaali-da ah ee saarnaa diyaarada Fly Dubai ee dib looga celiyay Hargeysa, ayaa sida la sheegay waxay ka yimadeen Mareykanka, iyagoona soo maray dalka Ingiriiska oo la tacaalaya caabuqa Coronavirus. Talaabada ay Dowladda federaalku ku joojisay Duulimaadyada caalamiga ayaa ah mid bogaadin leh, maadama ay kaalin muhiim ah ka qaadaneyso ka hortaga caabuqa faraha ba’an ku haya Dunida ee Corona. Waxaana loo baahan yahay in maamulada dalku u hogaansamaan arrinkaasi maadama ay kaalin muhiima ka ciyaareyso bad qabka bulshadeena. Soomaaliya oo lagu tiriyo wadamada aan laheyn adeeg Caafimaad oo tayo leh, ayaa waxa kaliya ee la gudboon waqti xaadirkan ay tahay sidii ay uga hortagi laheyn in dalkeeda uu ku faafo fayruskaasi halista ah. Xigasho 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suldaanka Posted March 24, 2020 On 3/24/2020 at 5:22 AM, galbeedi said: Suldaanka, Even if they are citizens I would not allow them In. The danger is bigger for the people. I would sacrifice few people for the greater health of millions of people. The richest nations of the world cannot even handle this thing let alone Somaliland. Stop playing games with the lives of the poor people. Close the damn airport. Somalia it self haven't done anything to stop the virus. Even one minister refused to be checked at the airport. They should have closed the border long ago. Read more I beg to differ. I wouldn't want my loved ones treated that way by my adapted country. Let alone my actual place of birth. It is a constitutional duty that the government is responsible for all Somaliland citizens. Just because they contracted a virus doesn't mean they will be thrown to the dogs. No. They will need to be welcomed and treated with respect while protecting the safety and health of others. I agree, this is extremely contagious virus, but it is nonetheless, one that can be managed. And as Muslims, we will not regret if someone's time is up. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites