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Fights between women are the worst to break up because they have bossoms not chests so you can't use that area to push them away from one another. Too much force will make it look like your manhandling them plus
they both close there eyes
when they batter eachother so there is a chance you will be a victim of their rage. I still have this little scar from a sharp nail on my right hand when i tried to break up a fight between two morrocan girls.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL Gosh this made me laugh, maaxad tiiri, they close their eyes, hahahah loool, must be a Morrocan thing! :D loooool hahaha loool

Forget the chest, timah or the ears baa laa jida each one. lol

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^All women fight like that!(unless they train professionally) Sad thing is those two girls were best friends but the way they battered eachother you would think they were arch enemies. Their fight was about a boy, so common sense was replaced with rage, which reminds me of that ugly saying: hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

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To all the Gesiyasha lead by Sheherezade & A.Z: Kudos to you all :cool:


To all the Fulays lead by Ngonge & JB: just don't expect others to intervene when you are involved and getting the beating of you life. :D



i have intervened many countless times (mainly school children) - but two that stick out were:


- domestic violence - This jamaican addict couple lived above us in two store flats - they always were fighting each other - one knight the woman came knocking our door saying "salamu alaykum" whilst screaming and completely stark naked (actually she was only wearing panties) - by the time i opened the door - the man was dragging her upstairs. she was pregnant. i told him to let go off her and when he didn't i pushed him off her. then he started getting leery with me; shouting dont touch me and stuff. i stood my ground and he walked back indoors. the ambulance people arrived before the police but they refused to come inside the building untill the police turned up.


- the other one was two guys fighting on a busy bus stop - one tall nagerian and short algerian guy who kept getting knocked out but kept getting up and was holding his own against a man twice his size. everybody was just watching including the bus driver (of the bus they were trying to get on) friend and i worked up to them and split them up. they were both thankful (even they none them said thanks) The funny thing was this carribean guy who was watching the fight wanted to start fight with my friend for splitting the fight.

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I watched my teacher get a black eye when he tried to stop two boy who were fighting.


As for women, I tried once and they were grown women, as I reached to pull the top one off, she screamed, "Alla miyaad ii qabanaysaa?" I stood back and watched till a gentleman showed up. He yelled at me to intervene, but I said uh-uh. So he grabbed the top one and lifted her off the other one...Now I will not intervene at all. Children, absolutely.

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Do not want to be dude with no teeth,saving some stranger. Xaa iga galay?Ya dabaal ah? Not me. I love my teeth. smile.gif


For sure tho,i will be the first fool to yell out, "damn" when one dude hits the other so hard. Tehehe. icon_razz.gif


Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett was resting at home Monday after being released from a hospital, and his brother revealed that the mayor suffered extensive injuries as he was beaten when answering a woman's cries for help.


Barrett's brother, John, said the mayor was hit so hard in the face Saturday night that the blow knocked out a bottom tooth at the base and some top teeth

Mayor of Milwaukee,WI got his teeth knocked out breaking a fight

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No geesi god hoosti buu jiraa!


I would let them be. At best call the police. However I would ask kii laga adkaado call me

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I tried once at work..I almost was accused of being,as it was a Somali kid fighting a White kid..I pulled them apart,and the white kid,started shouting all sorts.. :rolleyes:


I hate violence,so intervening will expose me to it..nah!..haa iis dameyaan,I just will call ambulance and police for them. :D

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once, it was a domestic dispute involving a drunk Somali guy beating his wife on the street.


after I got over my shock at seeing a drunk faarax ... me and and old cadaan guy wrestled him to the ground and kept him there until the cops came.

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I will, only if it is a man beating a woman but if not I will not. If they are two men I would find it offensive on their honour to even stop them from finishing their unfinished business. If I realise only of them is beaten and almost giving up, I will take his position and fight on his behalf. It doesn't matter who he is. It's not nice interrupting two guys settling a slight disagreement. The best you could do as a man is to give them the privacy they are entitled to. Or else it will continue on and on forever, which is a waste of time and boring.

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Originally posted by humble.:

I will, only if it is a man beating a woman but if not I will not. If they are two men I would find it offensive on their honour to even stop them from finishing their unfinished business. If I realise only of them is beaten and almost giving up, I will take his position and fight on his behalf. It doesn't matter who he is. It's not nice interrupting two guys settling a slight disagreement. The best you could do as a man is to give them the privacy they are entitled to. Or else it will continue on and on forever, which is a waste of time and boring.

I co-sign.

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