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Somali MPs Priorities: what a wonderful mentality...

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"I consider as an ennemy whoever question official cars' attribution": those are the very words of one of the TFG MPs who consider also the capital as "pacified" (obviously, the remaining 6 billions human beings are those deluded)!


Just afterwards, a collegue of his stated the obvious: cars shouldn't be constantly changed for a few selects but attributed, along other benefits, on an egalitarian basis.


Constrained to listen such passional debates by my ayeeyo who's got only the BBC Somali as a regular source of information, I'm wondering when other "secondary issues" will finally get full attention in Baidoa; let's say a futile detail such as the daily hospital raids by Ethiopian troops or the probably rather unimportant, though established, fact of chemical weapons use against unarmed civilians.


With international schoolchildren more preocuppied by the Somalian unprecedented huamanitarian catastrophe than the "government", it becomes clear that the arch mercenaries of the 60's had at least more decency than the current primitive warlords and thugs who are perfecting colonists' "divide and rule" policy.


The former were at least locally elected, much unlike the later without an ounce of legitimacy, crowned by Nairobi and Addis at one of the conjointly conniving, historical ennemies' home and further filtered out whenever one of them display traces of moral qualms (little wonder Somalis prefer to design them as the M'bagathi Maffia)...

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