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Suspected bomb found in London

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Police have made safe a suspected car bomb in the heart of London.


Officers carried out a controlled explosion after reports of a suspicious vehicle parked in The Haymarket shortly before 0200 BST (0100 GMT).


The immediate area was cordoned off while police examined what they described as a "potentially viable explosive device".


There are unconfirmed reports that gas canisters were removed from the back of the car, close to Piccadilly Circus.


The government's emergency unit Cobra has called a meeting and the new Home Secretary Jacqui Smith is due to attend.



One police source said the bomb was a "big device" and posed a real and substantial threat to the area around The Haymarket, which is in London's theatreland.


A witness reported seeing gas canisters being removed from the car, believed to be a silver Mercedes, at around 0400 BST (O300 GMT).


Bouncers from a nearby nightclub said they saw the car being driven erratically before it crashed into a bin. They said the driver then got out and ran off.


Dozens of forensic officers were today poring over the scene, which was covered by a blue plastic police tent.


Scotland Yard said detectives from Counter Terrorism Command were investigating the potential bomb plot and will be checking the CCTV in the area.


A spokesman said: "Police were called to reports of a suspicious vehicle parked in The Haymarket, shortly before 2am this morning.


"As a precautionary measure the immediate area was cordoned off while the vehicle was examined by explosives officers. TRAVEL DISRUPTIONS

Piccadilly Circus tube station closed

Haymarket closed between Pall Mall and Piccadilly Circus

Buses diversions in the area with delays of more than 45 minutes

Heavy traffic around Trafalgar Square and Charing Cross Rd

Coventry St, Whitcomb St, Shaftesbury Ave and Cambridge Circus closed


"They discovered what appeared to be a potentially viable explosive device. This was made safe.


"The Metropolitan Police Counter Terrorism Command has launched an investigation."


Police say The Haymarket is likely to remain closed for some time and severe travel disruption is predicted.


'No intelligence'


Piccadilly Circus Tube station is closed and trains are not stopping, while local bus services are being diverted.


The BBC's Daniela Relph, at the scene, said the heart of London was completely closed off and police officers were concentrating on keeping people away.



People are unable to get to work

Thousands of commuters have been unable to get to work.


Professor Paul Wilkinson, a terrorism expert, said a passer-by had tipped off the police and officers would be concerned they did not have advanced intelligence.


Intelligence sources said they were keeping an open mind on who was responsible for the car bomb.


"All options, including the Irish, are open at this stage," said the source.


Defence Secretary Des Browne said: "It does appear to be a very serious incident.


"My first reaction to this is, thank God that we have police and explosives experts who can make these devices safe, and the arrangements they appear to have done, and that nobody has been injured."


Extra security measures have been put in place at Westminster, MPs and peers have been told.




I wonder if it was another crazy as*s mock up, just to scare people. The buses were so packed on my way to work, because everyone was too scared to get on the train :( I was wondering about, till i got to work and checked the bbc.

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Ah! Now I know why Piccadilly Circus tube station was closed. Lets hope it's a false alarm.



JB & North are not here today. This leaves you as the only available troll on the site. Do your best to bring Val out.

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^^^^loool^ I refuse to be bad influence, pluz i have lot of work to do if I want to leave by 4.00pm today. I think Lily, Muniar are around ;)



p.s. It is not a false alarm, they say they found it and secured it :rolleyes:


p.s.s. be safe walking around that area ya Ngonge, your kids need ya.

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Glasgow Airport










Blazing car crashes into airport


A car which was on fire has been driven at the main terminal building at Glasgow Airport.

Eyewitnesses have described a Jeep Cherokee being driven at speed towards the building with flames coming out from underneath.


They have also described seeing two Asian men, one of whom was on fire, who had been in the car.


Strathclyde Police said two people had been arrested and detained in connection with the incident.


The airport has been evacuated and all flights suspended following the incident at 1515 BST.


Prime Minister Gordon Brown has chaired a meeting of Cobra - the emergency committee.


Home Secretary Jacqui Smith said the national terrorism threat level had been raised to its highest level of "critical", meaning an attack was expected "imminently".


A&E closed


First Minister Alex Salmond has activated emergency procedures.


The accident and emergency department of the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley has been closed.


A spokesman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said this was due to the police investigation into the events at the airport.


One of the suspects was being treated at the hospital


Asians :rolleyes:

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looooooool ,,, so the new PM started with real problems or may be he is creating this just to follow the footsteps of his previous one.

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Some white man was swearing at a couple of Asian men on the tube platform this morning. He looked at me and I thought he would start swearing at me too! Instead, he seemed to look for some sort of approval for his actions! :D

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^^^^Lool^^ Maybe you should've been wearing your Muslim hat, I'm sure he would've knocked you into the platform! :D

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I just avoided all eye contact with him. One of the Asian guys argued back a little and then wisely stopped. I'm glad he wasn't a hothead. Can you imagine if they had a fight? Someone would have quickly called the police and called it a terrorist incident or something. I would never have got to work. :D

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YOu chicken, Talk about helping a brother out!! You were just worried about getting to work on time, Gosh how selfish, He could've been sent to Palmarsh! Or shot, and here you are worrying about work. shakes fist as Val would say!

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Priorities, my dear, priorities.

What did you want me to do, pick a fight with him? :D


He looked like this guy:



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