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a virtual course in virtual reality

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lesson 1.


by now you should have noticed that your computer has a bio-module that can communicate with your can generate holographic images and a virtual environment,for example change all the furniture and have a few friends come over .


one should not try to control or manipulate the bio-modules ,not because it's too complicated for the our brains,but because the electric current is too strong for our bodies.

it communicates with our concious thoughts never the subconcious.

it reacts to wishes and warns you of bad choices. the reaction times vary from person to person.

that is for any machine that has some sort of semicondutor(slow enough) component.

but take your time get used to it,it's not harder than driving a car.


for in depth research search the web for:


google usability conference


some wutang cd

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^^ :D nin wareersan, I like your posts when you are not talking about technolog. Sxb DON NOT mix the tech with the lemon kush, they don't go together.

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lesson 2



first we learn how how to login and logout to/from your virtual envitonment.


the arabic letter خ pronounced kha will let you logout...try it... خا khaa.

the same letter خ but with ي lets you log back in,i know it's complicated but try...خي khii .


login:خي khii

logout:خا ; khaa




this is how you can regulate temperature in your virtual environment:


the arabic letter ح pronounce in somali xa will raise the temperature(make it warmer) try it

حا xaa...see how you feel warmer ?

to cool things down same letter ح but with و will lower the temperature of your virtual environment,try it...حو in somali xuu

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Originally posted by muriidi:

lesson 2



first we learn how how to login and logout to/from your virtual envitonment.


the arabic letter خ pronounced kha will let you logout...try it... خا khaa.

the same letter خ but with ي lets you log back in,i know it's complicated but try...خي khii .


login:خي khii

logout:خا ; khaa




this is how you can regulate temperature in your virtual environment:


the arabic letter ح pronounce in somali xa will raise the temperature(make it warmer) try it

حا xaa...see how you feel warmer ?

to cool things down same letter ح but with و will lower the temperature of your virtual environment,try it...حو in somali xuu

:D:D oh boy

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Lesson 3.





this is an example of the virtual atmosphere provided by (warner brothers film studios)

here you can laugh about movies like (clear and present danger) or (the matrix)...remember having information doesn't make a machine or virtual entity "intelligent" therefore not dangerous even if present.intelligence some say is the ability to tell reality from fantasy.


other film studios also provide virtual atmospheres...note you can define for yourself which studio the movie was filmed in...they all cooperate and follow standards.

universal studios is known for its "take it all away i don't want to understand anything i hope this movie puts me to sleep"

constanine films is known for it's friendly "i'm sitting in a fine cafe with friends "


see for yourself the wide variety of virtual atmospheres provided by different studios...learn how it works and use it for your projects!


a very lucrative area of work is "event management" meetings,conferences ,political rallies do i make an event special without making it look like judgement day?


believe it or not,if you for example work at the ship docks as "xamaali" working them cranes loading containers ,your chances of promotion to an office job may rely on your media consumption.

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LoL you'd have to reread few times, and maybe some more to really understand it ghelle. Jaclboro definetely gets the brain computer connection.

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Lesson 4.


hi everyone...this is our 4th and final lesson of:

A Virtual Course in Virtual Reality


right now the next generation of computers ...the 3D holographic user interface...


(skip the touchscreens)


the building of virtual machines thus isolating the world of techno in ..perhaps underground.."hives" .if needed ,with the help of nanotechnology you can simply take your car out ot your pocket like a mobile ...stay in contact with the "hive" through your 3D holographic user interface ,and live a happy clean life in the wilderness as a "geeljir"

the concept of virtual reality will speed up that development

and last but not least ,when developing or using a virtual environment a very motivating thus important aspect is the mind's capacity to form associations subconciously.we conciously express likes and dislikes...the subconcious registers and forms associations between our different likes (or dislikes). for example "camel milk thread" is an association between "pleasant smells" , "simplicity" , and "intimacy that doesn't get too creepy!".

a panic free zone so to say.


test your ability to associate with the following examples...

be careful with the 3rd and 4th songs

#3 contains nanobots with biomodules that can interact with your body

#4 conatains nanobots that can detect any paranormal activity and fight it like a fire!




p.s. does anyone know a website where parents can exchange goodnight stories for children?

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