
Somaliland region government spokesman threatens Somaliland region diaspora

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45 minutes ago, Oodweyne said:


Unlike you, who just happens to be a some kind of a wretched darbi-lag-hel sheegato (or as I like to call you "Ina-Cambarro-Korsateyga" halkan ka Ciya), this fellow Mr Warsame talked the truth of it. We don't need any politically-minded fifth-columnist creatures in our midst.

In other words, unlike you oo Sacad-Yonis iyo reer Ceel-Afweyn isku xoqqa, ninkan waa ragii adeeradiis Xoreeyey Sanaag, waa nin Muse-Ismail ah, oo reer Ceerigaabo ah, waana nin Mujaahid Ahmed Mire uu adeer u yahay. Wuxuu garanayaa qiimaha ay Somaliland ku kacdey in lasoo celiyo, Yaa Ina-Gummeed iska ciyayow.

Laakiin, mar haddaadan Ceel-Afweyn, Ceerigaabo, Sanaag guud, Burco, Togdheer guud iyo Somaliland gabi ahaanteedba, aanad u laheyn xiniinyo  iyo raganimo aad ku tagto, halkan SOL ah waad ka ciyi kartaa sidii aan horey kuugu sheegay, yaa naxli Ina-Gummeedow. 


What has that got to do with the topic at hand?  :D wa isku dhexyacday. A member of the regional government threatening diaspora for having a different opinion is a very bad look and will be used against Somaliland region since they cry they are a "democracy" 24hrs. 

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