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VIDEO: Big fight over the infamous cartoon. Chaos.

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A man was was threatened with arrest by police in the UK for a having a poster outside his window that read. "David Cameron is a w....r."

Where is the freedom?


Insulting the noble Prophet PBUH, is a no go area for Muslims, and the anger stems from that .

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

This is pure hypocrys on the part of the free speech wailers.

What hypocrisy? The freedom to worship what you want (Islam, Christianity, Judiasm, Scientology, Mormonism etc) and to make veiled death threats (like Revolution Islam against South Park) is the SAME right as to make satirical cartoons. They're not two different rights. Have you ever considered that YOUR Islamic religion is as offensive, if not more, to others as is the Muhammed cartoons to you? But others accept all the hurt and offense as part of the price one pays in living in an open and pluralistic society. I can't count the number things said and done by religious that deeply offend me as an individual but I don't go around calling for murder and censorship.



Originally posted by Geel_jire:

do you know england, and ireland and many other countries have blaphemy laws on the books ?

This is a lie. There are no blasphemy laws in England. Ireland still has them. But calling them Blasphemy laws is really a misnomer since no one is executed for blasphemy anymore unlike in the pre-enlightenment era. The blasphemy laws in Ireland are akin to defamation laws in the books of most civilized countries except they strictly apply to the church. So, when you defame anyone else it is just a defamation but one it is against the Church is blasphemy. Of course, that doesn't stop the Irish making fun of the Catholic Church.



Originally posted by Geel_jire:

do you know 'holocaust denier' is a prosecutable offence in austria?

I'm not sure but probably true. I know in some European countries that Holocaust denial is a punishable crime. I don't support it. But since historically holocaust denial was cottage industry for Nazis, it was initially implemented as part of larger De-nazification effort. You as a colored man should be grateful since Nazism is truly dead and can never reconstitute itself as a serious political contender in Europe.


But once again I see a Muslim complaining about why he can't make fun of a historically demonstrable attempt to exterminate an entire people. Since when did it become a good taste let alone acceptable to make fun of massacres? This is breathtakingly unbelievable.


I sense a lot of antipathy towards Jews and I know where it is coming from. Know this, those who trivialize or minimize other people's suffering will be treated exactly like those who deny o minimize the suffering of Black people in the Americas.



Originally posted by Geel_jire:

or is it only free speech when it comes to insulting muslims.

How is drawing satirical cartoons about Muhammed -- who has been dead for 1400 years -- insulting Muslims? That is no more insulting of Muslims than drawing satirical cartoons about David Cameron is insulting British people. What you want is others to make their own believes subservient to yours. That won't fly. Insulting Muslims is already prohibited under Hate Speech laws.



Originally posted by Geel_jire:

I dare you to say anything semi-insulitng about jews in public ... you will be shutdown from every corner so fast your head will spin.

The Jews again! You just don't like them, do you? C'mon, get over it. They rejected Muhammed as a prophet 1400 years ago. I'll give you this, they're stubbon and hard-headed but I'm sure they've forgotten all about it. Let it go.


BTW, I dare you to say anything semi-insulting about black people in America.

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I have to say, I lmao @ the lady in the back screaming allahu ackbar. and I felt sorry for the guy they maced directly in the eyes for like two minutes, kinda reminded me of the "dont tase me bro guy" but this one did't even move. Cala kuli xaal, as much as I think the man had what was coming to him for being an a-hole towards a minority in his country, hope they expel these students, that kinda behavior is unacceptable of all places in a university.


Blessed , don't judge the model, focus on the message and don't beat up this old man is actually sound logic, where do u see the inconsistency?

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Ok Raamsade, war gaal yahoo maad diinteena faraha ka qaadid!... adiga iyo qurunkaan kale aad kooytada camal u wadatid maad diinteena noo dhaaftaan?


Raamsade, saaxiib how do you sleep at night? i'm sure nalka ayaa daarataa marka aad seexaneysid oo sheydaan baad ka baqdaa adoo sheydaanka saaxiib la ah!... saaxiib ilaahey hakusoo hanuunsho..I feel sorry for you because is sad to see someone like are blinded by sheydaan and you know it but their is nothing you could do....arintii abu-lahab baa ku heysata lool..walaahi waa naxdin....


aduunkan waxa maanta Islam loo neceb yahay dhan waa runta!... diimihii kale dhan waa lawada badalay even tii yahuuda laakiin Islam wili shaqal lagama taaban... kirishtaankii 30,000 oo kitaabo baa loo soo baxshay..wax kaste oo ku adkaaday waxee dhaheen waa out dated lool...maanta homosexual baa xalaal laga dhigtay iyo qurun kale... yaa maanta diin aduunka heysta oo aan muslimka aheen? waxaam qurunka west jooga diin mawada laha oo maanta kuligood ethiest waxaana ku sabab ah, cabsida badan iyo nolol jeceelka... Somalidiina qurunka ah oo gaaloodowday, bax naftiina ka adkaada.. ilaahoo caqliga hanaga qaadin...



Wareer Badanaa!!!

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Raamsade, wuxuu cilmi u qabaa diin majirto in la yidhaa oo kaliya. Ok. there is no religion, there is no God, Islam is fake. Haye, maxay kale? Please tell us something new. Mise adiga takhasuuskaagu waa intaa uun?

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Ramaasad: I think you need a head-butt too, your just compare Mohamed (PBUH) to David Cameron.


I agree with ONE of Lazy point, (She is just making it very poorly) which is that as Muslims we tent to give publicity and stardom to people at our expense. These are stunts for people who could not make it any other way, so they think let me do something controversial, pick on Muslims they will burn some flags and attack me in response and I will set. We should not give them platform or legitimacy, now he is going to open a gallery and write on his CV “attacked for my creative and controversial cartoons”.


Lastly I find it embarrassing that as Muslims we have been reduce to the level of throwing shoes and head-butting people who insult Islam, Allah or Mohammed. Even worse we become proud of that person for throw a damn shoe or jester and then stand back and say “yeah, we showed them”! Really? More like in a few years kabaha aya inaga damanaya. We have to find more sophisticated and creative way of taking out (I don’t necessarily mean literally) but removing people who upset our interest from public or at least achieving stardom. This small antics which makes more people want to use us as the stepping stone.


What has these three people achieved? They made this guy work get in the news, they themselves got into trouble, they made other hateful people aware (who will now republish his work), woke up all the racist who will start the shallow fear mongering of “they are taking over” and lastly the work is still in existence. So really nothing was achieved. If we can find a constructive way of controlling our anger and challenging that anger to building the stepping stone that allows us to avoid these situations, we won’t need to spit, throw shoes or other pointless acts which don’t achieve any results.


At my old university, one of our lectures was removed from post after lobbing by the Jewish society after he gave a series of alternative lectures in our Foreign Policy in the Middle East Class. We just showed up for uni one day and he was gone, the people who liked him did not even have time to organize a campaign in his defense. NOW that is efficient results.

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Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

The guy was in the process of showing a video depicting two men having sexual relations, one of whom the artist was trying to portray as the the Prophet Muhammad, saw. That some Muslims become upset and try to attack him, is not a surprise.

You are actually right. He made a video where two men have sex and are wearing masks depicting our prophet.


I would have thrown my laptop at him.


You can't expect to call people's father gay without getting a slap in your face, let alone people's religious figure.


This whole 'freedom of speech' is getting ridiculous, if this is what it means. What about freedom to be free from insult?


I remember Perez Hilton was outraged when Black Eyed Peas' manager smacked him in the face when he called gay. Seriously, what the hell else do you expect? A stroke and a smile?


If you call people gay (even if you are one yourself), you generally get beaten up. Fact.


This guy is seriously asking for it.

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Raamsades anology of David Cameron and a revered person such as Prophet (SAW) is laughable, and shows how little he understands about the sensitivity of the matter.#


Ibtisam@ those who reacted violently towards the postings were a few in comparison in those affected and were mainly from politically sensitive regions.

Most Muslims reacted peacefully towards it by protesting.

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You are actually right. He made a video where two men have sex and are wearing masks depicting our prophet.

He did not make the video, he was showing it as part of his lecture. The disturbing video was made a while ago by an iranian female residing somewhere in the netherlands I think. The lecture was about the limits of free speech in Art, etc etc.(something to those lines)


Again, he did not make any video, he just showed a very offensive but controversial video of a former dissenter, whose life was too threatened by al qaeda.



Ibti, lol@I agree but the point was poorly presented...tell me how I could do better next time, will ya?


Maybe hold their hands? Is that acceptable? :D:D:D

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^^Well read what I WROTE and what you WROTE, if we are saying the same thing, then you really need to express it better icon_razz.gif:D


Hales, I agree it is a miniority, however only bad reactions are reported; you are never going to see a report that goes along the lines of "Today 3,000 Muslims stood in slient protest outside a university where....." It is only the shoe throwing, choas that is reported and we always fall into that trap. How many times have you set in front of your TV and watched some Muslim guy jumping up and down on a burning America, Isreal, UK, flag. Then he shouts, "Death to all the none-Muslims, I kill you" and goes back to his house to eat barris. :mad:

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Simple point -> if Muslims didn't make such a big fuss every time these gooks insulted Muhammad then they wouldn't have anything to play with now would they? If they knew it would stir such emotions every time they poke fun at the Prophet then it's an incentive to keep going. I think Muslims should develop a thick skin and ignore it and stay in control, as opposed to losing control and appearing like a maniac.


Anyway, there is serious hypocrisy in Europe, the Muslim immigrants are becoming unwanted residents and because of the current stream of events in this 'enlightened' part of the world, it doesn't seem to live up to it's secular ideals of religious tolerance.


As the Danish case has illustrated, Muslims are the target of this ridicule, the Jyllands-Posten had rejected (another link here) a satire on Jesus because the piece would offend its readers, while ridiculing Muslims is a fair game since they "tend to do crazy stup*d things when they are pissed off which displays the 'backwardness' of their religion". This attitude has to change, but how? How can immigrants and natives become a part of the one society without pointing fingers at one another?


Editors across Europe have hid behind the veil (no pun intended ;) ) of the freedom of speech and expression in order to cast these insults at Muslims. This freedom is a responsibility that should not be exercised without some constraint. I wouldn't go to my Jewish neighbors and yell profanities at them because I am disgusted at what Israel is doing. Nor would I go to the priest at the local church and yell stuff and nonsense at him because of the Catholic child abuse cases. I think you see the point.


Europe is slowly showing it's dislike and lack of patience for its Muslims. So now the question is, who is to blame for this? The Muslims for refusing to be part of the societies that took them in, or the Europeans, for doing too little to integrate their Muslim immigrants? Think about it.


OK, now let's play a game :D can you guess who is most likely to state the following statements? The Europeans or the immigrants?


  • I don't need to integrate or learn the language, they don't want me here, I'll be here temporarily, this is not my culture, these are not my people, this is not my home.
  • They don't want to integrate, they are happy where they are, things will be fine as long as they don't come into too much contact with us because they're not a part of us, they can't even speak our language

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You raised a valid point about not making these ****** famous. But surely there has to be another solution other than turning the other cheek which what the "freedom of speech" in religion is about.


Lastly I find it embarrassing that as Muslims we have been reduce to the level of throwing shoes and head-butting people who insult Islam, Allah or Mohammed. Even worse we become proud of that person for throw a damn shoe or jester and then stand back and say “yeah, we showed them”! Really? More like in a few years kabaha aya inaga damanaya. We have to find more sophisticated and creative way of taking out (I don’t necessarily mean literally) but removing people who upset our interest from public or at least achieving stardom. This small antics which makes more people want to use us as the stepping stone.

Ibti, I too understand where you're coming from. I dont usually concern myself with what Non-Muslims say about Islam. But there needs to be a line. It's one thing for a comedian to crack a couple of jokes about the 72 virgins in heaven but it is despicable to depict Nabiga(CSW) in the ways they want to. They already call him whatever(A warlord, the other ugly word that has something to do with kids)but now they want pictures to go along with it.

They know that this picture thing is a no-go area. Yet they keep pushing. Just the other day South Park made this cartoon where they had a bear(a freaking Animal) that was thougt to be the Prophet(CSW)and how does telling them to stop(granted I didnt like the death threats part that was used) infringe upon their rights of free speech? Why is it so important to them?

We have to understand we live in a world where we ARE cornered. Like Nabiga(CSW)predicted, we are being feasted upon. It is naive to expect these people to stop this open attack on Islam.


Yes, we need to find another outlet. But we also have to show anger when we're being violated.

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Simple point -> if Muslims didn't make such a big fuss every time these gooks insulted Muhammad then they wouldn't have anything to play with now would they? If they knew it would stir such emotions every time they poke fun at the Prophet then it's an incentive to keep going. I think Muslims should develop a thick skin and ignore it and stay in control, as opposed to losing control and appearing like a maniac.

No it is not SIMPLE. No, they wouldnt stop. If that doesnt get reaction, they'll do something else to get a reaction out of Muslims. Next will be his wives. I guarantee. These people dont want to express themselves through art, they are NOT interested in Free Speech but what they're interested is bullying others and proving the "primitiveness" of Muslims. It has become a trend to insult Islam.

They want to go the way Christianity went. Every lame comedian cracking up dirty jokes, in shitty bars, about Mariam("Only if the woman I took home last night could go 'I'm pregnant by God and I was a virgin' wink, wink *insert laughs*) or about Jesus drinking.

:eek: :mad:

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^^ I think taking a human life would get you into more trouble with God than mocking one of his messengers... so what do you think is the solution?

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Originally posted by 2+2=5:

quote:Originally posted by Karl_Polanyi:

The guy was in the process of showing a video depicting two men having sexual relations, one of whom the artist was trying to portray as the the Prophet Muhammad, saw. That some Muslims become upset and try to attack him, is not a surprise.

You are actually right. He made a video where two men have sex and are wearing masks depicting our prophet.


I would have thrown my laptop at him.


You can't expect to call people's father gay without getting a slap in your face, let alone people's religious figure.


This whole 'freedom of speech' is getting ridiculous, if this is what it means. What about freedom to be free from insult?


I remember Perez Hilton was outraged when Black Eyed Peas' manager smacked him in the face when he called gay. Seriously, what the hell else do you expect? A stroke and a smile?


If you call people gay (even if you are one yourself), you generally get beaten up. Fact.


This guy is seriously asking for it.
True! Nuff Said!

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